Timid about chopping



Today I am meeting a natural stylist for a consultation on what to do with my hair. Honestly I am not that tired of transitioning,but I know that my hair's health would be better if I cut off the permed ends. My issue is-I have never had short/medium length hair. I know there are some really trendy and cute styles that I can do with my natural hair (including pressing),but my newgrowth shrinks so much, I think I will have a mini fro and with my head, that's a no-no. The stylist said to me on the phone that she would cut my hair in layers,since my hair is uneven. It is like I am kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place-one part of me wants to hold on to the permed ends,since I am still able to style it and maintain its health,but then another part of me wants to just gone and do it-cut off these dead permed ends and sport that fro with my round head. For those with any experience with big chopping or those who just want to give their opinion,I am all ears.

http://fotki.public.com/Naturali-t password lovely
I feel the same way that you do. I have cut my hair before; although it wasn't as short as if I were to cut it now. I have just decided to transition so I don't have the amount of new growth that I'd like before I cut my hair. How long would your teeny weeny afro be if you cut off your relaxed ends now?
Instead of doing the major chop - since you may find yourself at a loss on how to style your hair, why not do mini-chops. Like imagine what you'd do with your hair if it were an inch shorter. Twist outs? Buns? Twists? Braid-outs? French braids? Could you wear those styles comfortably? Try them out for a week and see if you can work it with them. If you can, then lose an inch. And then do some more research for styles with hair an inch shorter than what you'll now have. Then when you've given those styles a test drive, lose another inch.

For all you know, your growth might just make up for the inch you lost such that by the time you chop all of the relaxed hair, your hair will be as long as you're used to working with.

Alternatively, you could transition like I (and many others on here) did. Wear braids, and trim a chunk every time you get them redone. Before you know it, you'll have a mane of natural hair. The only problem with this method is you might not get to "know" your natural hair or how to care for it as well as if you started practicing with a TWA.

Good luck whichever way you go. Peachtree might be a great inspiration and source of advice on how to go about transitioning/chopping. Check out her album or send her PM.
Girl please!! All that natural hair you have? You will not have a afro by any means necessary! I have seen youy hair and yes it will be a big chop but not nearly as drastic as others who do it you will have atleast a good 6 or 7 inches if not more. And there is nothing wrong with your head! Ihave a big head and I have a short cut! Embrace your big head!(smile) No but really IF you decide to do it I am sure, no POSITIVE that you will be fine!
I don't have experience with chopping, but from looking at your pic's your have a very pretty face I looked at the one that was "braided low bun" and tried to picture the afro thing and I think you would look good if that's what you want to do.

The layers thing kinda scares me cause I'm not sure what she (stylist) means.
I'll just share with you the major force behind my decision to chop...and I chopped very short...

I found out that the spirit of fear was causing me to transition so long. I was afraid of cutting my hair. So, I decided to face my fear and cut the hair off. It was so liberating!!! I can't explain it, but facing that fear lifted the fear spirit off of many other areas of my life as well.

So, if fear is causing you to hold on to those ends, I say let them go!!!
Thanks everyone for your responses! Let me answer the questions in order:
Mecca- I actually won't have a teeny weeny afro if I cut off the permed ends. My new growth is earlength in some areas and below my neck in others. My issue is my hair shrinks so much in some areas that I really think it would look weird.

Nonie-Good idea. I have not chopped off my ends gradually while transitioning. I only clipped my ends,but your suggestion is a great idea until I feel confortable about wacking all of the permed ends off. Thanks a bunch,hon!

Tonya- I do have a "nice big dome" sitting on my neck-don't play
I guess my family and I are the only ones who think I have a big head on a little body...

Mindymouse- I talked to the stylist today and she did not offer much of what I considered to be a "consultation." My idea was that she would sit,talk,and at least examine my hair before telling me she would cut it in layers. Needless to say,I won't be going to her. Since her consultation was weak, I can only image how some layers would look...

DelightfulFlame- I did not think of it that way-it is a fear factor in there somewhere. Not the fear of what others would think,but just the fear of not knowing what to do with my hair.If I cut it, the trusty ponytail that I have embraced will be no more. Plus,I think that I am in that "in between" stage with my newgrowth so if I cut it, it might just look like a mop on my head.
Great picture Bubblnbrwn, based on what you've said, I think you should just trim instead of doing a drastic chop. That way, you're still getting the benefit of a good trim/cut, and you'll have really nice, healthy ends, also it'll make the comb slide through all your hair the natural and relaxed better! I don't know why, but this happened to me! I just cut 2 inches and I'm so much happier! Now it's just barely above shoulders (altogether I've chopped 4 inches since Jan. 15th!) I really didn't realize how long my hair was until I cut that much hair off and it's still a nice length! But I'm like you, I've done the TWA and it's really not for me! So maybe just a good trim and then keep on growing and trimming! :)
perhaps you should just do gradual trims till you are comfortable with the lenght then chop. I think that wedge cut that i've see on the curve site look nice.
I plan on trimming little by little,starting next month. Tonya,let's get to chopping!
Yeah after your "consultation" I saw get to chopping!
Are we still straightening on Thursday? Call me!
I'm glad you made the decision not to see the stylist based on the consultation. Hopefully, you'll find someone who gives you a real consultation!