This body lotion applied to hair is like...wo!


New Member
Ladies, I have stumbled upon a miracle for my hair. I am a loyal Jergens and Vaseline Intensive Care lotion consumer and always have one or the other in my arsenal of beauty products. Yes, I've tried the lotion gamut from Origins to Lush, Bath and Body Works, The Body Shop and beyond, but nothing works like my trusty drugstore standbys.

So I tried this new Vaseline Intensive Care lotion in a white bottle (with a blue and white label) that says "Advanced Healing, Fragrance-Free Skin Protectant Lotion, Proven Moisturizers & Vitamin E, Hydrates and Heals Dry Skin" on the front. Keep in mind that this is NOT the standard original formula.

What I've noticed is this stuff really works on moisturizing my skin! It has NO greasy after-feel and leaves my skin SO incredibly moist all day. MOIST, NOT GREASY OR FILMY.

In a pinch, I'll use body lotion in my hair. I wash and condition my hair, then scrunch a mixture of this lotion with a little pure aloe vera gel in my wet hair and let air-dry. OMG, the all-day moisture!!! AND NO GREASE OR OIL SITTING ON TOP! I tried using a little more of just this lotion alone on wet hair to replace the amount of aloe vera gel, and woah! My hair stays hydrated all day.

I usually read ingredients beforehand, but I was in a rush and didn't have time to be so anal-retentive, so I just used it and called it a day. But when I read the ingredients afterwards... This Vaseline Intensive Care lotion has glycerin, vitamin E, collagen amino acids, and sodium PCA in it. SODIUM PCA, y'all!!!

Now, for those purists out there who get all up in arms over 'cones and petroleum, I'm going to warn you now and tell you that this product has both dimethicone and petrolatum in it. We already know, some of y'all won't go anywhere near these ingredients. But we don't need to hear anyone's mouth about this again, so save it before I have to give you a
If you don't like these ingredients, you don't have to use it.

But for those who are willing to give this lotion a try, it really works for hydrating your hair all day. I've been using it for months now with NO buildup (I clarify once a month anyway) and only positive effects.

Most lotions have glycerin, but most do NOT have sodium PCA. I'm wondering if this is the magic ingredient, or a combination of all of the hydrating ingredients.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass this tip along. Again, no one HAS to try it. But if you'd like to, I give it as much a thumbs-up as MSM.
I should add that another ingredient in this lotion is mineral WATER. That's mineral WATER, not mineral oil. When I first read the label I thought it said mineral oil, but it's not. It also has urea and lactic acid in it (the acid in milk that relaxes the hair). The full ingredients list:

Water, white petrolatum, glycerin, stearic acid, glycol stearate, sunflower seed oil, soybean sterols, lecithin, vitamin E, vitamin A, urea, collagen amino acids, sodium stearoyl lactate, mineral WATER, sodium PCA, potassium lactate, lactic acid, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, magnesium aluminum silicate, carbomer, stearamide AMP, ethylene brassylate, trolamine, corn oil, disodium EDTA, methylparaben, DMDM hydantoin, BHT, titanium dioxide, dimethicone 1%

I don't use this every day, but when I do...HELLO!
I use Palmer's Cocoa Butter lotion in my hair and NOTHING keeps my end feeling better. If your ends feel dry and parched, just slather some on, tuck your ends away, and they will feel awesome next time you tough them. Definitely not parched.

I think that some lotions probably are just an untapped resource.
I used to but baby lotion on some of my babies hair and it would help it to lay down and feel so soft and smooth. One child was referred to as being an Indian baby.
I agree that body lotions are an untapped resource when it comes to hair. You figure, skin and hair are made up of similar components, so quite naturally what might benefit the skin might also be nice for the hair. No hair product (except aloe vera gel or glycerin) keeps my hair as hydrated as body lotion.

Maybe we should start experimenting more with LOTIONS!
when my sister and I were younger, my mom only used lotion in our hair. Worked wonders. I might have to try out this new jergens!
Since using body lotion on the hair is relatively un-exciting, not as many will be willing to experiment more with it. But if the same ingredients were in a jar labeled "hair creme" then we'd be all over it. I know it's not the most exotic, fancy idea, but it works!
Good stuff here, thanks for bringing this up Raven.

After reading this earlier today, I applied some palmer's cocoabutter lotion to my ends, threw it up in a bun, and we'll see later tonight how my ends feel. I'm confident it'll work great.

Raven and comfortablynumb, ya'll are on point about how products such as lotions are untapped's all about the labeling and there's tons of products that serve multiple purposes.
i can't believe you beat me to starting this thread... I was looking at one of my body butters thinking hmmmm how would this work on my hair
Ha ha! I just used some body butter that I got from wal-mart on my ends last night. I was surprised that it works very well on the ends. I'm going to use it until my shea butter comes in.
i've been thinking about this.
i was looking at some body butters and lotions
and i was like "hmmm...i wonder how they'd work on the hair..."

i havent dived in yet.
i MAY try it sometime?
who knows.
I regularly use Palmer's Shea butter on my ends and it works really great. It actually says (in the small print on the back) that it can be used on hair...
Interesting, I use this on my body, and it works great, maybe I should try putting it in my hair, not to say ive never thought about it, but now that I know someone else has tried why not.:yep:
This is too funny, when I put my hair in low ponytail, I would take the same Vaseline Intensive Care lotion, after rubbing it on my hand put a small amount on my side to smooth them down.:grin:
I knew a few people who did this when I was a child and their hair always looked nice. My mama wouldn't let me try it though.
Jane Carter's Nourish and Shine is made to be used on the body and hair. I bet there are so many more products that can be dual purpose.
i wonder if any of the burts bees lotion/butters would be good for the hair? hmmm. i know they have hair stuff, but the body stuff seems more interesting to me lol.
OMG! I adore burt's bees... who's natural & has don't this? I have sum shea body butter that i may baggy with tonight... I'll report back in the am... I bet this leaves your hair smelling amazing!
Through high school, my mixed friends always used lotion in their hair. I always assumed that it was because they had a looser curl...when I got a relaxer (which was really a tex-lax looking back now) I used it too. It was fine, but when I went back to natural, it was too 'wet' for me to continue.
Wow, I actually have bought this lotion before and LOVED it :love: but I would have never thought to put it on my hair!!! Thanks for the tip.
i bought some of the burt's bees honey & shea body butter today

i'm going to wash (clarify) tonight, deep condition overnight

and then tomorrow i'll try the butter on my hair.

i'm thinking with something like this (since it's a bit thick to use TOO often)
if it works out, i'll only use it after my clarifies
ha, should last a bit longer that way too lol
i paid $13.something or another for it.

and if it doesnt work out on my hair
i'll just actually use it on my body.

i've never used any products w/ beeswax on my hair before
so, we'll see how that works out

here's the website/info on the butter:
i tried it today
my hair is still a bit damp/wet
so, i wont say for sure

but i thiiiiiink it might be good stuff for me

i didnt use it as is, though

i added a little castor oil and water
and whipped it w/ an electric hand mixer
to make it smoother and a little bit easier to distribute
i used it as a sealant

i'll report again later after my hair is dryer.

i think i may have gone too heavy handed on it
i probably should have been a bit lighter with it
since my hair doesnt like products that are too heavy anyway
it might be the beeswax, not to mention i added castor oil
(cant help it, i dig castor oil - probably the only "heavy" thing i like)

i'm going to try it again next wash
but i'll use less of it

it seems to make my hair a little softer
but we'll see for sure next time when i dont overdo it haha.
you definitely realize how much actually use when your hair is dry

like i said,
if it doesnt work out
i'll just use it up on my body lol