Thomas Weeks - Video Announcement of His Upcoming Wedding in October. Holy Cow !

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"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
This video announcement came today in one of my email accounts.

I truly have no words......

The Video: Click on the right menu where it say Wedding (and some other words. I was too surprised to remember what I saw). It's the first item on the video menu.

Here's their picture...

Okay, NOW I have some words... :look:

If HE can get married, then ANYONE can get married.

I'm just sayin'......... I'm just sayin'....

I pray this works out. I don't want to see anyone hurt anymore, especially by the press and the media.


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I wish they weren't so 'hugged' up on their picture and in the video.

I dunno, it's too 'Hugged Up'. They're not married yet. It's almost as if they're trying to prove how 'in love' they are. That's all well and good, but. I dunno' :nono:
You KNEW about this? :drunk:

How come I didn't know. :lol:

Maybe you were gone when we discussed it. He introduced her maybe two or three months ago as the future Mrs. Weeks. She has an impressive resume. Maybe she's in it for the fame...
I am going to keep quiet. I could say sooo much but I am going to take the very high road and just wish them the best.
Maybe you were gone when we discussed it. He introduced her maybe two or three months ago as the future Mrs. Weeks. She has an impressive resume. Maybe she's in it for the fame...

Did the thread get locked ....? :rolleyes:

I'm sorry. I'm just shocked.
That whole situation is a MESS!!!! :nono:

I was under the impression they were already married as well. They tend to act as if they already are.

I agree, that lipliner is a hot mess...

That whole situation is a MESS!!!! :nono:

I was under the impression they were already married as well.

They tend to act as if they already are.

I agree, that lipliner is a hot mess...



He better not 'hit' nobody. :nono::nono::nono:

I'm just gonna say it. Why would an intelligent woman wanna be with a man who hits women. He beat the mess out of Juanita. Not right at all. He was wrong and got off.

This 'picture' and video is just too 'in your face' as if they're trying to prove something to everybody. What's there to prove? Except he's a woman beater and she's not thinking straight. As a woman of God, she can do far better. She has nothing to be 'smug' about, in being with him.

That's my $10 worth.... :yep:
These are my last words about this fiasco.

He's making a mockery of what marriage and serving God is supposed to be - as a bishop, beat up his first wife and then marry some young thang and have another "gala" event like nothing ever happened before.
I am going to keep quiet. I could say sooo much but I am going to take the very high road and just wish them the best.

I tried to take the high road - I think I may have passed the exit on the way to "give me a break" city.:lachen:
All I gotta say is :dead:...

But how long has it been since the divorce? And wasn't he in a ton of debt too? And what makes her think he won't beat her either? I hope she know how to play "grit-ball"...:clubu:

Welp, whatever the motive is for this arrangement, I hope it works out...

Back to work! :user:

Okay, one mo thing, lol

The video is on this page, and if he don't quit lookin' down her jacket :naughty:... lol
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Well the story was she was already married and was cheating on her hubby with Weeks, so she got her divorce too so this is wedding (i refuse to call their foolishness marriage) number 3 for both of them.
This whole situation is deeply troubling to me because all parties (him, her, and the ex) involved are setting poor examples of what it means to be in the leadership of the church. I realized we are all sinners saved by grace, but at some point you have to learn when to make sound decisions and exercise some level of discretion. The fact that they have the audacity to have this huge excessive wedding for a third marriage for each of them, he is a known and documented abuser, and his ministries have had money troubles under his leadership. I struggle to find the Godliness in this whole situation... but that is merely my opinion and in the end to each, his own.

As far as the fiancee...
I learned recently my abusive ex has a new woman in his life and the only thing I could think is that I have instantly and instinctively added a new person to my prayer list... I feel the need to add the fiancee too.
Weeks and Glen can do whatever the want. What i don't get are the people following their ministries. Is it that you can't see the deception or are they just oblivious?!
She must have been out of the country or on another planet when all this stuff was happening with him and Juanita :confused:

What kind of message is this sending to the ladies that are believing God for a husband?
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