Tightly Curly Method for wash and go's

Miss AJ

New Member
I stumbled across the link in a thread here somewhere but I washed my hair this morning, put a generous amount of Mane N Tail conditioner in it and brushed it with my Denman knock-off (Goody, only cost me a couple bucks) then ran my fingers through it, put on my headband and because it's freezing outside I used my blowdryer on warm/low with the concentrator attachment for about 10 minutes. My curls are really defined and moisturized The owner of the site does it differently, she actually does this to her hair at night, braids it up and then styles in the morning. My hair is too short for that right now but I could definitely pull off 2nd day hair with this method.

I know there's pics on the link, but could you possibly take pics of your hair so i can see what it looks like on type 4 hair?
I know there's pics on the link, but could you possibly take pics of your hair so i can see what it looks like on type 4 hair?

I'm at work right now but I can run and take a couple pics real quick and send them to my email lol...BRB.

ETA: Pics won't come through :-( I'll post them when I go home for lunch.
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I use this method, as well.... no denman for me; truly wash-n-go. My hair is dry in the pics below:




I love Terri's hair but her method takes too long. I tried it once and it took forever! The results were fantastic though.Maybe I'll give it another try with just the denmen.
This looks good, thanks OP. I'm gonna try it the next time I wash. I love the way yours came out sheba1.

The last time I tried a wash 'n go (I'm natural - 4 something), only my ends curled?! So I did a protein treatment and twisted my hair and it shrunk up more than ever. So I think the next wash 'n go using this method will look better.
Finally got a chance to upload the pictures...and that's not a bald spot i swear lol i guess I didn't run my fingers through it enough so it's a bit scalpy in spots.



I did the tightly curly method on my hair 2 days ago, and I just....I love it so much.

the only complaint I have is I have more shrinkage than if I did a regular wash n go. On the plus side, my curls are juicy and they aren't frizzing up even though I'm not sleeping with anything on my hair....

Also, I don't have as much volume as if I did a regular wash n go.

However, the juiciness and boinginess (yes...I said boinginess) makes it worth while. It looks better as the days go on too. It's a keeper for me. It didn't even take me that long, really. once I washed & conditioned, it took me about 10 minutes to smoosh the condish in, brush with the denman, and smooth the curls...now I didn't do EVERY curl on my head, but the denman accomplished the smoothing of my boings
I love this method too. I have to use some gel for hold, but it's the only way I can get 2-3 days out of a wash n go. I tend to reserve it for the summer time though, as my hair's gotten longer and it takes longer to do. OP your hair looks great.
Let me start off by saying Teri's hair is GORGEOUS. I love it, and I can't wait to buy her book, Curly Like Me.

That being said, I think that her method is much more effective on 100% natural hair. I'm transitioning, and tried out her Growing It Out method, and the results were not pretty. Although, that could be attributed to the fact that I hadn't used a denman or that I have quite a lot of relaxed ends left, etc. I'll try again, though. And I will definitely use her wash n go method once I'm fully natural (oh, when will the day come...).
I finally tried this method with Totally Twisted condish. My hair is still wet now but it already looks much better than my usual attempt at a wash & go.

I used my denman brush but I did not individually separate & twirl the curls. I let them clump just from the deman and then used my fingers to separate the curls a bit.

ETA - It was not dry by bedtime and there was far more shrinkage than my normal wash & go. I stretch out the hair in plaits and put it in a bun.

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Do you ladies really use a heap of conditioner like she said? I tried and it was sooo much.

Well, remember it's relative. She needs to use much more than I because she's like classic length and I'm only APL. I use a lot for me, in comparison to how much DC I'd normally put in my hair. I let the water run through my hair first to weigh it down a bit and then add the conditioner, like Str8isis does when she's using KCCC:

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Thanks! I used the same amount I do for my cowashes, which is a handful, and I ended up having to squeeze alot out after I got out the shower, b/c my hair was so white. Needless to say, it felt really nice when it dried!
I forgot I'm in the in between stage of Afros (not a TWA anymore, but nowhere close to being a BAA) and I used a bunch of conditioner like I was still SL lol. I had to smooth out the excess conditioner but I still loved the outcome of my curls. It does give me way more shrinkage than normal and my hair is already short, but I will definitely incorporate this into my reggie when my hair gets longer.
^^^here it is




I just basically did what she does on her site and let it dry.
I did not braid it up though I did about four huge twists on on the ends.
but I would never be able to define my curls like this without the conditioner.
I used it but i would end with a braid out.. I have extreme shrinkage, so i need something to stretch it out.. It would go really well for the entire week..

I like her methods.
Those who are doing this, are you just sliding the hair between your fingers or twirling it?

I tried it last week. I did the sliding the curls between the fingers (no twirling thing) though I probably didn't do small enough sections as it took no time at all. I used Elucense conditioner and blow dried the roots a bit so I didn't freeze to death then wore it in a bun to dry.

My hair surprisingly looked pretty good all week--basically no different than usual. It was a bit dry but that was nothing unusual. Considering I used NO GEL I'm impressed.
YAY!!!! I LOVE OHIO'S HAIR!!!!! it came out wonderful :D I WANT TO TOUCH IT!! (now i know what the white folk feel like)