Time to go to war...


New Member
Hi ladies!!!! It's war time in my head, so without further adieu....

The problem: I have a lot of dandruff all of a sudden!!! It was never a big problem until this past week. But me scratching me head would produce MASSIVE flakes!!! (I'm sure it's not just product build-up...I think I'm sure). And I have a tad bit of shedding. It's actually starting to slow down, thankfully!!!!

So with that said, I wanted some input from you ladies. I have a little meeting tomorrow, so I need to wash my hair and do something to it. So i've compiled a list of products I have on hand, and I need some ideas on what to do!

HE Drama Clean Shampoo
Pantene R&N Mask
NTM Soothing Scalp
Keracare Humecto and hydrating shampoo
Mane and Tail Conditioner
CON Green and Blue label Shampoo
Ellin Levar shampoo and conditioner
Jojoba oil
Tea Tree Oil

Can you ladies keep in mind I'm natural (press and curl) and I have no rollers (I'm investing in some soon.)

Thanks love!!!
Here is a list of some natural stuff that might help with the dandruff - you might have some of this at home, already.

Take a couple of aspirin pills, drop them in a big cup with a little bit of water at the bottom. Let them sit there for a minute until they're soft and break up easily. Break them into tiny pieces, add more water and a touch of shampoo (enough to make the water slippery so it will work through your hair). Then pour the diluted water/aspirin/shampoo mixture over your scalp, slowly massaging into your scalp. Do NOT pile your hair on top of your head...just do the scalp (you should never pile your hair anyway it destroys your hair, just squeeze shampoo/water through the length). Let it sit for a few minutes...shave your legs, wash your body, whatever you want to do...and then rinse. Shampoo and condition as normal.

You can also add an apple cider vinegar rinse to the end of your shower routine. Just dilute a TBSP of ACV into a cup of water (just a cup, not a measurement) and pour over your head. You can rinse if you want, but it isn't necessary.

Coal Tar/Pine Tar Shampoo

Thyme is a fantastic remedy for dandruff! Just get fresh or dried thyme, pour in some boiling water and leave to steep in a glass bowl for about 30 mins. Then strain, add some cold water and pour over your head. You should do this as a final rinse, after your shampoo/conditioner/no poo routine. You may need to keep doing this for a few days, but the dandruff will go away. Thyme EO is also an option

Shikakai/Amla Hair Rinse
My suggestions are:

  • Increase water intake
  • I used to get dry scalp when the seasons changed too...so there may not be a whole lot you can do about it.
  • Peppermint oil feels good on my scalp when it's dry and itchy.
ah-ha - glad the search engine could manage to find a dandruff thread :wallbash:

i have eczema. it causes gross, nasty, greasy, yellow looking flaking that, when removed, reveal an angry red (nearly bleeding) scalp underneath.

been dealing with it since i was relaxed, thought it'd go away once i stopped and it did to a certain extent. still, there were patches of it still lingering.

step in jojoba oil and after 2-3 weeks of oiling my scalp with it (it's even in my spritz bottle) i'm happy to say the problem has (gonna say for the most part because one can never cover every centimeter of scalp) disappeared.

both before and after photos are taken from the same patch of scalp.

the photo on the left was taken 2.26.08, disgusting flakes included :ohwell:.
the photo on the right was taken today :D.


the photos can clearly speak for themselves, yes?

alrighty then :grin:

go grab yourself a bottle of j-oil and see if it works it's magic for you too sis.
I believe the ayuverdic stuff will help. Neelibhringadi oil is good for dandruff. I bought mine at a Indian/Pakastani shop. I didn't buy it for that, it's awesome at thickening and strengthening but it's good for dandruff too.
Sulfate-free shampoos
Jojoba oil (adding a couple of drops of lavender essential oil is great for the scalp, too).
ACV rinses