Three Hour Twist-Out on Dry Hair

  • Thread starter Thread starter JenniferMD
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Ok, it was risky, but I had no other choice. I was going out with my girls and I had my hair in a bun at 6pm when I got home from work. I wanted to wear my hair out but since I'm committed to no direct heat at home (I get blowouts every two weeks at the salon) I couldn't grab the flat iron, curling iron or crimping iron (another reason I couldn't grab these tools is b/c I threw them out). :lol: was 6pm I had to be at my girl's house by 8. So, I saturied my hair with moisturier to the point where my hair was damp. I twisted my hair going back in 8 sections. I used holding spray to speed up the crinkle process (I don't usually use holding spray b/c sleeping for 8 hours usually does the job) and I put mango butter around my edges to give it a smooth look before tying it down tightly with a silk scarf. By this time it's 6:45.

My hair stays covered with the scarf until I get to 9 when we get ready to leave out the door. I took out the twist and it looked like an overnight job. My hair was a bit damper than I would have liked but if I had more time I would have sat under a hooded dryer for 20 longer than that b/c I wouldn't want my hair to look dry.

Sooo, if you have a few hours and want a quick cute style without using heat you should try the three hour twist-out!