Thinning after weave and braids....please help!!!


New Member
My hair has always been past my shoulders since I was 15 and I am 27 now. I have always gotten a relaxer and never tried anything new until now. My hair has been a little fragile but nothing like this. That is why I never wore weave or braids because I knew my hair would break off if I did. I went on a cruise for a week and everyone told me to get braids so I did. I got micro braids and I hadnt had a relaxer in 8 weeks. I only got micros in about 3 rows in the front of my head and I had tracks sewn in the back. 6 weeks later I had everything taken out. After taking it down I got a relaxer. I expected a lot of shedding because I hadnt had a relaxer in 3 1/2 months. But now my hair is extremely thin all over and it barely touches my shoulders. It is especially thin at the ends of my hair. I couldnt even put layers in to thicken it up that is how bad it is. What happened? Was it going without a relaxer for 3 months? Was my hair really just that fragile for micros to begin with? Or was it the weave? I feel bald even though Im not but this is really killing me since I have always had a pretty descent length of hair. Now I am stuggling to get my hair back on track. It is paper thin and it comes a lil bit past the middle of my neck. I thought about just wrapping my hair and wearing a wig for 2 months. Should I just cut it all off in a short hair style? I bought several products from Carol's Daughter and phytospecific vitamins. I havent started using these things yet but any suggestions? Please help....
Im sorry you had this outcome but these hair guru have a vast amount of knowledge to share.....

Here's my lil bit...Is your hair super brittle like popping without really touching it? how soon after did u get the relaxer? Some say dont get it right away after removing the braids and allowing the hair to do its thing....listen to your hair and try to understand it.....its easier said than done I know...good Luck!!
Yes it is...I got the braids taken out the same day I got a relaxer

Oh that was not a good idea :nono:.

Well you're in the right place to get your hair back on track. I think you should just start with a basic regimen of washing, deep conditioning, moisturizing, and wearing protective styles. If you click on the newbie manual in my siggy there are loads of threads that can help you get started. The regimen building for newbies will be especially helpful, here's the link:
Yes it is...I got the braids taken out the same day I got a relaxer

That was my downfall before finding lhcf. I started on the boards in May 2007 at a little past neck length and thought I would strectch my relaxer and wear protective styles. I started getting some length and got the back to shoulder length but still my hair seemed thin - better than it was but still thin. I wasn't the most patient person so I chopped all my relaxer out of my hair in June 2008 and was about 2inches all around. Now I am back to shoulder length but this time almost full shoulder length all around and I'm proud to say all natural. I am still finding my way but my scalp feels better, my hair is really thick - which is what I wanted 1st and now it seems my length is coming. I am probably considered a slow grower but I am ok with that as long as my hair isn't that thining mess it was before lhcf.
I think getting the relaxer done the same day as getting the braids taken out was the problem. My favorite stylist (who had knee length hair) told me to never put a relaxer in my hair for at least a month after getting my braids taken out. It's because of all the stress and lack of moisture/protein.

However, you can do a lot of things that will thicken the strands you already have and help grow new hair at your optimal growth rate.

DC 2X/week
Henna 1-2x/month
Shampoo 1/week
Protective style every day
Stay away from direct heat
Moisturize and seal with oil daily
Use heated EVOO on your ends 2x/day (morning and night)

Take the following daily:
Fish oil
Super b-complex
A good multi-vitamin
80-120 oz. of water a day

These are the things that I've been doing religiously that have helped me retain the length I have, keep my hair in good condition, and grow thicker hair faster. My overall health has also improved. I'd say try all of them, but pay special attention to DCing and wrapping your hair at night. Your ends are what's most important know.

