this isn't as easy as i thought


New Member
i don't have a relaxer so i've always pressed my hair. it smoothes out pretty easily. well i wanted to try this no heat challenge.


easier said than done!

i wash, deep condition my hair and sit under dryer for 20 minutes, then rinse out and air dry. i put on creamy moisturizer (usually pantene cream moisturizer).


After it airdries I do that saran wrap thing.

my hair is pretty suspect the first day but the second day it is looking better.

however not blowing out or pressing my roots has really ummm...brought me back to my roots so to speak.

i'm feeling more afrikaan than ever.

how can i tame this hair with no heat?

i have a weird various texture head of hair so i don't get the pretty ringlets that some girls get. i also don't get a fro. i get this somewhere in the middle can't do anything with it mess.

i don't know what to do

i might have to quit this no heat challenge.

btw just to clarify one more again...

no heat challenge means NO HEAT AT ALL (no hair dryers, etc)

or just no direct heat? (flat irons, etc.)
I use ponytails (I think it's called banding) if I want my new growth (unrelaxed hair) straighter.

Then there's the braid outs, twist outs, buns, roller sets...

Are you trying to achieve a straight style or just 'a' style?

Yeah, that no heat thing was like, huh(!?) when I first started my hair journey but after beginning in disbelief that I my 4b relaxed hair could be straight and swingy without heat, I have been heat free for over 3 years now, I don't use heat even to DC, I just use plastic and a towel for at least 20 minutes and body heat does the rest.

Couple things that help: I had to learn to love my NG. Period. I can it get only so straight with rollersets or Silver2 scraf method, but when I'm like 8 weeks post relaxer, I learn to love my roots and learn to NOT comb my hair between washed and now I strech to 3 months or more between touchups . . . who would've thought it? I had to get over fact that my roots would not be "bone straight" nor could I comb out daily - both radical concepts and seemingly impossible at the beginning of my hair journey . . .

If you must have straight hair, then brace yourself for extra hours air drying -- rollersetting and letting hair airdry gets my hair straight -- it takes MY hair like 6 hours or more to airdry OR get a hood dryer with a cool setting and then dry on cool, which takes me like 3.5 or more hours to dry. These days, I put in my leave-ins, oils and serums and just let it hang until about 80% dry, then I tie down tight and I'm good to go. Ha! That took years to realize I could get straight hair this way, even though many many LHCF members kept saying it could be done. You never try, you never know.

PLEASE don't give up! You may come up with a method that would help the rest of us -- just keep at it, practice makes perfect!

PLEASE don't quit, Don't quit. It's the best thing I ever did for my 4b relaxed hair -- giving up heat . . .

IMO, yes, no heat means absolutely NO heat whatsoever - not even to DC. IMO, direct or indirect, heat is heat, but that's just me. As I said earlier, I've been completely heat free (no direct nor indirect heat) for 3 years and my hair has neva looked or behave better!

Good luck . . .
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