Thinning Hair


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I'm not sure what's going on with my hair. I'm about 5 wks post touch-up but my hair just seems to be really thin to me. As I've posted before I think my stylist has been relaxing it too straight. Well, now I'm at the point where I think I'll being transitioning. Texlax or Natural not sure yet. It all depends on if I can get the Mizani Thermasmooth and if my hair likes it. I'm also going to talk to a new stylist soon. This new lady knows about the Thermasmooth but she's in Temple,TX and I'm in Austin. (45 min drive) Does your hair get thinner as you age? I'm starting to get up there in age. I'm also going to get a Maxiglide by next week as well. I like straight styles but I'd rather have healthy thick hair first. Any tips you can share will be great. I cut my hair about a year ago and it's about 1-2 inches past the bottom of my ear. No BC for my when I transition.
lshevonne said:
Hello Ladies,

I'm not sure what's going on with my hair. I'm about 5 wks post touch-up but my hair just seems to be really thin to me. As I've posted before I think my stylist has been relaxing it too straight. Well, now I'm at the point where I think I'll being transitioning. Texlax or Natural not sure yet. It all depends on if I can get the Mizani Thermasmooth and if my hair likes it. I'm also going to talk to a new stylist soon. This new lady knows about the Thermasmooth but she's in Temple,TX and I'm in Austin. (45 min drive) Does your hair get thinner as you age? I'm starting to get up there in age. I'm also going to get a Maxiglide by next week as well. I like straight styles but I'd rather have healthy thick hair first. Any tips you can share will be great. I cut my hair about a year ago and it's about 1-2 inches past the bottom of my ear. No BC for my when I transition.

not sure if this is helpful but have you been experiencing breakage or shedding. I noticed when I had my old stylist she took great pride in getting my hair really straight. I never kept my hair long with that stylist. When I started going to one more interested in hair health it was better. I would henna and go to a different stylist to start.

lshevonne said:
Hello Ladies,

I'm not sure what's going on with my hair. I'm about 5 wks post touch-up but my hair just seems to be really thin to me. As I've posted before I think my stylist has been relaxing it too straight. Well, now I'm at the point where I think I'll being transitioning. Texlax or Natural not sure yet. It all depends on if I can get the Mizani Thermasmooth and if my hair likes it. I'm also going to talk to a new stylist soon. This new lady knows about the Thermasmooth but she's in Temple,TX and I'm in Austin. (45 min drive) Does your hair get thinner as you age? I'm starting to get up there in age. I'm also going to get a Maxiglide by next week as well. I like straight styles but I'd rather have healthy thick hair first. Any tips you can share will be great. I cut my hair about a year ago and it's about 1-2 inches past the bottom of my ear. No BC for my when I transition.

I don't know about hair thinning as we age. I'm wondering if you are overprocessed. I ask because once when I went to a Domincan Salon...I realized about two weeks LATER that the woman did not neutralize my hair properly or at all. Boy, did my hair start to thin...and come out. It wasn't until I got in the shower to wash my hair and smelled mega perm. By then, the damage was already done. This was in 2004. OMG!!
If you are not already, I would start stretching the relaxing process. This has done wonders for hair. It's strange that I just read an article about women needing more protein in their hair as we age do to the decrease in the hormone level. I'm creeping up in age too, so I've really made some changes over the last couple of years. So just step up your regimen by adding more protein, cut down on the direct heat, deep condition as often as possible. I deep cond twice a week. Not only does it benefit the health of my hair, but it also keeps the ng in check.
Natasha - I have noticed some shedding but my hair has always shed a lot to me. This stylist said she cares about the health of your hair but I'm not too sure now.

Nazarite27 - You know I wondered that as well. This last touch-up she seemed to have rinsed pretty good but who knows.

Janeemat - My hair doesn't do to well with stretching out my touch-up so for me to transition will be a big challenge. I'll have to look for a good protein conditioner.

Thanks Ladies for the tips.

Lana (lshevonne)