Tips For Extending Relaxers


I know its been covered before, but I can't find the post. Can someone bump it or provide me with some tips to extend my relaxers. I put s-curl on my roots every morning to soften them, but my ends are soooo dry.
Condition washes help with extension of my relaxer. I use Pantene Smooth and Slick conditioner. It keeps my hair soft and silky.
I cant find the post either. i'm 13 weeks post relaxer and this is what i have been doing:

weekly protein treatments
minimal styling
combing hair only in the shower while it is soaking wet
protective styles 6 days out of the week
not worrying about it
CO wash every other day
Protein treatments every other week with AO GPB, Aphogee when needed.
Daily spritzes with distilled water, conditioner mixture. Seal in with oil.
DO NOT COMB HAIR WHEN DRY....comb/detangle only under shower stream while rinsing out detangling poo with wide a toothed comb.
Protective style....buns!

Just leave your hair alone...less manipulation prevents breakage.
This is probably a little bootleg, but I find that I like putting a glob of cholesterol conditioner on the ends before putting it in a bun. It holds like gel, but I get extra softening and moisturizing. I do it on dry hair also. When I go to wash it out, I've already done my pre-shampoo treatment.

Conditioner washes and only combing under the shower head are also at the top of the list.
CO washes have been working for me. However, when do you do your "last" CO wash before relaxer day? Do you wait 3-4 days to avoid scalp irritation?
What works for me is after washing, treat with wildgrowth oil and a leave in conditioner, and make sure that my hair is combed back very smooth into a bun, and then tied down with a silk scarf, undisturbed, until just about completely dry. Then I get wave formation without the frizzies. Also, I use a few drops of "thick" vitamin-e oil smoothed right along the hairline as well. (I like Jason Naturals 45000 IU). Because its sort of sticky, you get shine and a bit of light hold. For my ends, I spritz them with water, and then rub shea butter into them. I try to do this everynight (if I'm not wearing my hair down).

How often do you CO wash L.Mo? Flat ironing my hair once a week with my Chi is what helps me stretch out my relaxer. I'm almost 12 weeks post relaxer...without my Chi this wouldn't be possible, I used to get a touch up every 5-6 weeks.
Thank you ladies. I am struggling with this new growth. How can you stretch your relaxers so long? I will try to stretch it out for another week. It will be 8 weeks which is long for me. Pre LHCF, I would get a touch every 5-6 weeks. I am going to work my way up to 12 weeks--soon.
the only thing that works for me when I'm trying to make it to 9 weeks or beyond is washing every single night with conditioner only and oiling AND greasing my length and ends every night. I wouldn't dare try to comb it and it only gets manipulated when it's soaking wet. What an adventure.
I was able to etend my relxer to 12 weeks by keeping my hair moist and wearing buns. Mango butter is WONDERFUL for new growth and works like charm. I also washed my hair (or CO washes) every 2 days or every day to keep it moist. Thats also helped me. Hopefully it will work this time around. MY last relaxer was December and I dont plan to get another until April.
Adding coconut milk to my conditioner has been helping a lot. I don't even mix it with the lime juice, I just refrigerate it and add the cream that comes to top once it seperates.

I am trying to extend mine as well and made it to 13 weeks for the second time in a row!!
I do CO washes every other day now. I'm currently 10 weeks post-relaxer and would like to go another 1 or 2 weeks. I used to last only 6 to 7 weeks.

I just ordered Affirm from Sheldeez, so I'll probably schedule my appointment as soon as it arrives!!