Thinning Hair


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

After I got mt last relaxer (at Joseph's mind you) my hair is considerably thinner. I believe my hair was over processed with a little over lapping. Now my hair seems so listless and I have naturally fine hair.

What is a girl to do??? Long hair obstacles keep being flung my way!!! Any suggestions? I need all the help I can get. /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Hi free2bme,

I think after your experience at Joseph's with the assistant basing your scalp with relaxer, something negative was bound to occur. Don't lose hope. Remember to keep doing the deep conditioners often because your hair and scalp have both been through a traumatizing experience.
It's going to be o.k. Keep your hair moisturized and you will be fine. Your hair will continue to grow no matter what. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
F2B - you might have had a little overlapping and/or overprocessing - but nothing that shoud be TOO much of a setback. The first 3 weeks after a relaxer for fine haired chicks (when you DON'T go to someone who knows that fine hair doesn't need as much smoothing or as long a relaxer time) can be a little "limper" for us than were used to - but my experience is that once you get a little new growth in you'll feel more comfortable - and when you get next relaxer just be sure you go to someone who doesn't do assembly line relaxing! /images/graemlins/grin.gif You know - everyone gets the same exact procedure regardless of texture or density etc.?

Your hair will be fine I suspect. Baby it (ad some protein conditioners to strengthen and give body to the hair - follow with your best moisturizer/slippy/detangling conditioner) and it will be fine. If you didn't get burned and they didn't leave the realxer on for way longer than they were supposed to - it was probably just the difference in the technique that caused the result you are experiencing.
Hi free2beme!!

I was WITH you when you were at Joseph's, also having mine done so I know exactly what you mean. I have fine hair too.

I got burnt in two places on my scalp by Joseph's so what I've been doing is pampering my hair, which basically just means nice deep conditioning every 3/4 days so its a constant 'feed' to the scalp and hair length. For moisturising conditioner I'm using Mizani Moisturefuse mixed with virgin olive oil which is soooo nice for retaining hair moisture. Last night though I did a protein treatment (mixed with virgin olive oil) for 5 mins then followed by Mizani again for a good 25 mins. For my burns I used a treatment spray applied direct to the damaged areas which have now vanished thank God.

Just keep up with the 3/4 day deep conditioning to let all that good stuff penetrate and your hair and scalp will thank us both for the trauma we both went through /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

I never like when my hair's just done as its so thin/limp but already I feel its coming out better from the few wash/conditions (esp, the protein conditioner which has somewhat thickened it). So do try this.

Keep me posted.
Thanks Tracy & BrownRelaxed!!

Thankfully I didn't get burned but unfortunately I have only washed and conditioned my hair once since Joseph's (traveled to Houston). So I'll definately treat and pamper my hair this weekend. I'll try mixing olive oil with my conditioner too.
Definitely let me know how you get on and do try upping the frequency of wash/conditioning treatments. I think I've religiously done mine every 3/4 days now since Joseph's (starting from just 2 days after having it done!), just to get my hair to re-adjust to a healthier stronger state on a continuous regime.

I love the mixing with olive oil and conditioner. Not much, just a bit and you'll notice how much smoother your wet hair will feel when rinsing /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Take care.
Hi Brownrelaxedhair,

I misplaced you info the other nite and just wanted to let ou know that I'm still very much interested in your Sebastian Colorshines. You can send your info to my e-mail.


[email protected]
BRH....don't you just love that Mizani Moisturefuse? It's one of my faves and now I guess I'll have to try it with some oil too!

I know exactly how you guys feel about the thinning hair. A friend of mine made the observation on Thanksgiving that my hair near my crown is not as full as the hair on my sides. It was scary and depressing. I haven't thought of a game plan yet. I was thinking that it had to do with relaxing.
I'm not sure but it sucks becasue my hair is differnt lengths so that even though my hair is past my shoulderrs, it looks thin at the ends becasue not all my hair is reaching the ends of the others. I hope that made sense .

I'm going to try to grow more hair and then even it out when its long enough. I don't want to even it out nowand then have it not grow evenly. I never wear my hair out anyway.

I feel your pain on the many lengths issue. I still have layers in front from when I got my cut a YEAR ago and it makes my hair look so much shorter. I can't help but feel my hair would LOOK so much longer and thicker if it was all the same length all around. I have to force my self not to get it cut again to even it up some everytime I go to the salon to get a wash and set.... /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Hi Daviine,

Yes I'm loving the Moisturefuse and will continue using it to accumulate the benefits. I went through a phase recently of using a diff. conditioner every wash so now I'm settling into one at a time. Do try the touch of virgin olive oil and see too.

I know what you mean about the different lengths making the ends seem thinner. I have layers all over and you can see from my pics that I've also got that thin layer of hair at the very back due to it being layered into 'steps'. If it was all one length that wouldn't be there.

If the crown continues to bother you and doesn't get any better, why not consider seeing a professional scalp consultant? I think that Marvin guy everyone's raving about is one. Someone like that who's a hairdresser too should help pinpoint the cause. Its an expensive but at least you'd leave knowing what causes it and how to fix it.

Yeah I'm seriously considering going to Marvin's. Unfortunately, I don't remember ever having CUT my hair into layers. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

So I was all excited like I had long hair but it's like you don't have long hair if its not full at the ends. I'm going to take a picture the next time I wah my hair so you can see.
My hair was always limp when I went to the salon for touch-ups. I thought it was normal! /images/graemlins/mad.gif

The first and second time I shampooed I would air-dry my hair. I didn't tie it down or anything--I just let it frizz out. Then I straightened it with a warm curling iron. It made my hair look fluffier.