three months in braids?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Okay....I know on average most people wear braids for two months and not much longer to avoid build up and breakage and so on....BUT.....

Has ANYONE ever worn their hair in braids for THREE months without getting them "retouched"or redone?

I am only asking because I am thinking about doing this since I cannot afford to get my hair rebraided before I go overseas and I will be gone for 5 weeks :look:. It'll be hot and I'll be in Sicily so I won't be wanting to worry abou tmy hair but I just can't afford to get my hair redone...I mean, i just ain't got the dough to pay for something that will last 5 weeks. I wanted to get twists done or whatever but I can't afford it...unless someone in the ATL wanna hook me up for the free free :grin::grin::grin:

Anyway....would it really be THAT bad? in June, I will have had my braids for two months. I will be leaving at the end of june and will be back at the begining of August....should I just forget it and take the braids out before I leave?
Just keep your hair moisturized, cover it @ night, and when you take them down, get a really good detangling conditioner, spray or lotion and go really slow, from ends up to roots, with the biggest widest tooth comb you can find then after each section is detangled, make a loose braid like 4 sections around your head. You may need a whole day for everything unbraid, detangle, wash, deep condition-1 side @ a time. you will have alot of shedding hairs-don't flip out though. hth
I guess it depends on your rate of growth and how much product you use on them. I would suggest either getting your braids closer to the time you leave for you trip. Or learn how to tighten up your braids as they loosen up. Take a few loose remove the build up that usually occurs around the hair line and then rebraid. That's what I do when I don't have time to get my hair re-done when I need to camoflage the new growth for a bit. Along with moisturizing etc. That way you won't be looking rough over there :grin: .

Sounds like it will be a great trip.
Back in the day I would go 3 months at a time. I was in school and didn't have much time. This one now I will probably go 10 weeks. It can be done..try Den's method of using a cap to wash them