Thinking of getting my hair cut to just below neck length....


Well-Known Member
I cant take the layers anymore!! Now that i know what caused my hair to seemingly grow in a "W" shape i just want to start all over!!!! I also have old damaged spots that are making great progress but i just want a fresh start. I'm kicking myself because i feel like i shouldve cut it in the summer, in the winter i love longer hair.

If you were in my situation what would you do? Continue to grow your hair out and keep it at the same length?

Get a not so drastic cut (maybe 2 inches off)?

Get to hackin' and go with the neck length cut?
Not so drastic!

Neck length is very drastic. In my opinion, you should keep it PAST your shoulders, because we all know that shoulder length is the length where everything attacks your ends. Do a minor cut, like 2 inches or so. Maintain it (cut every month) and eventually the damage/layers will be gone.
My suggestion is that if you're going to cut, start with an inch, and if you aren't satisfied with the look, then take more.

I am perpetually battling the ugly w shape my hair grows in so I completely understand. It takes me so much longer to meet my goals, but a nice trim does the trick.
I had layers and cut my hair to shoulder length last week. My hair is thick and one length now and that's how it'll grow until I reach my goal next summer. You should try to see how your hair is like by cutting off 1 inch.
Thanks ladies... i'm just going to get a deep trim and take 1-2 inches off. Sometimes it just seems like hurdle after hurdle with my hair, once i have one thing figured out its on to the next issue.