This IS a dumb question, but I still want a consensus


Well-Known Member
I gave myself a perm yesterday, but realized I just left perm on a spot. :wallbash: I am scheduled to go get tree braids in my hair after work tomorrow at 4. I DO NOT want to wash my hair again because I don't want to affect the deep conditioning that I did yesterday. I want to know if I spot check that spot and not wash the rest of my hair, will that be okay. Or should I just wash it again?
Do not pass go; do not collect 200 dollars; run, don't walk - immediately wash your hair. Neutralize it now. Clarify it after that. Deep condition again. And pray, pray, pray.
I'm did you leave relaxer in your hair if you DC'd afterward? I mean, are you saying you relaxed, neutralized, then DC'd?
Are you saying you had relaxer cream on your head since yesterday??
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Yeah, I'm a little confused too about a couple of things. All I know is if you have relaxer anywhere still in your head you need to go wash it and neutralize it...the sooner the better. You can much easier attain the conditioning benefits again versus some bald spot etc. Also, why would you get braids two days after a relaxer? I would mos def wait two at the minimum.

Hmmm...but you sound like you really know the answer. Why do you need a consensus for something you strongly suspect could be detrimental?
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I'm did you leave relaxer in your hair if you DC'd afterward? I mean, are you saying you relaxed, neutralized, then DC'd?
Are you saying you hade relaxer cream on your head since yesterday??

Yes, I am embarrased to say that I did not notice until tonight that I have hard perm left in my hair. It's just one small spot. I permed then left olive oil deep conditioner on my hair for over an hour before washing it out. I thought that I got all of the perm out but I guess I did not. I just do not feel like washing it again. I will go ahead and re-wash it and re deep condition and let it air dry.
Yeah, I'm a little confused too. All I know is if you have relaxer anywhere still in your head you need to go wash it and neutralize it...the sooner the better. You can much easier attain the conditioning benefits again versus some bald spot etc.

That is so true.
I want a consensus because I am dead tired and want to go to bed. It takes forever for me to do my hair.
Dead tired or bald seem to be the choices.

I'm a little confused by an earlier post - you relaxed and then deep conditioned and THEN washed after leaving in the dc on top of relaxer for an hour? I'm sure I must be reading that wrong.

Tired with hair is a much better look - wash.
I want a consensus because I am dead tired and want to go to bed. It takes forever for me to do my hair.

Oh, and I understand! Go wash/neutralize your hair and sleep in some conditioner (I'm not an advocate of this but in this instance it sounds like a viable option). Good luck and keep us posted!
GO SHAMPOO YOUR HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep conditioner vs. bald..deep conditioner vs. bald...there is no choice but to :roadrunner:do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever you did, you need to neutralize. Step away from the computer... neutralize. Then neutralize again. As it was already stated, you'll look better tired with hair than well rested with a bald spot.
And yeah, I agree; braids 2 days after a realxer is too soon. Too much stress on the hair and scalp.
Are you sure it was relaxer you left on your hair and not conditioner? The relaxer didn't burn you?
Oooh girl, you could go BALD in that spot! Go neutralize your hair a few times. Hope your hair doesn't come out in your hands. Do NOT get braids until at least a week after a relaxer.

Maybe it isn't relaxer, maybe it is hard deep conditioner.
I'm not getting this. How can you neutralize, rinse that out. Then condition, leave it on for some time, and then rinse that out. And perm is still on your hair after all of those washes and rinses? Idk...