Thinning Hairline


New Member
What can be done for a thinning hairline??? I don't want long hair and a hairline sitting way back on my head.
Well, it's not that bad.
My mother just left hers alone and it grew back fast, but she has 3a hair. My hair gets very nappy looking if I do that. Help
There was recently a thread on this and someone suggested massaging vitamin E oil into the hair line. You could also try jojoba, which is also known to increase growth. HTH.
Im still working on this too. Just got a touch up and there are some little sprouts, so maybe the misting w/ distilled water and castor oil massages are working....slowly but surely...
Im still working on this too. Just got a touch up and there are some little sprouts, so maybe the misting w/ distilled water and castor oil massages are working....slowly but surely...

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My aunt cannot stop talking about castor oil for growing hair. I believe she massages it with vitamin e oil into her hairline every night. Her hairline is noticeably getting thicker.
I used to wear braids for years and i noticed that it made my hair line completely non existent. I decided to let go of the braids and reduce the stress on my hairline. I conditioner wash my hair every two days and massage my temples. You cant even tell that a couple of months ago my hair was thinning out.
i was getting a thinner hair line messing with too tight cornrows and wrapping. Well recently i've started using Wild Growth hair oil nightly on the hair line and it's been a noticeable difference i can barely see the once bald spots that cascaded my hair line.
Thanks everyone for responding. I think I'll try the castor oil with Vitamin E Oil. I've created bangs for now, because of the thinning. Wish me luck!
Thanks everyone for responding. I think I'll try the castor oil with Vitamin E Oil. I've created bangs for now, because of the thinning. Wish me luck!

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keep us posted on your progress.....