This looks damaging.


Well-Known Member
These are fusion extensions they are more common among yt people and yes they are very damaging. I remember asking about getting these from my old weavologist she said she would never recommend them for African American hair because our hair becomes very weak at the bonding site and that I would lose hair. Also we would have to straighten our hair to match the bonded hair this would damage the bond. As far as the removal some use a solution and a tool that looks like a pair of needle nose pliers.
I remember when Toni Braxton came out with that video of her looooooon hair for the first time. I was floored. The I found out it was fusion. I wanted to try it so bad until I decided that it was far too much out of my price range. Then I saw Britney's jacked up hair.
Know a hair stylist who wore fusion extensions (or whatever it's called). Her hair seemed very realistic. Didn't appear wiggy or weavy looking. I never seen her without the extensions to know if it was damaging.
I saw a ww using a hot glue gun to glue those hair plugs in her hair at the gym once. LOL. It smelled like crazy glue and looked scary (the machine). She was trying to imitate highlights and colored hair.
I'd never do that to my hair. I have heard about how they do their extensions before but I've never seen it before. That was pretty interesting.

In my mind I am weighing what might be more damaging, these glue on hair thingys or the braided extensions we get. Those braids are never loose, so tight that many women experience thinning arounds the parts of each braid. That amounts to a LOT of hair lost after the braids are taken down. They are both damaging to the hair, but I'm thinking braided extensions are the worse of the two since they can be damaging to the scalp as well.
I know a black girl that got them done once. If she didn't tell you chances are you didn't know. My friend wanted some then I told her about the removal process and she was like absolutely not. They take a pair of pliers and crack the glue at the bonding site.

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I also know a girl who got this type of extension a few years back. Glue plugs around individual pieces of hair. The extensions didn't match her hair texture and the damage when she removed them was unbelievable!!! She had to cut a lot of her shoulder length hair off. I'd leave week alone!