This week marks the 20th WEEK!!!


New Member
Guys, or shall I say girls? This week marks the 20th week since I've had a relaxer. YUP, a full four months!!!!
Believe me when I say this, if I can do it, so can you. So for those of you out there who are trying your hardest to endure the 8th week, I suggest you try going longer. Maybe not as long as me, but gradually making your way there. I'm trying to minimize touch-ups to 3 times a year. My roommate has waist length hair and does the same. The longer you wait, the more new growth and the thicker the hair. Sometime next week I will be getting a relaxer, and I know my hair is in great health. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, good luck girls!
whoa...20 weeks

I'm at 9 weeks...first time ever in life...going for 12
what did you do to keep your hair manageable? what magical products did you use? please share
Congrats on your growth and stretching out your retouches. I am trying my best to wait 9 weeks the next time. Keep up the good work.
Congrats Vanessa
20 weeks is certainly an accomplishment. Please share your hairtype and regimen with us.
Congratulations!!! Your hair will thank you for it. The less times you relax your new growth, the less times that the already processed portion gets a retouch - maybe not as much, but a tiny fraction. Because EVERY time you touch up your new growth, when it's being rinsed out, that relaxer is getting the old hair too. There's just no way to avoid it. That's why it's also good not to relax bone straight.
I think the best product I own now is the Pantene Detangle Light Spray truly works wonders! Seriously! I am able to comb through almost anything. It has been rough, but with frequent conditioner washes, weekly shampoos, clarifying monthly, and deep conditioning weekly, it's definitely manageable. I ALWAYS AIR DRY, and while my hair is still wet I lightly lubricate the ends with either olive oil or ORS Carrot oil. 90% of the time my hair stays in a loose-fitted bun with the ends tucked away. Good luck!
Well I made it 12 weeks without a relaxer and I think I couldve made it longer but I wanted my hair to be cute for Christmas and I wanted to show off my new length.....but 14 weeks is what Im shooting for. 20 you are my idol!
I am just completing my 8th week. I used to go 12 weeks until I was like a freshman in college. I did not start relaxing every 6-8 weeks until I realized that you could do it that often.
I really don't know how I lasted 12 weeks in the past. Now it seems extraordonarily hard or maybe I have become a real whimp or something. I am hoping to make it until at least February 13 (12 weeks)
Good for you! 12 weeks is the longest Ive gone and the last 2 weeks were torture! But Im willing to try it again, this time washing more frequently. Keep up the good work!
As of last week, it was 5 months for me.
This is the longest I've gone without a relaxer touch-up. I'm going to the salon this week for a relaxer touch-up.
Congrats! I also stretch my relaxers out to every 4 months. This time...I am trying to go for 5...Insha'Allah...
Wow! That's awesome! This is my 20th week without a relaxer too. I'm thinking about getting a touch-up next week or to just wait until the first week of February.
Allandra said:
As of last week, it was 5 months for me.
This is the longest I've gone without a relaxer touch-up. I'm going to the salon this week for a relaxer touch-up.

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Vanessa and Allandra! that's amazing I'm at 10 and I'm loving the braidout to help with styling but I'll have to see what my "limit" is......

Congrats again!
wow saturday will be my 12th week( longest for me has been 8 weeks) i'm looking forward to how my hair will react. i've been hearing some talking of getting lots of body on the newly relaxed parts when they stretch out relaxers
you guys are very motivating
That is great Vanessa! I have always only relaxed my hair twice a year ... but with many complications (excessive tangling and BIG knots which = having to cut ALOT of hair out). However, since joining hair boards this is my first time going 6 months (it will be 6 months on february 9th) without ANY problems and I am still able to comb my hair ... so I'm sure I will have retained more length than usual.
hey Lili, I had problems with tangling myself and huge horrible knots....but ever since I discovered the Pantene Pro V Light Spray Condition/Detangler, it's like Heaven on Earth. Try it if you don't have it, yet.
Congrats to all of you ladies!
You guys have motivated me to wait until March or longer for my touch-up. (That will be 4 months). If you are 4 a/b, like me- I recommend taking MSM, after a month of taking these vitamins, it will change your hair texture and your new growth becomes softer and straighter which will help you extend your re-touches.
Hey Vanessa! Just wanted to let you know that I dug out the old Pantene Light Spray this morning. OMG I forgot how well this stuff works! I had put it away a couple of years ago when I went on the "all natural products" kick. I remember this is what saved me from losing more hair than I could've years ago AND that is when I didn't do anything good to my hair (wash once a month, no cover my hair at night, wearing cotton scarves everyday to cover the mess, and just plain not combing it everyday either). I am soooooooo glad you mentioned it!! After I showered I put on loreal taming creme on then sprayed the paneten on my hair and then put my loreal serum on it ... oh boy!!! that comb just went right through my hair!!! I am so happy you mentioned this again! Tomorrow morning I am going to try it without using the taming creme and just use the pantene and the serum. Thank you again girl. This morning it was hard to believe that my last relaxer was in August
I tried a braid-out the other day and it really tamed my hair. This will help me to hold out on the chemicals longer. I've been condsidering 3 things: post poning my touch-up until March or April, post poning my touch-up until August (it will be a year!), or not getting a touch up at all. I'll have to wait and see.