This is what she said!


Hey Yall,
I have been on my Haircare Journey since June this year.Before findinf this forum I had grew my hair out a few years ago with an excellent stylist and multiple weave sewins.It grew to a nice healthy length and over time it broke off.Looking back I dont even remember noticing it was breaking off just all of a sudden I was at neck point again:nono: During that time I didnt condition,oil ends,DC......NADA.Anyway my hair grew this time due to my negligence with a lacefront wig and its armpit length or a little more.Since finding this forum I have been babying my ends,DC every week,Cowashing every few days.....My hair is THRIVING and is looking sooooooo healthy:grin:Thank yall!!

Anyway I have a good friend that Ive known for 20 years or more.She has always had long beautiful thick hair.She loves doing hair and takes care of her hair religiously.Anyway she was giving me advice and she said dont wash too often or it will make you have to relax faster because in essence the washing is taking away the relaxer effect faster.I think she washes every two weeks.Now if this was coming from anyone else Id be like:perplexedbut her hair is ALWAYS on point and has always been around BSL.Could prob be longer but she goes through phases where she chops a little off.Her daughter just turned 9 and her hair is natural(of course).Anyway she had it pressed once 2 years ago and her daughters hair was HIP LENGTH!

Anyways wanted to see what yall thought about the relaxer/washing thing.My hair Looooves cowashing especially in all this HEAT.Its going to be 97 in NC tomorrow!!
your friend obviously doesnt understand how relaxers work. There is nothing. I will repeat that, NOTHING. one can do to make a relaxer "wear off" or go away. Once you alter the hair chemically, you cant change it back again. It is permanent. Washing the hair cannot make a relaxer "wear off" because the relaxer actually changes the physical makeup of the hair.

What some people seem to not understand is when curl reappears at the scalp, that is not "the relaxer wearing off" its BRAND NEW HAIR being pushed from the scalp. That hair has never been touched by a relaxer and is brand new, so it is still curly. Im not sure why people still believe that relaxers "wear off"? How do these people think that hair grows exactly? I would give your friend some information on the anatomy of hair and how it grows and how relaxers work. It might help her out.

Anyway, lots of people only wash their hair every two weeks. Some people think it keeps their hair from "drying out". But you can achieve the same results, by co-washing in between shampoo washes, and keeping moisturizer in the hair. And you'll have a much cleaner scalp in the process.
The relaxer is a chemical & no amount of washing will "take away the relaxer effect". For some reason people believe that it will, but it won't. One of the MANY myths regarding AA and Relaxer....
your friend obviously doesnt understand how relaxers work. There is nothing. I will repeat that, NOTHING. one can do to make a relaxer "wear off" or go away. Once you alter the hair chemically, you cant change it back again. It is permanent. Washing the hair cannot make a relaxer "wear off" because the relaxer actually changes the physical makeup of the hair.

What some people seem to not understand is when curl reappears at the scalp, that is not "the relaxer wearing off" its BRAND NEW HAIR being pushed from the scalp. That hair has never been touched by a relaxer and is brand new, so it is still curly. Im not sure why people still believe that relaxers "wear off"? How do these people think that hair grows exactly? I would give your friend some information on the anatomy of hair and how it grows and how relaxers work. It might help her out.

Anyway, lots of people only wash their hair every two weeks. Some people think it keeps their hair from "drying out". But you can achieve the same results, by co-washing in between shampoo washes, and keeping moisturizer in the hair. And you'll have a much cleaner scalp in the process.

Thanks for your reply.I think she knows def.that the new growth is new growth that hasnt been relaxed.I think maybe she meant the strands other than the new growth would lose the relaxer effect...:perplexed It sounded nonsense but like I said the girls got more hair than me:lachen:
Okay I've seen this debated somewhat and honestly I believe nothing can make the relaxer go away besides transitioning BUT if you do wash too often it WILL give the appearance that the relaxer is gone from your hair. I'd have a relaxer on the 1st and by the 15th I'd have almost a straight up fro only based on me washing my hair every 4-7 days. I knew my relaxer was still there I mean if you could wash it out then it would never initially take BUT it can give the appearance of such. HTMS Hope that makes since
Just goes to show you that everyone with long hair isn't an expert on hair....cause she doesn't know what she is talking about.
Frequent washing and co-washing makes my hair grow faster, probably because my scalp is cleaner. So perhaps that's what she means when she says the relaxer doesn't last as long with frequent washing?

Regardless, her theory about the relaxer wearing off is incorrect, as others have stated.
Hmmm...As has already been said, I don't think that a water, sodium lauryl sulfate, and fragrance can remove the relaxer...Her hair may be almost BSL but I wonder what it would be if she washed a little more frequent? No offense to your friend at all...
Hmmm...As has already been said, I don't think that a water, sodium lauryl sulfate, and fragrance can remove the relaxer...Her hair may be almost BSL but I wonder what it would be if she washed a little more frequent? No offense to your friend at all...

I agree.No offense taken.I just think her family like AA families(including mine)just grew up with certain mindsets.I can say her hair is ALWAYS been her priority.We(my mother,ssiter) washed out hair every two weeks growing up.I never asked why but my mom may believe the same thing.Even though she is old chool on some mindsets she still has some of the habits described here such as protective styling.She rarely wears her hair down,she rollersets,has a phony poney....etc When she wears it down she always has super healthy THICK ends and that swang! Ive seen her get close to waist length too.She is always trimming her hair down.She says it is so time consuming.Maybe because she has always had the length she doesnt strive for it like some of us do.She'll chop that hair into a shoulder length bob with no hesitation and then in 6 months it will be right back.:lachen:
there are plenty of people that wash twice a month. you just have to find what works for you. some people have great results with daily cowashing, and some suffer when they start doin all that. oh well. ♥