This is the day the Lord has made ...The Harvest


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving!:yep::Rose:

God is praised because he forgives faults, gives victory, cares for the land,
and gives a good harvest to his people.

God, it is right for us to praise you in Zion
and keep our promises to you,
because you answer prayers.
People everywhere will come to you
on account of their sins.

You answer us by giving us victory,
and you do wonderful things to save us
People all over the world
and across the distant seas trust in you.

The whole world stands in awe
of the great things that you have done
Your deeds bring shouts of joy
from one end of the earth to the other.

You show your care for the land by sending rain;
you make it rich and fertile.
You fill the streams with water;
you provide the earth with crops.

What a rich harvest your goodness provides!
Wherever you go there is plenty.The pastures are filled with flocks;
the hillsides are full of joy.
The fields are covered with sheep;
the valleys are full of wheat.
Everything shouts and sings for joy.

This is a psalm of praise for the harvest. The psalmist praises God for his gracious provision of rain providing his people a bountiful harvest.

On this Thanksgiving Day, as we reflect on God's gracious forgiveness, his powerful acts of care and deliverance in our lives and his bountiful provision for us, how can we not join with all creation in joyful praise - -praise that God so richly deserves!

Compose your own psalm of praise to God today. Include all that you can remember to give him thanks for.

Lord, I give You my thanks and praise for all that You've given me. Please give me a thankful heart always.
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