Those who relax in sections....


Well-Known Member
have you ever accidentally wet the part that you had not relaxed yet? If so did you go ahead and relax anyway? Is there any harm in relaxing wet hair other than a risk of burning?
I did last time I relaxed. Granted, I used phyto which dosen't burn me anyway but will say the only problem I had was trying to dry the hair sufficiently so that the relaxer wouldn't run down my scalp.

I've always wondered what the big deal with relaxing wet hair was. So you guys are saying the hair or scalp will burn easily?

Anyway, to answer the OP, yes, when I've wet the other parts. I've taken a towel to rub the water off.
I accidentally do it every time and have never experienced burning or breakage or any other ill effects.

My guess as to the warning would be that the water may open your pores and allow the chemical to get into your scalp, but I don't know that how true that is.
Do you relax right/left or front back and where do you rinse?

I want to try this, but I think I would have to do left right since I have to rinse in the kitchen sink. The bss had a temporary spray attachment, but right now I'm thinking that I would just be using the sink spout.
I relax front to back and have never had any burning from getting my scalp/hair wet (which ALWAYS happens to me).
I got the burn the first time. Now I just base that area again after shampooing the front half and proceed! NO PROBLEMS! and BEAUTIFULLY straight hair! :grin:
I always thought the problem with relaxing wet hair is that water, which has a ph of 7, opens the pores/cuticles hence leaving the hair open to more damage. Hair has a ph of 6-6.5, so that slight swelling caused by water could make the chemical reaction stronger.

that being said... my lil sis relaxes me in sections( front half back half).. sometimes when i rinse and neutralize the water leaks back to the unrelaxed part. i normally use a blow dryer on cool for a few mins and wait like 15 mins and go ahead and let her relax the back half.
Do you relax right/left or front back and where do you rinse?

I want to try this, but I think I would have to do left right since I have to rinse in the kitchen sink. The bss had a temporary spray attachment, but right now I'm thinking that I would just be using the sink spout.

front to back