Thyroid Disorders


New Member
I was wondering if anyone on the board has had to deal with thyroid disease or know anyone closely who has. The thyroid basically affects all body functions, and also affects the hair. I've heard of several situations where it was first detected by people's hairdresser.

Right now I'm in the process of balaning my thyroid hormones with Synthroid. However, it's been a VERY long process, due to various factors.

If you have dealt with this, how did your hair change? How was it after treament? Do you take any EFA's or other supplements? If you're taking Synthroid or Levoxyl how do you feel about it in relation to your hair, and also overall? How many mg are you taking?

Sorry for all the questions, but I've been feeling really low about this. I've done a lot of research on this and everything, but I basically just want to know about personal experiences so I don't feel so alone.

If you don't know about the thyroid, please do some research. To say that thyroid disorders are commonly undiagnosed is a huge understatement, millions of Americans are undiagnosed. Mostly becuase the symptons seem so common.
I'm battling it right now. My thyroid started off as very overactive. I didn't notice any changes in my hair until I started the medication to control the hyperthyroidism. That's when my hair just stopped taking to perms, no kidding. Then the tapazole the doctor had me on, well, it started overworking. My thyroid went into an underactive state, and my hair started thinning, shedding galore.

He had to change my medicine dosage again (I'm on 10mg once a day, but I had to take it 3 times a day in the beginning months), and so far, my hair is thickening back up, which lets me know that my thyroid is under control for the moment. It really is a terrible disease to have, not to mention all the weight problems it can cause.

I was diagnosed back in February.
I've had thyroid disease this 1993. I take .88 mg of synthyroid. I had to have tumors drained on my thyroid and half my thyroid was removed in 1996. I will be on medication for the rest of my life. My doctor told me to cut my hair as short as I could stand it, I told her it was already as short as I could stand it and I refused to cut it.

The only difference I see is that my hair is thinner. I just start trying to grow it in 2002 and I've gained 6 to 7 inches, but it's not nearly as thick as it used to be.
I've had thyroid disease this 1993. I take .88 mg of synthyroid. I had to have tumors drained on my thyroid and half my thyroid was removed in 1996. I will be on medication for the rest of my life. My doctor told me to cut my hair as short as I could stand it, I told her it was already as short as I could stand it and I refused to cut it.

The only difference I see is that my hair is thinner. I just start trying to grow it in 2002 and I've gained 6 to 7 inches, but it's not nearly as thick as it used to be.
My aunt no longer has a thyroid because she is epileptic and at first they believed that her thyroid was causing the seizures but that proved to be false. Now I can tell everytime they change her medication because her hair gets thinner, dryer and starts to break. Luckily she has a good stylist and she takes really good care of her hair.
Here is an article on Kelp, which is seaweed and very, very good for our hair and health. I mentioned in another post how my bf lost a lot of weight using kelp because it stabalized his thyroid. Since kelp is mostly iodine, a very large amount of iodine, it is best to consult one's doctor first if there is a thyroid condition.
Definately, especially if someone's on medication, the kelp would interfere.

In any case, the radioactive iodine treatment destroyed my entire thyroid gland, so I rely soley on the medication.

Karezone, do you mean that your aunt had her thyroid gland removed or destroyed? Do you know if it's her epilepsy medication, or thyroid that affects her hair?

Thanks for all the replies (and PM).
I was diagnoised with hyperthyroidism in 1991. My thyroid was very overactive, I couldn't sleep, if I did go to sleep it was only for a few hrs. I was full of energy and yes it does take a toll on your hair. At the time of my diagnosis I had a perm my hair was shedding like crazy, I had to put my braid extension in my hair to keep it from coming out. My hair did thin out over the years because I wanted to continue to relax, the last time I had a relaxer in my hair was in 1999 my hair broke off so bad. I've been natural every since. Having a thyroid disorder does effect the way a relaxer take to your hair and hair growth. A person that is diagnosis as being hyper usually ends up being hypo once they start taking medication. I take .88 synthroid and will have to take it the rest of my life. I've learned that to keep my metabolism up exercise is the key, To control the weight gain. Your thyroid effect the metabolism which in turn effects hair growth. the best way to keep your hair growing and the weight down is to exercise. My hair has thicken up considerably due to the information I rec'd from this board before joining.
Yip. This board has been a definite help for my hair since I've been diagnosed, or else, I'd have no strands at all.
I also have hyperactive thyroid, however I have no notice an affect on my hair. I was diagnosed in 1997 and have been taking tapazole until I got pregnant late last year. My endo switched me to PTU which is milder and less risk to the baby. Still no affect on air. As a matter of fact my endo says mine is mild but I am keeping it under control. Need to get a blood test to make sure everything is in balance.
PTU is pretty mild I guess that is why it was recommended when I was pregnant. I only have to take i pill per day which is 50m i think. It is stronger than tapazole but milder if that makes since. I guess it is more concentrated. I had to take 3 tapazoles per day of 5mg each.
Okie dokie. I was on 10mg of tapazole 3 times daily, but it worked too effectively after a couple of months, and next thing I knew, the doctor told me I know had an underactive thyroid. Grief!

