Though you ladies were crazy


New Member
I tols my sil , that i was reading a thread about people using neoporin AF and monistat in their hair.... WTH???? are you putting the stuff you put ...down there... in your hair???

well ,i told her that was gonna try it for a week maybe 2. went to walgreens went between the monitstat and neoAF. both had the 2% micronozale. i bought 2 tubes of the neoAF and went home. my husband was looking through the bag and looked at the the 2 tubes and his eyebrow went up. looked at me and walked away.. i'm like,,, yeah don't ask..

i squeezed both tubes and out and commenced to oiling my edges especially my little bald spot( breakage in the front from braids) and my whole scalp. the edges, i do in the morning and evening since its easier to do. whole scalp at night 3 days later- i'm looking in the mirror-

is that fuzz?????? a week later a definite one half loop of a baby curl ( you know the baby hair on the edges) 2 weeks later ya'll some thing i can brush a little. well i gave it two weeks from March 15 and i think i may be go on whatever website you guys were talking about with the higher miconzale %%%. i figure if i can get this kind of growth from 2%- hell i really roll with 4 or 5 %.

i will keep this up for at least another month and see how much growth i can get. this with my honey conditoner and my salerm21( cowashing) i am about to be tttooooooo fly for the summer!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

thanks ladies!!!!!
Yep, that stuff does make hair grow faster. It is not somethign that was just made up. I used to think everyone was crazy, too.

But, honestly, I don't think using 4% will make a difference. Don't you think that is overkill?
Can someone show me what this looks like, because I want to go and get some today. I need some growth in my hair. Congrads
I need it for my edges....might have to get some and put it away so hubby doesn't use it. He loves using my stuff on his head LOL say you put it on your scalp, like grease?!?
it is regular neosporin but the AF or anti-fungal one.


HoneyDew said:
Yep, that stuff does make hair grow faster. It is not somethign that was just made up. I used to think everyone was crazy, too.

But, honestly, I don't think using 4% will make a difference. Don't you think that is overkill?

You think??? i think i may stick to the 2%. i don't want to overkill, thanks for the advice:)
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I need it for my edges....might have to get some and put it away so hubby doesn't use it. He loves using my stuff on his head LOL say you put it on your scalp, like grease?!?

yeah but if he is like mine , DH just looked and did not ask questions. he would probably jone the hell out of me if he knoew what i was puttiing in on my scalp :look:
Thank you for the photos I have not seen those before, But I will look for them. I am going to go and buy them if I can find them today.
Glad it's working for you. My sister has been using it (daktarin athletes foot cream) on her edges and in three days tells me she's got new growth...I think i need to go to the chemists:D
dede1174 said:
You think??? i think i may stick to the 2%. i don't want to overkill, thanks for the advice:)

Well, at least until you have used it for a while. Some of us started getting headaches after using it, so at least gauge it to prevent that from happening. I know some ladies are using 4%, though.

I don't really use it too anymore because, well, I am just lazy. if anything, I use it for a few weeks per relaxer cycle and I am sure that gives me a tiny boost, but nothing like the time I did use it daily.
wait the monistat and neosporin AF are FSA eligible which means you can get re-imbursed for it if you put away Flex Plan money for health care expenses! Wowie!
Hi Ladies,

Well to add my two cents...and it's kinda long so make it about 25 cents:

