Those who change their hairstyles all the time

change as subtle as going from a twistout worn completely hanging down to just putting a headband on it will get the "OMG you change your hair so much" so now i just don't care too much lol.
I will say that when I get a real job in the real world I will probably stick to basically the same style. gotta find a signature look.
Nonie said:
@diadall, I know I don't confuse the two :lol: . I've worn my hair in strange ways just to be funny and walked around with a straight face and my coworkers have looked in horror and some even said, "You're not serious?!" Then burst out laughing. But I knew what I was doing and I maintained I was serious. They were so amused to know that I wear my hair like that for a braidout. Wanted to know how my hubby can keep a straight face with my looking so crazy.

Then another time I went to work looking like Coolio. It looked good when I did the do but shrinkage made it look crazy. Even I was horrified at how crazy it looked when I happened to see it after the shrinkage but I was at work. What to do? So I held my head high and acted like it was planned. Anyway a coworker mocked me and said I looked like Pipi Longstocking. I beamed and told her that's exactly the look I was going for, without missing a beat. She stopped her mocking and the smile faded then she tilted her head sideways the way dogs do as if wondering if she missed the memo on what's hip these days. It was so funny coz it looked like she just discovered the joke was on her. :lachen: I've shared that story before.

So yeah, I would know the difference. Did I mention my hubby has had a SMH moment when I wore my tarantula do? Others loved it as much as I did. What's funny though is even SMH would not bother me if I were feeling like a million bucks. :giggle:

If you wear your hair the same way all the time or if you're wearing styles that others are wearing then you'd blend in and no one would say anything. Plus I think some places are just so conservative that folks are not fond of discussing others' appearances. My black corworker was relaxed and wore her hair in a bun or down...and while I noticed the changes and complimented her, most people would only take note when I said something--I suppose because they were used to those looks.

ETA: Oh yeah, my crazy wraps. They get mixed reactions. There's a guy who will always tease me and ask if I just washed my hair if I do my froufrou wraps. :lol: One day I had a froufrou wrap that went wrong--but I'd heard that you're supposed to just let the head tie do its thang. My boss walked up to me with the most quizzical look and knitted brow...and then simply said, "OOOOOKKK!" :lachen: It was casual Friday and I was aware it was not exactly how I meant it to be. So I just laughed along.

Ok. I was just wondering if sometimes people are humoring or being nice nasty. I am not speaking of anyone in specifics.
Nonie said:
@diadall, I know I don't confuse the two :lol: . I've worn my hair in strange ways just to be funny and walked around with a straight face and my coworkers have looked in horror and some even said, "You're not serious?!" Then burst out laughing. But I knew what I was doing and I maintained I was serious. They were so amused to know that I wear my hair like that for a braidout. Wanted to know how my hubby can keep a straight face with my looking so crazy.

Then another time I went to work looking like Coolio. It looked good when I did the do but shrinkage made it look crazy. Even I was horrified at how crazy it looked when I happened to see it after the shrinkage but I was at work. What to do? So I held my head high and acted like it was planned. Anyway a coworker mocked me and said I looked like Pipi Longstocking. I beamed and told her that's exactly the look I was going for, without missing a beat. She stopped her mocking and the smile faded then she tilted her head sideways the way dogs do as if wondering if she missed the memo on what's hip these days. It was so funny coz it looked like she just discovered the joke was on her. :lachen: I've shared that story before.

So yeah, I would know the difference. Did I mention my hubby has had a SMH moment when I wore my tarantula do? Others loved it as much as I did. What's funny though is even SMH would not bother me if I were feeling like a million bucks. :giggle:

If you wear your hair the same way all the time or if you're wearing styles that others are wearing then you'd blend in and no one would say anything. Plus I think some places are just so conservative that folks are not fond of discussing others' appearances. My black corworker was relaxed and wore her hair in a bun or down...and while I noticed the changes and complimented her, most people would only take note when I said something--I suppose because they were used to those looks.

ETA: Oh yeah, my crazy wraps. They get mixed reactions. There's a guy who will always tease me and ask if I just washed my hair if I do my froufrou wraps. :lol: One day I had a froufrou wrap that went wrong--but I'd heard that you're supposed to just let the head tie do its thang. My boss walked up to me with the most quizzical look and knitted brow...and then simply said, "OOOOOKKK!" :lachen: It was casual Friday and I was aware it was not exactly how I meant it to be. So I just laughed along.