Other than that don't get too down. Your hair will revitalize with time and you have all the wonderful women on this board to support you! Keep looking through threads and trying new things that get a lot of positive feedback. I'd also say that you may want to research long term stretches, so that your hair has a few months to get back into shape. HTH and good luck!
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I'm really sorry this happened to you. :( Relaxers on the same day that you take down braids are never a good idea. Taking down braids tends to be stressful on the hair and scalp, so after a takedown, the best thing is to gently wash and condition the hair and give it a week or so before relaxing. Also, for future reference, when you know that something won't be good for your hair, no matter what anyone else tells you, DON'T DO IT!!! Braids and weaves may work for some people, but they aren't for everyone. You know what your hair can take, so listen to it above anyone else. :yep:

I don't really have any solutions for you though...I'd just say to start trying to get your hair back to optimal health by deep conditioning and providing your hair with consistent (but not constant) moisture. Once your hair is healthy again, the thickness should come back in. I think people with more experience will chime in soon, and I'm sure they'll be more helpful.

Anyway, the best thing about hair is that it grows back. I think with the proper care, your hair will be back to normal in time. Good luck, and welcome to the board!
Just wanted to add a few words of encouragement... First thing is don't panic.. I know it is easier said than done but time will heal your hair...

Were the micros you got really small? And tight? That's really bad for hair.. I think braids do help when you go away on vacation but they can't be small.. IMO micros are a no no because I personally get frustrated with the length of time it takes to take them out so I end up ripping through my hair.. not sure if it's the same for you..
As everyone else said, a relaxer on the same day as taking out braids is also a no no
My suggestion would be to cut off the thin ends if they're bothering you and wig it out... if you are fine with wigs. Focus on deep conditioning and protecting your ends. Also make sure you up your moisture game.. and drink lots of water.. be careful with biotin supplements as they cause acne in some people..

Also don't jump on bandwagons, you said you bought Carol's daughter products make sure you try them out if you're now creating a regimen, try only one thing at a time so you'll be able to determine if this works on your hair.. otherwise you'll be a bit confused about what works and doesn't work.. Keep a detailed diary of what works and what doesn't work, and take lots of pictures so you'll be able to see the progress you're making.

Most of all don't panic! We're all here to help you on this journey..

Welcome to the board!!!:welcome4::welcome:
Sorry this happened to you, hon!:perplexed
But:badidea: to put in relaxer with a week or two of removing braids.
Micro-braids can be harsh on the roots and hairline. The best thing to do is to baby your strands:babyg: and they will grow back stronger and thicker.
Braids and weaves are protective styles if done properly and taken care of whilst in.
For the time being, I would advice deep conditioning your hair to give back some moisture (which is usually lacking whilst in braids). Try things like ORS Replenishing conditioner which is moisturizing and has light protein to strengthen your hair. This can be done weekly.
With more moisturized strands, you will have stronger hair which will grow out and you will get back your thickness this way.

You relaxed too soon. You should always wait 2 weeks after taking out braids/weave because the hair is still fragile. More than likely putting the relaxer on fragile hair caused you to lose some hair. In the future should you want to revisit braids/weave again I would just do a DC after taking the style down and then relax in 2 weeks. I know this may sound unrealistic considering you have a lot of new growth but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
You relaxed too soon. You should always wait 2 weeks after taking out braids/weave because the hair is still fragile. More than likely putting the relaxer on fragile hair caused you to lose some hair. In the future should you want to revisit braids/weave again I would just do a DC after taking the style down and then relax in 2 weeks. I know this may sound unrealistic considering you have a lot of new growth but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I made the same mistake like 5 times. I wasn't even a teenager and my stylist didnt tell me anything. My hair broke off really badly.

