Those who use Honey in their hair regime...


New Member
How do you use it?

Does it make your hair sticky? hard to wash out?


What type do u use?

Hi ElleB :wave: I mix honey in my deep conditioner. I use the kind with the little bear SueBee(or whatever my hubby happens to have) I probably should be using the more natural kind I guess. But anyway, it leaves my edges feeling kinda sticky if I don't rinse well, other than that it's very moisturizing. I've never used alone though. Always with a conditioner.


I use honey in one of my Pre-poos.

I usually heat some honey, conditioner, and olive oil up and leave it on for 30min. My hair feels soooo good after.

Never had a sticky problem--maybe cuz it is the first step and I wash, condition afterwards.
I use it as a part of a conditioner wash I do. I mix close to equal parts of olive oil and honey together and apply it. I've never had sticky issues because I rise it all out.
I occasionally use a honey rinse, which is about two cups of warm water with a couple of teaspoons of honey in it.
It makes your hair shinnnnneeeee. I stopped using it but will start up again. It seems most people use it as a pre-poo, so while it is kinda sticky going on, it won't make your hair sticky since you're rinsing it out. Mix it with some olive oil and you'll be straight.
*ElleB said:
How do you use it?

Does it make your hair sticky? hard to wash out?


What type do u use?


I use it in my deep conditioner mix. It doesn't make my hair sticky, but I do have to be sure to rinse it thoroughly. I use hot water to make sure I get it all out.

The benefits are the increased moisture retention of the hair. Honey acts like a humectant to keep the hair pliable and moisturized. Like the other ladies said, it does give the hair a certain shine.

I use raw, organic honey that I can get from WFM or a Ralph's. For some reason, the natural stuff is easier to wash out than the cooked, processed stuff. :::shrug:::


Sometimes I mix it in my conditioner. Sometimes I use it as a final rinse: I take a couple of tablespoons of honey and put it in about a quart of warm/cool water. This leaves my hair extremely shiny.

I also add it to my pre-poo protein treatment. Mayonnaise+honey=swingmatic hair.