Those who have gone natural via the BC....advise PLEASE!

How long did it take your hair to "take off"? I know that hair right after the big chop can be very dry, hard, crunchy, and my hair is all of the above. I also don't seem to be noticing any growth. How long would you say it took you to get over this "hump" and what do you think helped the most?


My hair took off one month after my BC and has been growing like crazy since. It grew so much in 3 months. It took a while to find products that work for me. My hair loves all natural things like butters and oils.
I think my hair is doing well because I'm not using any heat and I have a pretty darn simple regimen:

1. Cowash
2. Rinse
3. Put more conditioner in hair/ or add vegetable glycerin
4. Seal with oil
5. Add Gel

It's going to take a couple hits and misses before you find your staple products, maybe you can find your hair twin and they could give you some product suggestions to save time and money!
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^^^ I agree. I don't remember how long it took, but cowashing and DC'ing really turned things around for me. The best leave in was my staple conditioner watered down.
About a month. Puffs were my staple and my hair did very well, but I have some Single strand knots to show for it.

I cowashed very often.
Didn't use heat at all.
Moisture, moisture, moisture!!
Ecostyler gel!! <3
^^^ I agree. I don't remember how long it took, but cowashing and DC'ing really turned things around for me. The best leave in was my staple conditioner watered down.

This is my best leave-in! Being a college student I don't have $4 to waste on a commercial leave-in that does the same thing as my regular conditioner:ohwell:. I just put some really good smelling conditioner and water it down in a spray bottle and sometimes I might add coconut water. Works better than a leave in and I can use the other $3 at Taco Bell or somethin'!:lachen:
Ok ladies....sounds like I need to stick with deep conditioning weekly and cowashing daily. The watered down conditioner as a leave in sounds like a good idea too!

I'm soaking all this advice up like a sponge!
for me if I would have known I would have started washing in sections and deep conditioning but I didn't so I depended mostly on two strand twists for style and elongation and shea butter for moisture. Girl get you some jheri juice aka care free curl or oyin juices and berries or make your own vegetable glycerin mix and you should be good to go. As for how long it took uh... I've been natural a few years but only last year did I reach a moisture level I knew was healthy for my hair.
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When I did my 1st BC in June 08, my hair was soft, manageable with no "scab hair." I had no problems, and it started growing like wild fire when I cut it. Within 4 months, it went from 4-5" in length to shoulder length. CW's about once or twice a week, wore in protective styles, like a small bun or in a twist pinned up. It really thrived, and of course, I kept out of the salon and always used a good conditioner.
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I just apply condish to my hair and sit under the steamer (without a plastic cap) for 30-60 min. It's def worth the money IMO.
i'm waiting for the take off!!!! lmao

i have gotten growth... my family say it's a lot...i will say it's a lot when i can rubber band it!
i need a steamer!! but i think natural & essential scalp oils....PLUS crazy frequent co-washing is my regimen!
itchy scalp not i need a donated scalp (reasoning for the 2-a-day cowashing at times)

baggying helped me most with moisture....STAYING AWAY FROM 1ST CONES.... 2ND limiting sulfate use

vitamins...water.....vitamins.....water.......vitamins.....water!!! <---(per research, b/c i'm not consistent with EITHER!!!)
I gave my hair a break. I hid it for a while by putting on a wig and when it was long enough I braided it with synthetic hair. Eventually I wore my own hair out and it was fine. Your hair will not always feel fine, you need to learn what works best for your hair. When you do that you will be able to fight dry spells. My hair didn't take off until atleast a year later. It's different for everyone.
I grew my hair out for 3 months before I bc'd. My hair grew an average of half inch a month. My recommendation is to take monthly photos of your hair progress. You will notice your progress better this way. Please feel free to look at my fotki for my hair progression. (It may give you some encouragement).
Thanks ladies...I have a HUGE list of things to try now thanks to you all! Something has got to work and dag on it I'm gonna find it if it kills me! :lachen:

One thing I know for sure I need to get back to is drinking more water!
I grew my hair out for 3 months before I bc'd. My hair grew an average of half inch a month. My recommendation is to take monthly photos of your hair progress. You will notice your progress better this way. Please feel free to look at my fotki for my hair progression. (It may give you some encouragement).

Love the styles! Very creative! If only I had enough hair to style with! :lachen:

I know, I know...patience!