OP i'm sorry this happened to you but baby your hair and take care of it. Read those articles at associated content. They are very informative.
Thank u everyone for the great advice. I also think it was getting the relaxer on the same day. I asked my stylist who has been doing my hair for the past 3 years was it okay to get the relaxer on the same day. She told me that usually she would have waited a week after but since I hadnt had a relaxer in so long I would just continue to shed even more and loose more hair if we waited. I dont think she meant to do me any harm but looking back I should have just had her wash it. To answer some of the questions u guys had...the micros were very small and tight. A Nigerian lady that I never met did the braids for me and took them out. I think she called them invisible micros or somethin like that. She also cut my hair when taking them out. It was just a horrible experience all the way around. Next time I will listen to my mom who told me that my hair breaks easily and dont get braids or weave. I will try to upload some before and after pics of the incident. I will def began the DC regimen and take pics of my progress as all of this happened a week ago today. In the past my hair has grown pretty fast so I am trying to be hopeful. I guess I got really scared when I read somewhere else that after an experience like this the dead hair follicles dont grow back so my hair would never grow back. After everyone's encouraging thoughts I dont believe this at all. Thanks again everyone
I made the same mistake like 5 times. I wasn't even a teenager and my stylist didnt tell me anything. My hair broke off really badly.

OP i'm sorry this happened to you but baby your hair and take care of it. Read those articles at associated content. They are very informative.

In all honesty I don't think a lot of them know or even care. Most people's first instinct after being in braids/weave for a long time is to get a touch up because they have a lot of new growth. We all know how our hair looks and behaves with months worth of new growth so that's usually the first thing you want to do. When I was relaxed my stylist usually made me wait 2 weeks sometimes if I bugged her enough she would do it at 1 week. I never had any problems though.
Thank u everyone for the great advice. I also think it was getting the relaxer on the same day. I asked my stylist who has been doing my hair for the past 3 years was it okay to get the relaxer on the same day. She told me that usually she would have waited a week after but since I hadnt had a relaxer in so long I would just continue to shed even more and loose more hair if we waited. I dont think she meant to do me any harm but looking back I should have just had her wash it. To answer some of the questions u guys had...the micros were very small and tight. A Nigerian lady that I never met did the braids for me and took them out. I think she called them invisible micros or somethin like that. She also cut my hair when taking them out. It was just a horrible experience all the way around. Next time I will listen to my mom who told me that my hair breaks easily and dont get braids or weave. I will try to upload some before and after pics of the incident. I will def began the DC regimen and take pics of my progress as all of this happened a week ago today. In the past my hair has grown pretty fast so I am trying to be hopeful. I guess I got really scared when I read somewhere else that after an experience like this the dead hair follicles dont grow back so my hair would never grow back. After everyone's encouraging thoughts I dont believe this at all. Thanks again everyone

Some people shed a lot when they stretch too long between relaxers -- that could have been part of it. The way the woman took the micros out probably contributed to your hair loss too.
In all honesty I don't think a lot of them know or even care. Most people's first instinct after being in braids/weave for a long time is to get a touch up because they have a lot of new growth. We all know how our hair looks and behaves with months worth of new growth so that's usually the first thing you want to do. When I was relaxed my stylist usually made me wait 2 weeks sometimes if I bugged her enough she would do it at 1 week. I never had any problems though.

She should have known though. All stylists should know that. And if she knew and didnt care makes it even worse. I get mad everytime I think about it:ohwell:

You had a good stylist.
She should have known though. All stylists should know that. And if she knew and didnt care makes it even worse. I get mad everytime I think about it:ohwell:

You had a good stylist.

A lot of them are just about $$$ and getting your hair in whatever the "hairdo of the moment" is. Many of them wouldn't even know what to do with a head that had 3 months worth of new growth on it outside of relax it.

Our stylist was pretty good. She did my hair for years. There were some things I think she could have modified (She didn't DC much and had us relax and small trim every 6 to 8 weeks) but she used the same basic regimen on all her clients hair and everyone's hair grew consistently. No direct heat ( everyone got a wet set), mostly low manipulation styles, if you were trying to grow out she put you in protective styles for a period of time, treated damaged hair, etc. And most of her clients were weekly or biweekly appointments. They didn't do their hair at home they just came to her so she was really the only person who touched the hair.