Those who are Transitioning..Kind of Long


New Member
Before I get started. I want to say Hello to all of LHCF's beautiful members. I have been a lurker since November 2004. I watched members like sistaslick (sp) whose hair grew right before me. In that time of finding LHCF my hair grew tremendously in nine months, but I ended up getting a trim/cut because the ends were horrible. (I will post pics when I figure out how to)

I tried to grow it out again and it did grow, but I am a tomboy and do not like nor really know how to take care of my hair. When I would get it done it would last for about two days then I would pull it back into a pony tail.

I wanted to go natural because I was tired of the relaxer scene. I regretted ever getting a perm (begged mom to perm my rudyesque hair in 1995 because of peer was still healthy and thick and I had my curls, but in 1996 some pissed hair dresser was arguing with her husband and burned my scalp and my hair has never been the same since.. i.e. thickness/ I went natural 6/2000 but put the relaxer back in due to self consciousness and weird family members).

So I got my last touch up at the end of March 2007. I ordered BT and some Alma Oil. I have been caring for my scalp and NG, but my relaxed ends were not getting the same attention. I just figured that I was going to cut it off anyway, so why bother. But I came to the realization that I was going to need my relaxed ends because I do not plan on having the BC any time soon (looking at atleast a year).:)

So I give you all of that to ask this. For those of you who are transitioning or have...did you care for your relaxed ends?
SimpleBrooklyn said:
So I give you all of that to ask this. For those of you who are transitioning or have...did you care for your relaxed ends?

to answer your ?; in one short word.............. yes :)

why? because i needed those relaxed ends until i felt confident enough to bc without going through the twa stage. twa's were not in my comfort zone and what matters most is doing what YOU are most comfortable with.

still, i never really bc'd all my length, i did it in increments; 2-4 inches here, 4-5 inches there until the final cut.

besides, if you don't take good care of those ends, the hair will snap right off at the line of demarcation - not good if you're doing a longish transition.

it's good you're reconsidering going natural. there are good peeps (nat's and lax'd) here to offer you help as you need it.

Good luck and Best wishes on your transition!
Thank you Lynnie B. Yeah I don't think I have a BC face yet:) I am definitely not going back to relaxers. I am done. Like I said I decided to transition in April, but it has only been since the last month that I really attempted to care for the relaxed ends. Thanks again. And let me tell you that your hair is puurdy. :lol: It looks so thick.
Hi simplebrooklyn,

Welcome and I am a transitioner as well. I've been transitioning for about 6 months. Like you I intend on keeping my hair for while before I can even think about BC'ing so I definitely had to learn (I'm still learning) how to deal with the different textures. I have found that keeping my hair moisturized especially the ends has helped tremendously in allowing me to retaining my length. I use a good moisturizer and seal with oil. In addition, protecting my ends has been very helpful especially as I moved from SL to APL. I've been doing this by bunning regularly, but there are other styling options available. Also staying away from heat has helped me to avoid split ends which can lead to breakage also.

again welcome and good luck to you on your new hair journey.:)
Thanks BioGeekChic. My hair is always up. I wear it in a bootleg bun (I pull the hair through but not all the way with my hair tie...hope you got that :) ). I have not put heat in my hair in over a month and I am deep conditioning with Alma and I condition hair daily with coconut and castor oil (not a lot). Glad to hear someone is close to my transitioning date. You are about four months ahead of me. I cannot wait until this time next year to see how my hair will look. Have a great weekend!