Time to BC!! Please help...


New Member
Hello Ladies…
I need your help. I promised myself I would be doing my BC in the next few days (most likely tomorrow). I have been transitioning for 13 months in braids mostly and I am a little scared. Ok a lot. :freakout: I wana do this myself and not go to the salon.
So for all you past BCrs, help me prepare. I will be taking my braids out today.
Should I:
1. Wash and condition, then BC.
2. Wash, BC then condition.
3. Wet hair to see the line of demarcation and then BC.
4. Other suggestions…
I don’t know what order to do. I figure I’ll section my hair into 4 and BC each section at a time.
Good luck! I've seen that a few people have saturated their hair in conditioner to make it easy to distinguish between both textures.... not sure if they wash before or after though....

OT: Well done - 13 month transition! I'm almost 3 months post and doubt I can hold out for another 10 months before BC'ing!
I would soak your hair in water and conditioner and then BC. Your line of demarcation will be very clear and make the cut much easier. I self BC'd and that's what helped me.

Good luck and congrats!!
Well like you I did mine after coming out of braids. After I took them down I washed and conditioned then did the BC about a week later. When I finally did it I just wet my hair all over then parted my hair in sections and chopped as I went along. I cut all the straight hair off. You'll be able to see the line of demarcation easily. Good luck!
Thanks for starting this thread! I plan to BC in 3-4 months, and Im already looking for the best way to do it! good luck!
I would soak your hair in water and conditioner and then BC. Your line of demarcation will be very clear and make the cut much easier. I self BC'd and that's what helped me.

Good luck and congrats!!

Girl that mane is fierce....

Thank you ladies....
My natural texture is pretty dense. So I'm leaning towards prepooing with condition and water then BC. Then I can wash and DC.
Thank you.
If there are any other ways, keep posting...
I did my BC by first washing and conditioning my hair. While the conditioner was still in I did the BC. This way it was easy to see the line of demarcation.
When I BC'd I cowashed and I don't remember exactly how long I let it airdry (just long enough that I could tell the difference in textures) and just started cutting. Then I rinsed my hair moisturized it and cornrowed it.
i cowashed and rinsed out all the conditioner, but i ended up cowashing again after i BC'd so i would suggest putting conditioner in your hair, cutting it, then rinsing it out.
Congratulations!! I just BC'd last week(went from midback relaxed to about 4 inches natcha)

I cut my hair in sections; it took me two days to get it done. I cut my hair dry; it draws up too much wet for me. I have been co-washing everyday since and I two strand twist my hair with Cantu shea leave-in or undiluted shea butter...and I just pre-pooed with Castor Oil today and co-washed afterwards..

It wasn't nerve racking for me; plus I wear wigs on a daily anyway.
Thanks for this thread! I'll be using this info myself in about two months. (Transitioning 11 months now). These suggestions sound on-point. good luck.
Not sure if you already did it, but I also washed and air dried to see the clear difference in textures when BCing. I was left with about 2 inches of natural hair and a nice TWA to do a cute pin-back with clips.

I hope you find what helps you!!!

Good luck and post PICS!!!!

I did the same as some of the posters here did, just wet it then slathered conditioner on and got to cutting. Didn't think it'd work on texturized hair but it did. Good luck girlie!:yay:
Ok Im about to start the process. I'll be back in a few hours with pics and if Im happy or not.
Thank you again...
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I don't have any suggestions as I'm still transitioning (don't plan to chop for another year or so) but just wanted to wish you the best with your BC.