Tigi Bed Head Ego Boost...2 months later...


Coils coils & more coils!
It's a review.

Well, At first I had nothing but praises for this product. It seemed to be doing it's job! I was seeing fewer splits than I had seen before....and so I was sold! That was during the first month and a half. About two and a half weeks ago...I decided to closely inspect my ends to see how they were doing. What I found was that the Ego Boost had actually smoothed over the ends to make the splits less noticeable. I ended up having even more splits than before. I did a small trim...and noticed that while I was clipping...the very tips of my ends were extremely hard (never had a problem with this before). I was only using a little of this product, and I would always moisturize afterwards (using a moisturizing leave-in & oils). I also started having a little breakage with this product. I think that the Keratin in it was a little too strong for my hair. After I stopped using the Ego Boost...the breakage practically stopped. Since then...I have been using my own homemade spritz and sealing my ends with oil...so far so good.
No new splits...and my ends are looking healthy.

I read in a previous post that this product contains PVP. I wonder if this substance might actually coat the hair and lock out moisture? That would explain why some people that were using it had a problem with hard...dry ends?

I'm glad that the majority of you ladies that are using it are having such great results
, but Iv'e found that this product doesn't work on my hair. I will just continue what I was doing before I used the Ego Boost.
i was thinking about using this for my ends because of the rave about it. i wonder if anyone else has experienced the same thing u have...
bollyhair said:
What is PVP?

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polyvinylpyrrolidone plastic (said to be carcinogenic). It's like a plastic coating that is used to glue or stick the ends together.
Oh jeez... right after I decide to get this stuff, here comes a negative review...
Now I'm afraid to use it...
Lindy & Champagne...I don't want to scare you guys completely off from it.
It seems that most of the people using it are getting excellent results...maybe I am just the exception...
I am so sorry to hear that you are having problems with the product. I have been using it for over 2 months now with much sucess. I haven't had a trim since November 2003 and my ends are doing really well.

Lindy and Poohbear I don't think you should be afraid to use the product because what happens with one person may not happen for the next. When I started using the product my ends were in great shape and I just think that it is helping me to extend my trims even longer so I can retain some of this length.

I would give it a try and just monitor my ends carefully.

I think it is a great product!

Edie where are you? You are the one that got everyone on this bandwagon.

Again, Erica I am sorry for your misfortune. I am glad that you found something that is working for you!
dontspeakdefeat said:
I am so sorry to hear that you are having problems with the product. I have been using it for over 2 months now with much sucess. I haven't had a trim since November 2003 and my ends are doing really well.

Lindy and Poohbear I don't think you should be afraid to use the product because what happens with one person may not happen for the next. When I started using the product my ends were in great shape and I just think that it is helping me to extend my trims even longer so I can retain some of this length.

I would give it a try and just monitor my ends carefully.

I think it is a great product!

Edie where are you? You are the one that got everyone on this bandwagon.

Again, Erica I am sorry for your misfortune. I am glad that you found something that is working for you!

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Thanks DSD. I agree. Don't be afraid to try it. If you're going to use it...just check your ends on a weekly basis to see if the product might be making them hard. My hair tends to need a lot of moisture...and this isn't a moisturizing leave-in. (even after using other leave-ins ect). I'm glad that your ends are doing so well with it. I wish I could go that long without needing a trim!
You do have to use the product sparingly. More is not better with this one ladies. It also doesn't have to be used everyday.

As you stated, Erica, it is not moisturizing at all and needs to be followed with moisturizers and oils.
I was going to purchase this last night but I changed my mind because the shipping and handling was pretty high after everything was totalled in my shopping cart. For those of you that have used this...Does it make your ends stronger? My ends have been brittle lately, and maybe this might be the ticket.
Wow, sorry to hear that I purchased ego boost 7 days ago and returned it yesterday at Trade Secret it was making my ends shed so I took it back---I also returned the choc. stuff they make never opened it. I think I need a protein treatment
I was chatting with one of my frineds about this and we both agreed that this it should be used to "seal" the moisture into the hair. So you should use other moisturizers prior to use the Ego Boost. It's always the last thing I put on my hair.
I use the ego boost in combination with leave in conditioners. I use Health Goddess and Salerm 21 as my leave ins. I then follow that up with my moisturizers. They can be CD hairl milk or s-curl and oil, usually jojoba or coconut oil.

I think, as with any protein product, using it too often will brittleness.

