Those of you who have used avocado and banana in your hair


New Member
Have you ever used them after shampooing? I have been using avocado and coconut milk as part of an avocado coconut mask before shampooing and I wanted to try the banana and honey mixture but wanted to add it to a conditioner to see how it worked. Would this be ok or would this leave some kind of residue in my hair?
i dont know but i think it might, especially with the banana or something... try it and if it doesn't work then use another conditioner after to wash it out.

how is the avocado/coconut milk working for you??? back in the day, my mom and aunts used coconut on their hair as pre-poo treatments and i used it a couple times too, and we all had healthy hair back then, i might wanna try it
The coconut milk pre-poo is wonderful and the avocado coconut mask works really well. I used to have dandruff before washing my hair twice a week and doing pre-poos and I no longer have this problem.
I used avocado as a pre poo about 2 summers ago. It was ok for me but my face loved it more! It was cool i lefted it on until it hardened then wiped with warm water. My face felted moisturized. :D
I use the avacodo and coconut milk on myself and my client and I love the moisture. I actually use it as a DC after I shampoo w/heat for 15-20 min. it leaves the hair nice and moist as if I applied an oil to it plus it leaves great shine.;)
I've tried both, I prefer the avocado. I won't do the banana again, for some reason the entire time I had it in I was terrified it would stain my hair or do damage :confused:.
so what do you do to the avacado? Smash it, put it in your hair? how much of it do you use? do you use anything else with it? Sorry for all the questions, i want to try this but i dont know how to use it.

Well you peal it first and remove the seed inside then you put it in a blender along w/ 1 cup of Cocont milk (I use Goya brand) push puree and whatever I have remaining I store in an old cond. container in the frig. I use w/heat for 15-20 min. HTH:)
LeNghtyDreAms said:
so what do you do to the avacado? Smash it, put it in your hair? how much of it do you use? do you use anything else with it? Sorry for all the questions, i want to try this but i dont know how to use it.

tryn2growmyhair said:
Have you ever used them after shampooing? I have been using avocado and coconut milk as part of an avocado coconut mask before shampooing and I wanted to try the banana and honey mixture but wanted to add it to a conditioner to see how it worked. Would this be ok or would this leave some kind of residue in my hair?

Yes! I mixed this recipe up a long time when I was relaxed, it was very moisturizing! I used it again with my natural hair added honey,egg. I did it before I shampooed. Also I combed it through it showed how long my hair is before shrinkage, it was like an inch under my neck. D*mn you shrinkage!!!!
Thanks so much for all of the replies. I think that I might add this to my silicon mix and see what happens. I'll use this as a deep conditioner. It seems like some of you have had success from using avocado mixes after washing the hair. What about banana?

For those who had questions about what this is, it is avocado blended with coconut milk. Make sure to put it in a blender or use a handblender until it is smooth and creamy. I dont think mashing will do as well because you want the oils from the avocado and coconut milk to be well distributed. Sometimes I add the Fruit of the Earth aloe vera gel (the type that you have to refrigerate to it) or olive oil or wheat germ oil. Then I used under the cap with it and then shampoo it out. The shine and slip are amazing, so I thought I would try it after shampooing.

I have not tried banana but what I have heard is that it is another type of mask but this time using oil, honey and banana. I was wondering if I could also use this after a shampoo. I would not mind my hair smelling a little fruity -- esp. if I add it to Clairol Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions conditioner I just bought because of the recommendation of someone on this forum. Man this board has made me a PJ!

I once tried the banana hair mask and it was TERRIBLE! It made my hair feel extremely hard, tangled, and dry. I had banana in my hair for days and the smell was horrendous...That was like two weeks ago and my hair still hasn't fully recovered.
HAHA i used to use banana and all kinds of fruit in my hair back in the day...i must say my hair loved it!

avocado and cocnut milk sounds nice!