At least your hair is doing good.
yup, it is pretty thick. Breaking now but I think it is too much protein and some underprocessing. Need to stop relaxing my own hair.
I have a weak spot in the back of my head which i have always had and my hairdresser suspected that it was my thyroid. the doctor says my thyroid is fine, but my father has a lot of problems with his and sometimes I have the same symptoms he has. you do have to watch your hair cause it can cause it to thin out.
I'm hypo. I've been taking synthroid for about3 years now. For years, I never knew what the problem with my hair was. I was spending BIG money on all kinds of products and nothing worked. Every hair stylist that I tried told me to cut and of course, I did. Still grew back thin and still shedded. Long strands!! It would really worry me.

Once you start synthoid it will take months to stablilize your thyroid. I've heard up to 6 months. My hair still tends to dry out but I just have to stay on top of it. I found that the extra TLC that I've been giving it since joining the board has allowed me to retain some noticeable length.

Don't let that old thyroid get you down. You just have to learn to deal with it and learn how to work with what you have.

Oh yeah... don't forget to take your meds consistently. For a few months I stopped because I was feeling just fine and thought it wouldn't make a difference. Then I noticed the breakage returning.

You're not alone... believe me. Like you said, there are millions of people walking around undiagnosed and wondering what is wrong. Since doctors don't routinely test the throid gland, some many people just don't know.

Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. I'm happy to help.
soulchild said:
Karezone, do you mean that your aunt had her thyroid gland removed or destroyed? Do you know if it's her epilepsy medication, or thyroid that affects her hair?

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They completely removed her thyroid. She is on synthroid but I can't remember what dose they put her on; she is also taking many other medications for her epilepsy. When the doctors start playing with dosage levels or completely changing what she is taking, her hair suffers. The last time her hair got long, I mean like shoulder length, they changed her meds and what did not fall out, broke off really short. She did not even have chin length hair. But from the way that she speaks she likes having short hair because it is so easy and it does not take long to get it done.
joemerald said:
I also have hyperactive thyroid, however I have no notice an affect on my hair. I was diagnosed in 1997 and have been taking tapazole until I got pregnant late last year. My endo switched me to PTU which is milder and less risk to the baby. Still no affect on air. As a matter of fact my endo says mine is mild but I am keeping it under control. Need to get a blood test to make sure everything is in balance.

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If I understand your post correctly, you're taking meds to treat your hyperthyroidism; instead, of going through iodine therapy or surgery, right?

Thanks in advance!
I was recently diagnose with hyperthyroidism in May 2003. And I knew something was wrong for years because my hair was alway brittle. When it was relaxed it was brittle -I thought it was the chemicals and I went natural. And after I went natural it was still brittle! So was my nails. My hairline was thinning too. After I was diagnose with hyperthyroidism I got on tapazole for a while and then quickly went hypothyroid. My endo switch my meds to PTU and that seems to work for me. But immediately after I started taking my medicine I noticed a difference in my hair and nails. They are not brittle anymore.
Sorry for the late reply. I did not want surgery (too vain for the scar) and was afraid of the iodine since it was rumored that it could affect you ability to have children and I wanted another (which I have now). The endo that I am seeing now says that it is not necessary to do either just keep it under control and eventually it will burn itself out anyhow. I was very happy to hear that so now I just take a pill daily.
That's the one thing about tapazole. It can work too effectively. I'm starting to believe I'm hitting the hypo state again. I'm starting to hear that whistle noise in my ears that I heard before when I became hypothyroidic (is that even a word, lol). But so far, no hair thinning and my face hasn't bloated like last time....yet.
joemerald said:
Sorry for the late reply. I did not want surgery (too vain for the scar) and was afraid of the iodine since it was rumored that it could affect you ability to have children and I wanted another (which I have now). The endo that I am seeing now says that it is not necessary to do either just keep it under control and eventually it will burn itself out anyhow. I was very happy to hear that so now I just take a pill daily.

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Thanks for replying. I was hypo, and now, I'm hyper. I refuse to have surgery or iodine either. Thanks, you made my day
. I think PTU might be the way to go---for now---until I become hypo again. I think Karonica said it-- good "grief!"
Brownie said:
joemerald said:
Sorry for the late reply. I did not want surgery (too vain for the scar) and was afraid of the iodine since it was rumored that it could affect you ability to have children and I wanted another (which I have now). The endo that I am seeing now says that it is not necessary to do either just keep it under control and eventually it will burn itself out anyhow. I was very happy to hear that so now I just take a pill daily.

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Thanks for replying. I was hypo, and now, I'm hyper. I refuse to have surgery or iodine either. Thanks, you made my day
. I think PTU might be the way to go---for now---until I become hypo again. I think Karonica said it-- good "grief!"

