Those who have fine strands - Detangling / Build-up Question

What's your strand thickness and what helps you detangle?

  • I have fine strands and creamy products help me detangle

    Votes: 75 52.8%
  • I have fine strands and cone-filled products help me detangle

    Votes: 39 27.5%
  • I have fine strands and watery products help me detangle

    Votes: 33 23.2%
  • I have fine strands and oily products help me detangle

    Votes: 27 19.0%
  • I have thick strands and creamy products help me detangle

    Votes: 5 3.5%
  • I have thick strands and cone-filled products help me detangle

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • I have thick strands and watery products help me detangle

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • I have thick strands and oily products help me detangle

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • NOTHING helps me detangle

    Votes: 7 4.9%
  • I just like clicking buttons

    Votes: 22 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes, I just detangle w/ oil & a non-cone spray. That's why I didn't vote in the poll--I didn't know which category would suit me.

Right now, I'm using the Brahmi Amla oil from Vadik Herbs. I apply a light to medium coat on each section, finger detangle, then apply the JC leave-in & detangle w/ the comb.
my hair is very easy to detangle, knocks on wood. i mean my left side gets way more tangles than the right side but just any conditioner(natural or cone filled) and water gets the job done. that really the only time i detangle is in the shower or during my pre poo.
Hello Mwedzi. Aloe Juice (not the gel) is just like water but serves as a mild protein.

I think the difference is that fine relaxed hair textures have to be more careful around touch up time with product and combing (tension between root to tip more fragile) and also they do not have to use as much product because the relaxer bonds have broken down the hair to be able to absorb products better. I think natural fine hair textures can take a bit more moisture but not sticky or gummy moisture.

Finer hair textures can not take hair sopping wet for a detangle. Hair can be wet but not too wet because again the hair can be it's most fragile from root to tip.

I have detangled with oil. But it is warm oil that I use. Also comb glides through my hair. This serves only to prep the hair for washing. Oil used on dry fine hair just sits there.

Almond Eyes
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I have fine hair, and I can detangle best with creamy and cone-filled stuff.
Herbal Essences LTR Leave-In, Kid's Organics Detangling Lotion, and Mane n Tail Detangling Spray are all wonderful for helping me get my tangles out without ripping out my hair. The Leave-In and the Kid's Organics are creamy and have cones. The Spray is watery, but it's cone heavy.

....what she said
Mwedzi, I think it is important to also know if the women with fine hair are relaxed or natural. I have fine hair for sure and whenever I use products that are too creamy, I see lots of hair in my comb and even when I am twisting and not using my comb. Now that I use the aloe juice and water, I don't see that at all. Just to prove a point, I was thinking maybe I have to use something heavier so I used some ORS Carrot Oil on top of the aloe juice/water mix and I had hair everywhere. Even those with finer hair textures who say they use creamy products, I think those that don't lose hair probably use a product that has a light consistency (meaning not too sticky or gummy).

Almond Eyes

This is exactly what happens to me! I cannot detangle/comb my hair while I have a heavy conditioner in my hair, that equals tons of hair in the comb.

I have to detangle with water based products. Since I have cut down on my cone usage, detangling is much easier. I use water mixed with a little conditioner as a spritz or a detangler like Mane N Tail.

By the way I'm natural with fine strands.
Yes, I just detangle w/ oil & a non-cone spray. That's why I didn't vote in the poll--I didn't know which category would suit me.

Right now, I'm using the Brahmi Amla oil from Vadik Herbs. I apply a light to medium coat on each section, finger detangle, then apply the JC leave-in & detangle w/ the comb.

If you use oil and a non-cone spray, vote for oil and water in the poll.

what is JC leave-in?
I have fine strands, and I put oily, but it actually has to be a really light oil. Right now I'm using jasmine. Anything thicker makes for more work and more tangles.
The more gunked up my hair is with creamy conditioner, the easier it is to detangle :yep:

I have detangled with oils successfully, but the best success I've had is just V05. Lots of it. Surprised me, but it's a keeper as a detangler.

I now lose a really tiny amount of hair detangling. Not even half a cotton ball size :yep:

I'm sure that some sheds slip out down the drain too, but there is like close to nothing in my comb anymore.

ETA: Oh yeah, my hair is coarse.
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Mwedzi, I think it is important to also know if the women with fine hair are relaxed or natural. I have fine hair for sure and whenever I use products that are too creamy, I see lots of hair in my comb and even when I am twisting and not using my comb. Now that I use the aloe juice and water, I don't see that at all. Just to prove a point, I was thinking maybe I have to use something heavier so I used some ORS Carrot Oil on top of the aloe juice/water mix and I had hair everywhere. Even those with finer hair textures who say they use creamy products, I think those that don't lose hair probably use a product that has a light consistency (meaning not too sticky or gummy).

Almond Eyes

So I tried detangling with just water this week and I couldn't believe how well it went. Much less shedding than with the creamy VO5 mix. Granted I had been doing braidouts and running the denman through the very end before braiding the section, but I did not detangle throughout. I used some Qhemet butter on the first day of my braidout but didn't add anymore product except a little coconut oil to the ends for the week.

