This is wrong on so many levels!

Been posted a zillion times already. The woman in the video was arrested and her kids were taken away as far as I know.
Sorry but this is old...2009 old...the eldest sis was camcording and originally posted this and took it down, folks reposted the shame...
I posted this a while back, and it's still so hurtful to watch, I am an "Extremely Emotional" Person and I can't bare when children are hurt, or anyone for that matter. I immediately clicked it off when I realized what it was.
i couldn't watch the whole thing. My stomach hurts....

I'm glad they took the kids away. May that woman burn in hell...
Well, I think how the mom went about brushing her hair was completely wrong but... Just because the little girl is screaming and saying it hurts doesn't mean it really does. I was always around my little cousin when she was a child and she screamed and hollered saying it hurt, which I know it didn't because you could be beyond gentle and she would still scream. Some kids just don't like having their hair done or touched and will go above and beyond to make you stop. Whatever that child's case was, I am glad they took the kids from her.
This is my first time seeing this - completely and utterly disgusted! That child is going to be traumatised and I hate to think how much hair she unecessarily lost!