Thinning Crown?


Well-Known Member
any recommendations on thinning Crowns? my mother is experiencing a lot of loss in that area, otherwise back,sides seem to be very thick. I told her to look into a combo of JBCO, Mustard Oil and maybe some type of DHT blocker. She has diabetes/high blood pressue and weary of using something like Nioxin..
Kiowa How old is your mother? If she's middle-age, that's a common problem that can be combatted with internal and external remedies.

Thinning crowns for women usually starts around age 40. And you're right. She does need a DHT blocker (caffeine, teas, coffee, etc.) There is a big thread about the effects of caffeine on the thinning crown.

I use Earl Grey black tea and coffee to rinse with. Also, I add either coffee oil or caffeine (purchased from to my DCs.

Also, Shadiyah started a very good thread about her mom's hair journey.
There are some very good before/after pictures at the start and end of the thread.

I, also, take Saw Palmetto.

All, in all, this has been successful for me in addition to ayurvedic. Before I started my HHJ in 2009, my crown was thinning. My hair has thickened to its former glory and I am happy.

The key to success is consistency. I have never let up or strayed from my regimen.
Pompous Blue - What do the tea/coffee rinses do? I'll look into ayurvedic as well..

@Kiowa How old is your mother? If she's middle-age, that's a common problem that can be combatted with internal and external remedies.

Thinning crowns for women usually starts around age 40. And you're right. She does need a DHT blocker (caffeine, teas, coffee, etc.) There is a big thread about the effects of caffeine on the thinning crown.

I use Earl Grey black tea and coffee to rinse with. Also, I add either coffee oil or caffeine (purchased from to my DCs.

Also, @Shadiyah started a very good thread about her mom's hair journey.
There are some very good before/after pictures at the start and end of the thread.

I, also, take Saw Palmetto.

All, in all, this has been successful for me in addition to ayurvedic. Before I started my HHJ in 2009, my crown was thinning. My hair has thickened to its former glory and I am happy.

The key to success is consistency. I have never let up or strayed from my regimen.
I agree w/coffee or black tea rinses. They definately slow down the shedding process. I'm a heavy shedder and it's pretty much stopped since I've been doing that the last 6 weeks. I actually use herbal teas and am trying black for the first time. The group link is in my siggie.

However, her hair loss is probably a mix of menopausal hormones and perhaps poor blood circulation to the scalp since diabetes inhibits blood flow. So, I'd also suggest scalp massage daily to bring the blood to the surface to feed her follicles.
@Pompous Blue - What do the tea/coffee rinses do? I'll look into ayurvedic as well..
Kiowa Tea and coffee contain caffeine. Caffeine is a great DHT blocker and tea/coffee also removes DHT from your scalp. Also, depending on the tea, it can make your roots stronger and prevent excessive shedding.

This 2012 Coffee/Tea challenge contains great information on products and methods.

Coffee oil is also good for moisturizing your hair. I make my own. I believe the recipe is in the 2012 Challenge thread or on

I swear by ayurvedic. I make a 32 oz. tea to use in my henna mix. It contains amla, brahmi, bhringrag and hibiscus. I also make an oil and pre-oil my hair, sleep in it overnight and then apply the henna (w/o rinsing out the oil) the next day.

I keep the ayurvedic tea in the fridge 'til it's all used up. I like making enough in advance to have on hand everytime I henna. (I henna every 7 - 10 days. It's so easy!
@Pompous Blue

Those Tea/Coffee Rinses have worked wonders for me.

It has been one of the best additions to my Regimen since "Steam":lol:..:lick:
IDareT'sHair Yeah; for me too!!!

I think you and I got into steaming and rinsing at the same time. I will never stop doing either!! Cause my head was all kinds of to' up. Steaming makes my products more effective and rinsing has eliminated the excessive shedding and help to strengthen my scalp.
Pompous Blue

Yeah and that Coffee and Tea are great DHT Blockers. My Hair is definitely stonger, shinier, and just overall more Healthy since incorporating Coffee & Tea Rinses. :yep:

Not to mention no excessive shedding etc....Coffee/Tea Rinses are so wonderful.

I've started leaving my Tea in along with my Leave-In.

I hate I sat on such great info so long. It Really Works!
@Pompous Blue

Yeah and that Coffee and Tea are great DHT Blockers. My Hair is definitely stonger, shinier, and just overall more Healthy since incorporating Coffee & Tea Rinses. :yep:

Not to mention no excessive shedding etc....Coffee/Tea Rinses are so wonderful.

I've started leaving my Tea in along with my Leave-In.

I hate I sat on such great info so long. It Really Works!
IDareT'sHair I haven't tried that, yet. Goin' to, though.

Did you ever buy the pure caffeine? Are you using it? I bought some and added 1/2 tsp to 8 oz. of a BFH conditioners. I think I read somewhere to add 1% to 2% to formulations. I've DC'd a total of 8 times. No adverse effects. I like to explore other options and this seems to work, too.
Did you ever buy the pure caffeine? Are you using it? I bought some and added 1/2 tsp to 8 oz. of a BFH conditioners. I think I read somewhere to add 1% to 2% to formulations. I've DC'd a total of 8 times. No adverse effects. I like to explore other options and this seems to work, too.

@Pompous Blue

You know I did.:lol:

I put some once in my Gallon Tea Mixture.

I always forget.

Lemme go put some in this last Brew I've brewed up.

I should find some other stuff to put it in too.:look:
no heat...semi-permanent color and curly perm, I believe these are the culprits.. (she's old school and I can't talk her out it, (BC and then go natural curls)
Kiowa Female-pattern baldness/thinning crown can be sped up by the perming and coloring. But, if she won't give up the perms and coloring, start her on the rinsing using teas (ayurvedic or regular black, nettle or horsetail.)

The DHT on her scalp chokes off her follicles and kills them. The ayurvedic teas helps to thicken and restore her hair volume (if the damage isn't too great). The regular teas removes the DHT (they have caffeine in them).

Or buy the pure caffeine (approx $10) and add to her shampoo, DC or LI.

I'm just trying to think of something simple for her to do right now to get her started on a road to recovery. Don't want to make it too complicated where she might get discouraged.
Kiowa How old is your mother? If she's middle-age, that's a common problem that can be combatted with internal and external remedies.

Thinning crowns for women usually starts around age 40. And you're right. She does need a DHT blocker (caffeine, teas, coffee, etc.) There is a big thread about the effects of caffeine on the thinning crown.

I use Earl Grey black tea and coffee to rinse with. Also, I add either coffee oil or caffeine (purchased from to my DCs.

Also, Shadiyah started a very good thread about her mom's hair journey.
There are some very good before/after pictures at the start and end of the thread.

I, also, take Saw Palmetto.

All, in all, this has been successful for me in addition to ayurvedic. Before I started my HHJ in 2009, my crown was thinning. My hair has thickened to its former glory and I am happy.

The key to success is consistency. I have never let up or strayed from my regimen.

I wanted to add that I have several family members that had the same problem and I have stuck to my same old regimen which is the henna treatments. I use Nupur and I am seeing growth in the thin areas. I massage their scalp and I give them jbco mixed with jojoba oil and 4 drops of lavender, rosemary, sage and ylang so the mixture would be 2oz of castor oil and eye ball the jojoba with 4 drops each of the essential oils. I add that to the scalp every night. henna at first is done every 2 weeks.
This is an awesome thread! I just added a touch of coffee to my henna batch. I am totally on board with the coffee/tea rinses and the ayurvedic powder/oils. I need to try making a tea with the ayurvedic powders as well.
