Tight Scalp


New Member
Eversince I started to take better care4 of my hair (washing every week, oiling scalp, scalp massages etc) I've noticed that my scalp has been starting to feel tight. The best way I can describe it as it feels like your hair would feel like if you put the Aphogee treatment in it and it's dried up. I have also been Surging everyday for the past 2 months which means I've been oiling everyday. Is this too much, is it normal, what am I doing wrong? Oh I forgot to mention, my hair doesn't seem dry and I don't see any flakes.
Is it possible that it's growing or something? I seriously think I can feel my hair grow. I get a warm tingly feeling, but I too have had a similar tight feeling in the scalp. I don't think it's anything bad though.