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For those of you who seem irritated when others comment on your hair, even when it's a compliment, do you get just as touchy if they compliment you on what you wear or would be uncomfortable if they noticed you had a new pair of shoes and simply said, "Ooh, I like the shoes you are wearing today"? I am wondering why people get up in arms when it comes to comments or questions about hair. I personally can't wait to engage folks in hair discussions. :lol: Even the guys in my job have been victims of my demonstration of how shrinkage happens. :lachen: A simple question like "How do you get your hair to do that?" is usually followed by a whole lesson involving theory and practicals and I don't even charge. :rofl:
i personnally get pissed of comments . i wore twists aller the time,then conrows ,braids ...i came 2 months ago with à bob cut(wig )...everyone at work and all day : oh,you look better with that style ...oh my god you cut your hair...oh i prefer your hair straight....oh you look more like à woman ....its more professionnal....your.à.diva ....argggggg.

then last week i wore my own hair straightened in à bun. this time : oh i prefer your natural hair. ..this is way better than the bob style ....oh why did you change,the short style made you sooooo sexy...oh i dont like that style,do the bob one again.

i.said :Well i.prefer doing What i want whenever i want and changing hairstyles just like that!
ive just finished my twists . the whole gone for.comments ......hâte it
Are you guys being serious? You can't be!

One minute, folks are posting how someone at work made fun of their hair or told them it wasn't nice or professional....or they are whining about not being accepted at work or feeling comfortable at work. And here in this thread people are expressing annoyance coz people at work notice the efforts they put into their hair and give them compliments. The hell am I "hearing"?

Let me get outta here coz this is giving me a headache. :peace:
Ok. I was just wondering if sometimes people are humoring or being nice nasty. I am not speaking of anyone in specifics.

diadall I understand.

The people that asked me about my hair were actually fascinated. One lady said," YOU NEVER wear your hair the same way twice! I wish I could do that." Which was weird but cool at the same time, you never know who's watching. Another was a young lady that wanted to go natural... she was a cashier in a store that I frequent. She was genuinely curious so she complimented me... then she began to ask questions. When I saw her two months later she was natural. Wild but cool at the same time.

Some people genuinely mean no harm. Others.... not necessarily. I usually brush them off, make it positive, and keep it rolling. Life is too short to be up in arms about people that don't really matter.
Nonie said:
Are you guys being serious? You can't be!

One minute, folks are posting how someone at work made fun of their hair or told them it wasn't nice or professional....or they are whining about not being accepted at work or feeling comfortable at work. And here in this thread people are expressing annoyance coz people at work notice the efforts they put into their hair and give them compliments. The hell am I "hearing"?

Let me get outta here coz this is giving me a headache. :peace:

nonie :some comments are ok and nice when said correctly . but the "you look.more like à woman professionnel...i dont like your natural hair etc...." NO!

i cant please everyone.each person has his own style. if at least your close to à person then you can say those things i wrote above. but when your just simple collègues who just say hi dont say that.

of course women love nice compliments lol. when the message is said well.

the question "why did you change your hair". aller the time. i just want to change.

its like HAIR POLICE .give explaination on every change. wow.tiring
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Nonie said:
Are you guys being serious? You can't be!

One minute, folks are posting how someone at work made fun of their hair or told them it wasn't nice or professional....or they are whining about not being accepted at work or feeling comfortable at work. And here in this thread people are expressing annoyance coz people at work notice the efforts they put into their hair and give them compliments. The hell am I "hearing"?

Let me get outta here coz this is giving me a headache. :peace:

Why did you get upset? I understand you get compliments. That is great.

I just wanted to know if sometimes people at work are being nice nasty and that should not take away from your compliments and great comments you get.
Last year I changed my wigs every 2 weeks and my co worker changed her hairstyle also. We recevied so many comments that the staff actually looked forward to the hair style changes to give us their opinions. Sometimes they just stated they did not like the style or color, but most of the time they did like the style. My coworker and I are both natural so we were protecting our hair for the most part and being fashionable at the same time. Have confidence in yourself and abide by the work dress and hair policies and you will be AOK!
Are you guys being serious? You can't be!

One minute, folks are posting how someone at work made fun of their hair or told them it wasn't nice or professional....or they are whining about not being accepted at work or feeling comfortable at work. And here in this thread people are expressing annoyance coz people at work notice the efforts they put into their hair and give them compliments. The hell am I "hearing"?

Let me get outta here coz this is giving me a headache. :peace:

I don't like comments/compliments about my hair at work. A quick, simple "I like your hair" is nice, but I don't want to go into long discussions about how I did my hair every morning/week/month. Everyone is different. I only enjoy discussing hair with family and friends (even co-workers that are also friends). I don't enjoy discussing my hair/clothes/shoes/bags with John that passes by my office 3x a week.