Less is more may be my new moto. I never imagined detangling without mucho goo.
Yes, I do like clicking buttons :grin:, but seriously, for me a combinaion of wet moisture and oil works best in detangling, I like the cream as a leave-in, it helps to keep the ends from clinging to each other.
The one product that really helps me to detangle is ORS Replenishing Conditioner. It's the only product I use that isn't all or mostly natural.
Actually I only use it after taking extension braids out, so maybe 2-3 times per year. Aside form those heavy duty detangling sessions, almost any creamy conditioner will work. Watery detanglers do absolutely nothing....which is why I'm giving away the Mane N Tail Detangler after using it once.
I know the ORS has dimethicone in it, but I don't have a bottle on hand. When I use it on dry hair it makes my hair feel like I wet it and provides lots of slip.

ETA: I have fine strands :-)
I have natural apl hair. My hair is fine with small s-wave curls (4a type). I use a cone-free conditioner and olive oil on dry hair. I only use my fingers to detangle. I gently separate my hair in sections with my thumbs and forefingers moving from the root to the end. If I feel any knots, I pull individual strands of hair up and away. When I'm done, I'll leave the conditioner and olive oil in for an hour or two, or I'll leave it in overnight, rinse thoroughly concentrating on my scalp. The end result: soft, shiny hair!
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I have used a couple of things..... Aloe gel ( food grade) coconut oil - and wheat germ oil... I only found one detangler that worked for me - and it was discontinued.
I have fine strands, and I need a LOT of creamy product to detangle. A whole heck of a lot - I'm one of those folks using up 1/3 of a liter sized bottle of conditioner at a time.

Cones are murder on my hair.
I recently tried detangling dry hair with Lustrasilk Shea Butter Cholesterol and Vatika Oil. I'm not sure if I needed to use both products but it worked :look:
I have fine strands that are densely compacted. I detangle my hair after conditioning it. I detangle my hair under running water from the showerhead. I make sure my hair is soaked and drenched with water. When I use products to detangle, especially a thick conditioner, I lose more hair. Using detangling sprays when I'm out of the shower does not work for me either. I've also tried detangling with shampoo in my hair...I lose a lot of hair... even tried detangling with conditioner in my hair...lose a lot of hair. So I wait til after I condition it and when it's soaking wet under the showerhead.
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I have fine individual strands, but overall my hair is thick and creamy products help to untangle.
I didn't get a change to read the earlier post but I have Fine/Medium textured hair. My hair has never been thick, dream but not reality for me.

I use to back when have a BAD probelm detangling, I hated the salon because they didn't deal with long hair and the pain wasn't worth the length to me. I tried myself and Still I'd find myself ripping through my hair. DETANGLING was a big problem for me UNTIL 2005, even then I'd have some trouble.

Right now is the best time in my hair history with Detangling. I use all sorts of products but only a little. Shampoo, a little, conditioner a little, leave in a little and my aphogee green tea - a little. I don't put so much on that I will have a build up.

Only think I have recognized is that I don't need to leave my Deep conditioner in so long for 2 hours since I use a Sulfate Free shampoo. I will cut that into half.

People say the steamer (which I can't wait to get) will make my hair feel like butter when I comb it. My hair already feels like butter, it's in it's best condition ever :) Now to get that steamer will make it even better, I can't wait.
i have fine strands and medium density hair and creamy products work well for me i usually detangle with the 1 dollar suave naturals coconut conditioner and it works well for detangling my hair i find the cremier the product is the better it is to comb thru my tangled ends if its too watery i get that snapping effect of my hair breaking so i always make sure my ends are saturated with the creamiest and the rest of my hair is a light coating since i have fine hair and this works great for detangling my hair.
hope that helps someone
Interesting topic. I have fine hair and I detangle using a thick creamy conditioner (Mop c-hydrating conditioner) which is cone-free and has protein in it. It really goes a long way too- I got a 1 liter (33.8oz) bottle in July and there's still 1/2 left. Detangling is a breeze with this stuff and it works way better than the watery, cone stuff for me (tressume would give my hair a plasticy feel. I mean it wasn't a major problem and I probably would've kept using it, but I discovered the Mop conditioner when I got it as compensation for a stylist royally jacking up my hair)
I have very fragile babyfine strands.:wallbash: I have to detangle strand by strand on partially dry hair. I cant do it no other way. It takes alot of patience with my hair. I just recently re-did my braids because they were matted to the point of locking up and it literally took me an hr to detangle each braid. Some people would of took it as a lost and cut it but I was determined lol. There are times when I hit a stand still ill spray a little rosewater and dab some oil on the section let it sit and then proceed to detangle. I wished I could detangle on conditioner soaked hair with Jilbere shower combs.:rolleyes:
I voted for Oil filled products but I think it's more of a mixture of Oil and cones.
When I do an oil rinse followed by a co wash my hair is very soft and easy to detangle with little to no shedding.:grin:

Water based products do nothing for me but make my hair HARD:wallbash: