This is the longest my hair has ever been!!!

Is your hair the longest its ever been?

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Well-Known Member
This is the longest my hair has ever been!!![Poll]

Who on this board can say that? If you can...Was it because of things you learned while on LHCF? Is your hair the longest in your family? Post pics if you like.:yep::rolleyes:
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I can honestly say that I learned a tremendous amount about hair care, products, and more, from this website. I stumbled upon LHCF out of desperation looking for help for my dying scalp and damaged hair. I was on the verge of giving up, and cried, and cried, and cried. There were more tears in my eyes than hairs on my head, and hope in my heart.

Since then, I've had my ups and downs. The thing I appreciate most from this forum, is not the fact that my hair is longer, but that it is A LOT healthier. I wouldn't trade that in for anything.

Before coming to this board, I just believed what my momma told me, that I had the hair that just didn't grow, I had no clue what direct and indirect heat was, I learned that I could for the first time n my life NOT relax !! I learned to rollerset my hair instead of using the curling iron. I learned all about the different butters we put on our hair, acv.. I could go on and on. And yes, this is the first time in my life that I have had hair this long and this healthy!!!!
Let me just preface this by saying that my hair is not long by any stretch of the imagination, but it is longer than it's even been since I have been taking care of it. I can see exactly how long it can grow to...because of every other member on this site with hair like mine (4a/4b, I think. I have not looked at my texture in many, many years because I had locs and before that, I never let it grow long enough to really see the texture. :nono:)'s growing nicely now, thanks to LHCF and all the help I get here. I cannot wait to see what this year holds for my head! :grin:

Sure is the longest its ever been and its all because of the things I learned here. I usually have SL hair. Im now BSB (top of BSL). I only know of one or two others that have longer hair. That will change by the end of the year.
The longest its ever been was like an inch away from APL, right now my hair is at the length is was before I bc-ed (actually probably longer now) collar bone length at this moment, about one inch past and approximately 3 inches away from APL so hopefully by this Summer I'll be the logest I've ever been! (APL):grin:
No this is the shortests my hair has ever been, as a child i was between APL and BSL, now i;m shoulder length, do to very poor haircare, now i'm trying to get back to how i used to be even longer
My hair has never been longer than NL. Now it's about 3.75 inches to APL. Right now, I have the longest hair in my family (Immediate family) My older sis did the BC, my mom sports a short cut and has for the past 50 years, and my twin sis is full NL.
This is the longest mine has ever been (not so long by LHCF standards but one day soon)

And it is most definitely because of hair boards.
Yes!! I was never able to get past shoulder length without breakage..and I'm past my shoulders!! Yay!! with no breakage....Not APL yet...but I will be!
My hair is longer than it has ever been in my life, and I have the longest hair in my family. I thank God for it.
No, but that's because I decide to bc and do the natural thing. I think that in a few years (2 more) it will probably be as long if not longer than it's ever been (loced for a few yrs in the past and it was about bsl).

I've learned a lot on this board and my hair seems to be I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to retain most of my growth.
Yep :yep: this is the longest it has ever been and it's not breaking like crazy like it used to :amen:. Pre LHCF it was btw APL & ends were always raggedy and uneven. I have been actively growing for about 1 year. Pre LHCF I didn't know about DC ,leave ins, moisture/protein etc. etc....
My hair is most definitely now the longest it has ever been.

I've always worn short cropped styles bc I was tired of trying and failing to grow my hair any longer than neck length.

I literally thank God for finding LHCF.

Oh and I now have the longest hair in my family :grin::grin::grin:.
My hair is definately the longest it's ever been. And I do attribute it to LHCF because it was like a support team to maintain my hair health and the tips were awesome and trying different things and finding what works for me. Funny the difference that simply paying more attention can do. Doing my hair became something I thoroughly enjoyed doing and I was no longer doing my hair just to 'look cute' and my hair flourished from that.

I now have the longest hair out of my sisters after one of mine cut hers from mid-back to shoulder length. I was trying to catch up with her and now she looks at mine with admiration and is now growing it back out again.
LMAO@SparklingFlame's signature!!! :lachen:

I gained knowledge on naturallycurly and LHCF. I can definitely say that the length I have now is attributed to seeing everyone's long hair which has motivated me to keep going.
Who on this board can say that? If you can...Was it because of things you learned while on LHCF? Is your hair the longest in your family? Post pics if you like.:yep::rolleyes:

This is the longest my hair has been. It always hovered between SL and APL before. It is definitely due to info from LHCF. Pre LHCF I didn't know about leave-ins, DC's, protective styling or the proper products to moisturize with (and a whole lot of other info). My hair is the longest in the family now, but I think my mom had me beat back in the day, lol.
My hair is not the longest in my family but my hair is the longest it's ever been (almost MBL) that I can remember. I dreamed of my hair being this length when I was younger, I learned how to take better care of my relaxed hair and my hair has been doing much better.
I wouldn't say it's the longest it's ever been, but it's close. It is the healthiest it's ever been, though, and overall health is very important to me because for years I "settled" for hair that was unhealthy because I started to believe there was just nothing I could do for it. Sites like LHCF and others have really opened my eyes and my hair has thrived from it. :) I'm actually looking forward to BSL. I don't think I've ever been BSL, but I think I can achieve it with all the support and tips that I'm receiving.
This is definitely the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been. I was permanently stuck at shoulder length, with dry crispy hair. I have learned how to keep my hair moisturized, soft and on my head instead of breaking, dry and on the floor. It's a wonderful thing, that I thought would never happen.