I also think people need to be careful and not get carried away discussing hair/clothes/jewelry/etc in some work environments. A person gets asked a question, gets carried away answering, and finds themselves pigeonholed as the one that spends working hours discussing their appearance. If someone compliments something on me, I give a quick smile, say thank you, and move it on to something else. If they ask how I did something, I mutter something about not wanting to bore them with the details. No one has ever mentioned they like one look/outfit/whatever more than the other because I don't give the avenue for anyone to engage in such discussions with me. Why are they evaluating my looks?

We are all different and entitled to feel differently. We all don't have the same complaints or personalities so I don't see anything contradictory about all those complaints.
I posted about this a few months ago in regards to wearing lacefronts/half-wigs. The thing is most times when I changed my hair, it's soo subtle (at least to me), I don't consider it a change. For example: positioning my puff a little further than the back, throwing two thick flat twists in the front, or pinning up one side. Totally not that "different."

I just think to myself that my coworkers need to get out more. When I lived in the city, most girls changed their hair all. the. time. And dramatically. I would be consider so whack by standards with my hair "changes." :lol:

ETA: I don't have a problem with compliments or even people remarking on it. An observation is just that. BUT I will say, I have a problem when the comments move into the nasty category, which has been happening to me lately. It's all about tone to me.
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Re: why are people upset people commenting on their hair at work whenever it "changes"?

Whenever my hair "changes", the yts make a big deal about it every single time. Like I said before, even when I go from wearing a ponytail to wearing my extensions down everyone is amazed. I don't get the big deal.

Then it gets even more awkward when I go from wearing my extensions to wearing my natural hair. "Oh did you cut your hair?" Every time, even though I've told them I wore extensions before. Then they make this weird face whenever I say I wear extensions. Then I wear my 4b hair out, I see confused eyes glaring at the black cotton on my head. "Is that your hair?" "I like when you wear curls." (my curly wig that I wear sometimes in between extensions.)

It's because it can get uncomfortable. Plus, we're at work/school. Can we please be more professional and not make a big deal whenever one of my twist extensions moves a centimeter from where it was a second ago.

I'm just going to have to get used to it because I'm going to learn how to style my hair this summer with more creative updos...these yts are going to lose their minds! :lol:
Why did you get upset? I understand you get compliments. That is great.

I just wanted to know if sometimes people at work are being nice nasty and that should not take away from your compliments and great comments you get.

@diadall, me? Upset? Not at all. What reason would I have to be upset? Not sure why you thought I didn't get you so that you elaborated again. I understood where YOU were coming from hence the reason I responded directly to you earlier and then after you elaborated on why you asked, I thanked your response coz I gotcha!

I just get dizzy tryna keep up with some of the reactions of folks on the forum. One minute we're mad that A isn't B. Then we're mad that B isn't A. Then someone says A and we think they said B so we get up in arms. Then when they really say what we were hoping folks would say, we think there's a catch and they are being funny. Oy vey! It's like we always find a reason to be mad even on a sunny day while chilling on a beach sipping something cold and refreshing!

That's why I was getting a headache. I usually skip over these threads coz they sometimes feel like the twilight zone. Not sure what I am doing in this one.

BTW, thanks to those who bothered to answer my question.

@Ogoma, I hear what you're saying but one would have to either have very poor interpersonal skills or not know one's coworkers to fall into the bracket you described. While I do love to talk about my hair, I am not one of those folks who would be posting here how I volunteered unsolicited info to strangers or even family and got shut down because I only respond to questions asked. I love to learn and love to give back the same so if the opportunity presents itself and there's an interest--usually shown by secondary questions--then I answer fully. And because I've done that, I don't get asked that question again because folks GET it from that full explanation. Case in point: one of my male coworkers saw the ends of my twists and was was surprised by the coils. Another coworker, also white, saved me the trouble of echoing myself and explained in detail all about the texture of my hair and how I could wear it cetera. So I didn't have to stand there. Oh and we don't have these chitchats while working; this is small talk that comes up while we're taking breaks or riding the elevator or whatever.

I've worked in different places and I've loved my hair the same, but I haven't always shared about my hair because I am not that generous with info unless I think someone is interested.

ETA: @Beverly Ann Properties :yep: you're a woman after my own heart.
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I get the same thing and all I have to do is come in with a ponytail one day and my hair down the next. I guess people are used to literally seeing the same style everyday
I've been at my company for over 5 years and not one of the White people have a different hair cut. Most even have the same color.

I changed my hair a few times a week when I was transitioning to natural (2 years) but now I do keep the same style in for weeks at a time. I'm currently in twists.

When I was changing my hair often I would get questions but only from White people. After a few times, they just stopped asking. One male colleague said, when I came in to an off site meeting with different hair from the day before "You hair looks great today, it looked great yesterday, and I'm sure it will look great tomorrow."
Some of you took a post that could have been humor therapy to another distance.

Thanks for all your comments nonetheless.. Will have a fresh new hairdo Monday!! wee!!