I came across this information in January and that's also when I found the LHCF. It came up in a thread when I googled. I ran out and bought the Neosporin AF(2 packages) and was so heavy handed with it that I ran out in probably right at 1.5 weeks. Well I really didn't want to get "hooked" on this stuff at $4-$5 for .5 oz. After researching some more and following the links some of the ladies were providing, I realized that I could just buy the miconozole nitrate, regardless of the brand name. One of the ladies here said to go to the pharmacist and get a larger size and it would be cheaper. I went right to Sam's Club pharmacy and asked for 2%Miconozole Nitrate. He handed me a 1 oz tube for: tada...$2.12! But he only had one. I was like I need MORE. Now I KNOW he wanted to know what was up :burn: :lachen: , but his PROFESSIONAL training kicked in and he offered to order me some more. So I have been using it(Neosporin AF 1st then the plain Miconozole Nitrate from Sam's since March 16 or 17th on twists that I got on March 14th(day before Jamie Foxx concert-:grin: ) and here is the result. I was 2 weeks post relaxer when I started and my hair had been moving like a frozen snail which is why I was researching growth aids in the first place. I have since added BT to my repetoire so I am hoping for even better results-hope I'm not being greedy but here goes. NEWay, sorry don't have a before picture but here is my hair on April 16th. I took my 1st set of twists out on April 19th and got retwisted the next day. No, that's not a bald spot(I triple checked:p )
Thats really good growth. You said you use it with the BT? Do you mix them together and then apply? also are you doing it every day?
Ummalhadiqah said:
Thats really good growth. You said you use it with the BT? Do you mix them together and then apply? also are you doing it every day?

I just started using the BT this past Monday(04/23) No I don't mix 'em. One is time consuming and the other is not so I do the mn eod at no particular time of day, but BT every day, usually at night before I moisturize, seal and whole head baggy my twists. I just started the whole head baggying but didn't join the challenge because I don't know if I can keep this up. I actually wore the Jherri curl back in the day and HATED the hot, wet head from the bag-soooo we'll see about that.
Hey ladies, I am using the 4% and I have seeing MAD growth. I have not had any side effects that I know of. This stuff is the TRUTH!!
ChocalateDiva said:
Hey ladies, I am using the 4% and I have seeing MAD growth. I have not had any side effects that I know of. This stuff is the TRUTH!!

Where did you get your 4% from? Any particular brand?
After the last couple of years thinking that your were completely out of you mind, I have decided to try it. I just started two days ago. I did read about the dryness so I but some in a bottle with some jojobo oil and WGO and a little Afician Best Olive Oil cream and I am putting on every night. I too am giving it a month trail before making the final decision.
DivaRox said:
Hi Ladies,

I went right to Sam's Club pharmacy and asked for 2%Miconozole Nitrate. He handed me a 1 oz tube for: tada...$2.12! But he only had one. I was like I need MORE. Now I KNOW he wanted to know what was up :burn: :lachen: , but his PROFESSIONAL training kicked in and he offered to order me some more.

Psst...DivaRox. Pharmicist says he's gonna order some more huh? Holla at your girl when the goods come in...:sekret:
klb120475 said:
DivaRox said:
Hi Ladies,

I went right to Sam's Club pharmacy and asked for 2%Miconozole Nitrate. He handed me a 1 oz tube for: tada...$2.12! But he only had one. I was like I need MORE. Now I KNOW he wanted to know what was up :burn: :lachen: , but his PROFESSIONAL training kicked in and he offered to order me some more.

Psst...DivaRox. Pharmicist says he's gonna order some more huh? Holla at your girl when the goods come in...:sekret:

:grin: I had to cut my story short because I know I can be long winded so I tried to cut down on the details- but here's the rest:I have had him order for me twice already. That first day he said it would be back the next day but it was actually about 4 days. I ordered 3 that time and still had the first one I'd purchased. When I used those up(I'm heavy handed) and went back to order more-he already knew what was up and had 'em ready-:lachen::lachen::lachen: So just swing through and ask for the 2%mn, if there are none on the shelf(and there should be since I haven't raided them yet this month, just say I need 2,3, 4 or however many you want. Do it with a straight face like it's perfectly normal to go through 8 packs of MN!!:lachen: and remember, it's only $2.12 so therefore even if you only get two, you're getting 4x the amount in the Neosporin tube for about the same price. I will be ordering until they make me stop:ban:
DivaRox said:
:lachen: So just swing through and ask for the 2%mn, if there are none on the shelf(and there should be since I haven't raided them yet this month, just say I need 2,3, 4 or however many you want. Do it with a straight face like it's perfectly normal to go through 8 packs of MN!!:lachen: and remember, it's only $2.12 so therefore even if you only get two, you're getting 4x the amount in the Neosporin tube for about the same price. I will be ordering until they make me stop:ban:

Girl, you got me cracking up...........LOL...........LOL:lachen:
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