I don't think it makes your ends stronger just lest prone to splitting and breaking. But I guess that's the same thing.

Are you mainly using this product on wet hair or dry? (On the bottle it says that it can be used both ways...)

Armyqt said:
I was chatting with one of my frineds about this and we both agreed that this it should be used to "seal" the moisture into the hair. So you should use other moisturizers prior to use the Ego Boost. It's always the last thing I put on my hair.

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I may start using it that way. Good idea, ArmyQT!
Denali03 said:
How often were you using it. I just used it once a week.

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At first, I was using a small amount of it on my hair every day after my co wash. That was for maybe for the first week or so. I had some concerns about using it daily because I know that it contains Keratin...so I cut back, and started using it on a weekly basis. Then when I had to do my trim and saw what was happening to my ends...that's when I stopped using it all together.
I mainly used it on my hair when it was wet. Every now and then...I used it on my fly-aways when my hair was dry.
I have this and don't like it. For me I thnk Profective breakfree works a lot better on the ends. Even if I put moisture on top of the EB it still felt dry and hard when I took my hair down. It feels like a nice serum, but I'll pass thanks!
Everyone keeps raving about profective break free! You guys have me wanting to really try this stuff out. I'm trying my best to stick to what I'm using now. Still...tempting....so...so...tempting.
Erica...I keep telling you that you gotta try the profectiv!! I really think you'll love it. I tried the ego boost and I found that it made my hair too hard too. C'mon.. try the PB...
Betty...you know I'm going to end up getting the profective...right? I can't resist any longer.
I'm on my own self PJ challenge for June and July (I failed miserably on Lindy's May PJ challenge)
. If what I'm doing now doesn't work out...come August...you can bet I will be at the ebonyline site ordering up some. The fact that you told me before that you don't trim that often makes me want to try it.
bettydavis said:
Erica...I keep telling you that you gotta try the profectiv!! I really think you'll love it. I tried the ego boost and I found that it made my hair too hard too. C'mon.. try the PB...

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I started using the profectiv again and let me tell you my hair is thanking me for it
I Love this product and I only have good things to say about it! Ive probably used it for 6-8 weeks now and my ends are in tip top shape. Ive found about 2-3 split ends which in my opinion not bad at all.

I use it once a week on wet hair before applying my serum and setting lotion mix. I love it!
Ladies, when I first gave my review of this product I also let you know that I gave myself a fresh trim before using it so I could see if it indeed kept me from getting split ends. It is called the split end mender and preventer. I did not want the split ends that were already there mended. I simply wanted hair that would not split. Remember if you sew a rip in a piece of fabric that piece of fabric will never lay down as smooth as the rest of the fabric. It will never be as smooth as the rest of the fabric no matter how long you wait. It is the same with split ends. The Ego Boost will mend them but they are still there, thus the rough feeling on the ends of the hair. You have to give yourself a fresh trim is what I think. Because I did and my hair is smooth all the way to the ends.

Try giving yourself a fresh trim to get rid of any split ends before using the products. It is going on 4 months for me and I am satisfied with this product.

I edited this. I meant sew a rip!
Armyqt said

I was chatting with one of my frineds about this and we both agreed that this it should be used to "seal" the moisture into the hair. So you should use other moisturizers prior to use the Ego Boost. It's always the last thing I put on my hair.

Thank you Amy. As I have said many times, neither Health Goddess nor Ego Boost are moisturizing conditioners. You first put your moisturizing leave in conditioner on first and then use the health goddess and ego boost. And as DSD said, you don't have to use a lot. I only use it 3-4 times a week and then at most 1 tablespoon for my entire head of hair. My hair is 24.5 inches long and that is enough for it. You don't have to use a lot of either of these products. Squirt some in your hands and rub together and apply to the hair massaging it gently into the hair concentrating on the ends. These products do work, but you must use them properly.
DSD said

I use the ego boost in combination with leave in conditioners. I use Health Goddess and Salerm 21 as my leave ins. I then follow that up with my moisturizers. They can be CD hairl milk or s-curl and oil, usually jojoba or coconut oil.

I think, as with any protein product, using it too often will brittleness.

I don't think it makes your ends stronger just lest prone to splitting and breaking. But I guess that's the same thing.

Precisely DSD. These products do not walk on water. But if used properly and in the right amount, they will indeed to the job. My ends are smooth and strong and I counted the number of hairs in my comb last week and had a total of 28 for the week. And there were no broken hairs, just shed hairs. All of them were long.