This happened to my sister!! Very Long.........


New Member
I do not know where to begin but I'll start at the beginning:confused:

My sister met some guy online and they started talking. She was excited cos he was christian and seemed to have very nice manners. He however lived overseas-Ireland precisely. He had a good job and seemed to be someone she thought she could have a relationship with. But she made sure to ask him if he was married, divorced or had kids. He said no to all and it seemed like they were on- if ya know what I mean:)

Anyhoo this guy took it a step further and actually came to California to see her from Ireland. And I'm thinking anybody who would spend money like that and time definitely had to be really interested right?

So he comes and we finally meet him and my husband who loves an audience really liked jisting with him. I thought he was cool and seemed like a nice guy. I asked him point blank the plans he had for my sister cos I don't believe in spending time with anyone if there's no purpose, and he replied with a smile. I thought that was curious.

Some time after he left, my sister began to complain about how he doesn't call, she has to do all the calling blah blah and I told her to give him a break. His job might be demanding or something. She tried talking to him about it on numerous occasions but his excuse was that he was busy/changed jobs/tired all the time cos of the time difference. Now I became uncomfortable cos he had no probs when they first met online.
She told him she was calling it off cos he didn't seem to want to commit.

He then says he's coming over again so they can talk. By this time he really started to act suspicious- not calling and giving her evasive answers to her questions.

Well it turns out that he is married with 3 kids! :eek:He has been married for 8 years! You can imagine my shock and the disbelief my sister had! She called me from her office the day she found out and even had to leave work early cos she was literally in shock.
Here's how she found out. He forwarded a mail that his wife had written to him telling him to break up with my sister.

The deceit of the whole thing was really shocking seeing he is an elder in his church and his wife is a deaconess and they have been told that they are the ideal couple:eek:. My sister knew cos she called the wife(her number was at the bottom of the email she sent her husband) and told her she didn't know all of that. I know my sisiter, she is as lovely as they come and is not one to steal another woman's man married or not! She really was disappointed cos he professed to be a christian and seemed genuine.

In this day and age when we as christians should be all about our Father's business living right and preaching the Word moreso that His coming is emminent, some 'christians' are going about with their deceitful ways. God help us all!!!!!!!!
Sorry, your sister has to endure something like this, but that's why its so important to pray and be led of the Holy Spirit in our lives. People deceive others all the time, and christians are not an exception.

The church is full of hurting people and hurt people, hurt people.

I will be praying for your sister and you as well. Sounds like you love your sister very much and that is very special.

I will certainly lift you sister up in prayer and also the guy and his family. Obviously they are going through something but it was unfair to emotionally tie your sister into it all. I am so confused as to why he would do such a thing. The distance in the relationship, his family.
Thank you lovely ladies for all your support and prayers. yes it is so important to be led of the Spirit when it comes to matters of the heart. I waited until I was sure it was the Holy Spirit that led me to my husband.
Thank God the relationship did not go far!!!!!!!!
Thank you lovely ladies for all your support and prayers. yes it is so important to be led of the Spirit when it comes to matters of the heart. I waited until I was sure it was the Holy Spirit that led me to my husband.
Thank God the relationship did not go far!!!!!!!!

It seems like he went through a lot of trouble to be dishonest . Flying oversees? :ohwell: It's a good thing she listened to the Spirit and realized that something was wrong.
I can't just imagine how far people will take deception!:eek:
I posted this story to buttress the importance of involving the Holy Spirit in our every day walk with God particularly on decisions like marriage, job etc. It really rests with us christians if to be ready to listen and obey especially when we are thinking God this fine man just has to be my prince!
Like Juanita Bynum said 'I will not marry a man if I don't catch him in the Spirit'. So sisters catch yours!