This is Me HF8 I am so Mad! Update

Highly Favored8

Well-Known Member
Good Evening Everyone,

I just got my hair done today where I had it relaxed with Affrim sensitive scalp. Then I had a Semi Permante Rinse of Cherry Cola.
My style is Flat Ironed!

Now, my story I went from Full APL to SL Hair today b/c the back of my head was just not catching up to my APL so I had to start over :nono:. I really wanted to be at BSL this year 12-31-08 however, I am at a setback! :ohwell:, it will grow back! Just venting a little bit. I hope to be to full APL on 12-31-08:look:
Then Full BSL 12-31-09!:yep: See my signature for my new picture and please check my new album I just set up! Thank you for your comments!
I know you are upset about losing the length, but on the up side it does look very pretty and healthy.
Good Evening Everyone,

I just got my hair done today where I had it relaxed with Affrim sensitive scalp. Then I had a Semi Permante Rinse of Cherry Cola.
My style is Flat Ironed!

Now, my story I went from Full APL to SL Hair today b/c the back of my head was just not catching up to my APL so I had to start over :nono:. I really wanted to be at BSL this year 12-31-08 however, I am at a setback! :ohwell:, it will grow back! Just venting a little bit. I hope to be to full APL on 12-31-08:look:
Then Full BSL 12-31-09!:yep: See my signature for my new picture and please check my new album I just set up! Thank you for your comments!

You said it girlfriend!! Give it time and you will be back and then some
Yes Yes lady. I know your pain and anger. But, it does look really really nice and healthy.
I know it's hard to deal with now, but I been there a number of times, and before long, it will all be a memory. And, your hair looks really good and healthy. Just look at it as a fresh start.
yep. i know exactly how you are feeling. i went from bsl to apl on sunday...:ohwell:

it'll grow back. better to do the cut now then later.

I know how you feel. But you have Sexy "Healthy" Hair....keep growing and I look forward to seeing your updates in December..
I'm confused. Was your hair damaged in some way?

Either way, good luck! And, I love your color!
I know you are a bit upset , but your hair looks beautiful & healthy! I pray mine looks this good by Xmas!!! (my personal gift to myself :yep:)
Yeah I'm a bit confused as well.

Would you mind sharing more details on why you did such a big cut?

On a positive note your siggy pic is really beautiful.

Yes, I had to cut at least 2"-4" yesterday:nono:! The middle of my head was slowly but surely catching up to my Full APL on the right sides of my Hair a person with no knowledge about hair couldn't have tell however, I told my Stylist my hair goal and I told her BSL she said then We must cut back to SL I was full APL however, not so full in the mid back just about a few strands however, when she did it made the difference! No, damage at all just slo growth in the middle so now, I am starting over! I also kept focusing on Rhi-Rhi's short hair that is what I get!:lachen:,:lachen:!

So I am at SL now so I am going for APL 12-31-08 and I know now that I had this CUT I will be Full BSL 12-31-09 ALL sides even.

I had to cut b/c my middle was not as even and full as the rest of my hair!:spinning:
I had a similar problem, the front of my hair would not catch up to the back, and the also the left side was shorter, weird because I started everything with a BC, guess it happens to some of us, well I chopped off 4 inches last month and its a lot more even, but am sure that it will grow back more evenly. What I think happened in your case and mine is that some parts of the hair were more damaged for me the front, for you the back, hence making it harder to retain the length, now that the damaged hair is probably gone, am sure it will grow back more evenly
I had a similar problem, the front of my hair would not catch up to the back, and the also the left side was shorter, weird because I started everything with a BC, guess it happens to some of us, well I chopped off 4 inches last month and its a lot more even, but am sure that it will grow back more evenly. What I think happened in your case and mine is that some parts of the hair were more damaged for me the front, for you the back, hence making it harder to retain the length, now that the damaged hair is probably gone, am sure it will grow back more evenly

Yes, it will it was just so sad to see all that APL gone however, This is how I am looking at it now that our hair is all even and now the growth rate can show it self! I guess out hair needed a cut it is Fall:look:. I enjoyed setting goals and reaching them with my hair. This is what this site has taught me. Now, I will tell you this so far when I saw Rhiannia's hair cut I just kept focusing on that:blush: Now I went from APL-SL never, again will I focus on shorter hair b/c I then want to cut it:lachen:! So, now I will focus on APL and BSL and MBL and Achieve them! You will too!:yep:
Yes, I had to cut at least 2"-4" yesterday:nono:! The middle of my head was slowly but surely catching up to my Full APL on the right sides of my Hair a person with no knowledge about hair couldn't have tell however, I told my Stylist my hair goal and I told her BSL she said then We must cut back to SL I was full APL however, not so full in the mid back just about a few strands however, when she did it made the difference! No, damage at all just slo growth in the middle so now, I am starting over! I also kept focusing on Rhi-Rhi's short hair that is what I get!:lachen:,:lachen:!

So I am at SL now so I am going for APL 12-31-08 and I know now that I had this CUT I will be Full BSL 12-31-09 ALL sides even.

I had to cut b/c my middle was not as even and full as the rest of my hair!:spinning:

Thanks for explaining this to us.

I had a similar problem, the front of my hair would not catch up to the back, and the also the left side was shorter, weird because I started everything with a BC, guess it happens to some of us, well I chopped off 4 inches last month and its a lot more even, but am sure that it will grow back more evenly. What I think happened in your case and mine is that some parts of the hair were more damaged for me the front, for you the back, hence making it harder to retain the length, now that the damaged hair is probably gone, am sure it will grow back more evenly

Thank you for this explanation as well, it helped me understand better because I was thinking that if the hair grows at a slower rate, won't it keep growing at a slower rate? But I see what you are saying about it maybe not being as healthy. Good luck to both of you as you pursue your goals.
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