thumbs up to JBCO on eyelashes!!!


New Member
Sooo I was in Nordstrom at the MAC counter yesterday and I saw that they had a plain mascara wand. I bought one because I had been meaning to try Sareca's castor oil idea for thickening my eyelashes. I use mascara on my eyelashes every day :nono: so i had a hole between some lashes. They were looking pretty anemic. It might be JUST ME, but I woke up today and that hole is now filled and they do seem to be a little thicker.

All I did was take the mascara wand and dip it into a little JBCO on my finger. I swiped it on my eyelashes and my eyebrows. This will definitely be a part of my nightly skincare regimen!

Thanks, Sareca!!
Okay, I think I'm having a brain fart. I can usually figure out what stuff means... what's JBCO?
Maybe your lashes just needed to be groomed/combed without the mascara, I find it hard to believe that they grew in over night. I know sometimes my lashes get all rowdy on me and just combing or brushing through them helps direct them in the right direction.
Maybe your lashes just needed to be groomed/combed without the mascara, I find it hard to believe that they grew in over night. I know sometimes my lashes get all rowdy on me and just combing or brushing through them helps direct them in the right direction.

I'm sorry, but I agree with this.:ohwell:
I'm not so sure what's with the negativity--I didnt say they 'grew in'--like Sareca said--JBCO helps with THICKENING. If you hair can feel thicker with henna treatment over night, or with castor oil in your DC--why can't it give a thickening effect to eyelashes?
No negativety just my honest opinion. Maybe I was confused by the way you worded the bold from your OP. I took hole as if the lashes were missing/fell out from the daily use of the mascara.
Sooo I was in Nordstrom at the MAC counter yesterday and I saw that they had a plain mascara wand. I bought one because I had been meaning to try Sareca's castor oil idea for thickening my eyelashes. I use mascara on my eyelashes every day :nono: so i had a hole between some lashes. They were looking pretty anemic. It might be JUST ME, but I woke up today and that hole is now filled and they do seem to be a little thicker.

All I did was take the mascara wand and dip it into a little JBCO on my finger. I swiped it on my eyelashes and my eyebrows. This will definitely be a part of my nightly skincare regimen!

Thanks, Sareca!!

I'm not so sure what's with the negativity--I didnt say they 'grew in'--like Sareca said--JBCO helps with THICKENING. If you hair can feel thicker with henna treatment over night, or with castor oil in your DC--why can't it give a thickening effect to eyelashes?
i'll have to try this sounds interesting. No one talks about JBCO anymore I since put in the bottom of my PJBin but I did pour a lot of regular castor in my shampoo and conditioner, although I don't shampoo anymore as much. I just shakakia oil and wash and I like that much better. Anywho. I will be trying this since I can't wear makeup anyway. I hate that but my eyes are in bad shape so no make up for me but atleast I can thicken up my lashes. Sulfur brought my eyebrows back in thick and full.
i'll have to try this sounds interesting. No one talks about JBCO anymore I since put in the bottom of my PJBin but I did pour a lot of regular castor in my shampoo and conditioner, although I don't shampoo anymore as much. I just shakakia oil and wash and I like that much better. Anywho. I will be trying this since I can't wear makeup anyway. I hate that but my eyes are in bad shape so no make up for me but atleast I can thicken up my lashes. Sulfur brought my eyebrows back in thick and full.

Wasn't there a difference with the effects of using Castor oil and Silk Amino Acids on eyelashes. One thickens and the other makes them [appear] longer? Am I correct ladies? I want to thicken my eyebrows and was thinking about using MTG but Sulfur would do just fine I suppose. Do you have any before and after pics of the sulfur results?

Another question though, where do you ladies buy your JBCO. I thought Sam's disappeared on something like that? no?
Wasn't there a difference with the effects of using Castor oil and Silk Amino Acids on eyelashes. One thickens and the other makes them [appear] longer? Am I correct ladies? I want to thicken my eyebrows and was thinking about using MTG but Sulfur would do just fine I suppose. Do you have any before and after pics of the sulfur results?

Another question though, where do you ladies buy your JBCO. I thought Sam's disappeared on something like that? no?
No I didn't take pictures really I just started putting it on there a few nights and then they were back just like that. I hadn't had good eyebrows in years now I do.
Good for you!!!

I've been using regular CO on mine @ night, and SAA mixed in with my clear mascara during the day...and I am L-O-V-I-N my results!!! :yep::grin::drunk:
I'm not so sure what's with the negativity--I didnt say they 'grew in'--like Sareca said--JBCO helps with THICKENING. If you hair can feel thicker with henna treatment over night, or with castor oil in your DC--why can't it give a thickening effect to eyelashes?

Castor oil (whether Jamaican Black or regular) definitely helps to thicken and increase lash growth (this has been proven), so you are not wrong. Nice to see some results overnight. If you keep with it, within a few weeks, you will definitely see major results:yep:. There's actually a thread in the makeup forum about castor oil and lashes.
Really? I went there a few weeks ago and they were closed. :ohwell:

Hi NIce & Wavy,
I live in Los Angeles and my cousin lives in Hempstead, I asked her to pick me up a few bottles monday. I called her this morning and asked her again if she really went to Sam's cause someone from the board suggested that they may have closed, so she gave me the number 516-858-0054. I called and spoke with an employee who said that they were closed during the Holiday's but they are open now:yep:.