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Glad I could help. I have been pretty bad lately and have not been taking it regularly, but I thought I was having no effect. Yesterday I washed my hair and it was coming out in clumps it looked like. Now I am not sure if I am being sensitive but it could be for three reasons.
1) because I have not been taking my meds like I should.
2) I had not combed my hair in about 5 days and it was accumulation of natural shedding or
3) It is shedding after birth, I just had a baby girl 4 mths ago.
The good thing is my hair is thick and so not instantly noticeable. My hairline is thinning out though, which has me worried. I will start taking meds regularly again and see what happens.
I hate to bump this archaic thread up ....but I didnt want to start a new one because this thread already had so much great info.!

I am in the process of being diagnosed with hypothyroid disease:ohwell:. I just was feeling increasingly tired and overwhelmed. I recently bought a house in a neighboring state to where I work and my commute went from 20 min. to 1 hour 1/2. so I thought that was the problem. But when I went to my Dr. he immediately noticed my glad was enlarged and sent me for tests. I am still waiting for an appointment with an Endo to get the meds for stabilizing my hormone levels....

When I think about it my hair was shedding CRAZY and I thought it was my practices so I started using Nioxin. My hair would always be dry but still looked healthy if that makes any sense.

Since Ive joined the board though Ive learned about baggying and moisturizing etc which has helped a great deal! Although Im still shedding I just have to make sure that its not breaking from my hair practices...

Anyone else with Hypo that have noticed changes in hair...?
Oh and if anyone is from NY you might appreciate this-

Wendy is always talking about how she has hyperthyroid disease and how it makes her eyes bulge etc. So when my doctor told me I was like are my eyes going to bulge out like Wendy Williams (mind you Im in MD not in NY)? He was like um...I dont know who Wendy is but......thats hyper you have
Thank you ladies for all of this great information. I don't have problems with my thyroids but can appreciate all of this education because we never know what the future might hold.
Thank you ladies for all of this great information. I don't have problems with my thyroids but can appreciate all of this education because we never know what the future might hold.

ITA! Most people from what I understand deal with thyroid disease in mid 30's or so. Im still mid- 20's and was conflusterated....(confused and frustrated)...I was like um...whats a thryoid! :ohwell:
I have lived with Thyroid disease all my life. My dad had it so bad..he suffered with Graves disease(severe form with bulging eyes and heavy duty weight loss) so bad he looked like a live skeleton. Luckily he took the meds and beat it, I don't remember him ever becoming hypothyroid afterward though. The disease also ran on my mom's side of the family so it is inevitable that I ended up with it even though my mom never got it. I was diagnosed when I was about 4 yrs old, my mom thought it strange that I was developing what looked like a man's adam apple LOL:grin:. I was check out by any endocrinologist and sure enough had a mild form of hyperthyroidism. I took both PTU and Tapazole. I was on the meds for 4 years and became euthyroid(normal) when I was 8 and was taken off the meds.During the 4 years my hair was thin but no shedding. My hair thickened up when my thyroid normalized. Though the disease was at bay I still got my thyroid routinely checked every year. I thought I was good to go until I got pregnant in 1997 with my 2nd child 9 months after my firstborn. I lost our second child at 17 weeks in 1998. I thought nothing of it until several months later when I lost 10 lbs in one month and became hyperactive. I had my thyroid tested again and the hyperthyroidism came back. Not many women know this but this phenomenon is known as Post Partum Thyroidism. Hyperthyroidism that reoccurs after pregnancy. I started seening an Endocrinologist again and was put back on Tapazole only. I however because of denial and just plan frustration stopped taking it like I should have. That was a big no no because this time I developed the severe form of hyperthyroidism: Graves disease, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Graves disease like I mentioned before shows up with bulging eyes, noticeably enlarged thyroid glan, shedding hair, dry skin, hyperactivity,-You end up looking real sick. The Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is is nothing but an inflammed thyroid gland. I had one side of the gland bigger than the other. The end result was I had to have a radioactive uptake test and kill my thyroid function by radioactive medication. This required 5 days of isolation at home using paper and plastic containers and urinating in a separate container from the rest of my family. My mom had to stay home with me since she had to care for my 1 yr old. I could not sleep with my husband or come close to anyone for risk of irradiating them. After that I became hypothyroid and for the past several years has had my medicine adjusted(since I had been taking it inconsistently due to feeling better). I got pregnant in 2000 and due to the hypothyroidism lost my 3rd child at 17 weeks. But God is good and I was blessed to get pregnant again and give birth to a very health baby girl in 2003. So there is life after Radioactive Iodine. Right now I am taking levothyroxine. The weight gain is a bummer though. I went from 185lbs to 215lbs. My hair was doing fine but then it started to thin and I have some hair thinning at my nape and hairline which has been restored thanks to Boundless tresses. However my hair is texlaxed and does have body and thickness so it did not thin but so much. I also have started a life style modification of my eating habits and have joined a gym. I refuse to let this get me down.:yawn:
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