Thinning Ends (pic)


Active Member
Hey, I have been noticing my strands thinning out at the ends. I think I posted about this before but I wanted to post a pic to see if anyone else experienced this and how they recovered. Thx.SmartSelectImage_2018-03-09-15-53-36.jpg
If just the occasional strand is like this, it's probably just a piece of hair that was snapped, leaving the end a little thinner than the top. If all of them are like that, I would say maybe it's from your health improving. Looks like a nutritional difference causing your hair to come in thicker. Are you taking any vitamins, eating better or have you recovered from any illness in the last year or two?
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It could be split ends that travelled up the hair shaft and the part that would be sticking out broke off.

I agree a trim would help and do search and destroy for splits in the future to stop them from traveling the length of your hair.
If just the occasional strand is like this, it's probably just a piece of hair that was snapped, leaving the end a little thinner than the top. If all of them are like that, I would say maybe it's from your health improving. Looks like a nutritional difference causing your hair to come in thicker. Are you taking any vitamins, eating better or have you recovered from any illness in the last year or two?

edit: It might also be that a hair has shedded and then another one grew back in. I think new hairs that grow in taper off at the ends like that naturally. A blunt thick end usually only appears on hairs that have been cut. A lot of my hairs do this too. I think it's normal.

I went to the derm and they said I had scalp eczema. I do know certain parts of my scalp ate very dry and sound like sandpaper when I rund my finger over it compared to other parts of my scalp. Some of my hairs are paper thin.

I haven't put heat on my hair in almost a year and I wear a silk bonnet. But it could be my hair improving like you said.
I went to the derm and they said I had scalp eczema. I do know certain parts of my scalp ate very dry and sound like sandpaper when I rund my finger over it compared to other parts of my scalp. Some of my hairs are paper thin.

I haven't put heat on my hair in almost a year and I wear a silk bonnet. But it could be my hair improving like you said.

I have scalp eczema too, and I've been using a new product for about a month now and it's been a Godsend.

Philip Kingsley Scalp Toner for Flaky & Itchy Scalp - it's not a cure, but it works better than anything else I've tried. I honestly cannot rave about it enough. Good luck