Thinking of doing a clip in weave like a sew in, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies !

I recently read a post where NaniDiamond installed a weave using clip ins as opposed to sewing wefts onto her braids... this idea intrigued me because Im not too comfortable with doing a sew in. This would be my first time wearing added hair and I wanted to know if the clip in method allowed for a natural look with good movement?

I think its an excellent and innovative way to apply tracks and i imagine it would minimize breakage from the weight of the thread and tearing of the needle through hair, plus it allows you to wash and condition your hair properly underneath.

For those that have done it, or are considering it:

Do you take out the clips every night, or are they comfortable to sleep in?

Do you have hair snagging/ pressure from the clip ins?

Are there specific supplies you recommend? I'll be making my own clip ins.

I plan to wear weaves to transition to natural hair.

Thanks so much in advance!
There's a lady on youtube who did it. Actually I can think of two women I've seen doing it. One is in Canada and she used pro-ten hair. I don't remember her name. The other is in France - her yt name is nunavaane. If you search youtube for "clip in extensions" quite a few videos come up and you'll find the info you need.
Thank you Tiye :)

I'm actually looking for women who have clipped in extensions to a braid instead of sewing them on like a traditional weave. So you would braid the hair and prep it like a sew in, but instead attach the tracks with clip ins...
A long time ago my stylist used to style my hair like this. I did NOT have a full head of clip ins...just a few to increase my length while I was growing it out.

She made the clip-ins - but they seem fairly easy. Get a human hair track, and sew a wig clip onto it in two or three places.

To put in my hair:

- Washed, Deep Conditioned & Dried
- Sectioned my hair where the slip was to be added
- Did a TINY braid where each wig clip was
- clipped it in
- did it in one more section
- Trimmed the tracks so they fit in my natural hair shape (made sure the ends looked worn and not unatrually thick)
- Flat ironed with my hair

She custom made the tracks and would do this every two weeks.

For those in the DMV area, I used to go to Lynne Wooden at Bill Lawrence Hair Salon in Washington, D.C.

It was great at helping me get comfortable with my hair when I first started wearing it, but didnt want to do a full sew-in, didn't want to wear wigs, and wanted a bit more length. It was VERYnatural.

Clipping the track on a small braid on the hair helped to prevent too much weight weighing it down and causing pulling.

Hope this helps.
I've done it for years.
I never leave it in when I sleep tho. Buy I'm fussy when it comes to comfort.
Make sure u get clips in relation to ur hair thickness. Meaning...the smaller clips may not be able to handle a medium sized braid thickness when u snap it. It will just snap right back open. I use smaller clips for tracks near my hairline where its not so thick.
I wore clip-ins a lot my freshman year of college. Sometimes I'd just bobby pin the tracks to my head. smh :blush: :lol: I took them out every a matter of fact I usually only wore them to go out. My
Do you take out the clips every night, or are they comfortable to sleep in?
I took mine out every night

Do you have hair snagging/ pressure from the clip ins?
Doing this actually lead my to start my hair journey in 07... I'm not sure if it was my fault or if it was destined to happen but the weight of the weave, I had MBL, pulled my hair terribly... By the time I decided to stop using my clip ins my hair was crazy un even and can either check my fotki or my album on here, keep in mind this was before I learned how to take care of my hair so that probably had something to do with the amount of damage I had

Are there specific supplies you recommend? I'll be making my own clip ins.
I went to Sally's, got the type of hair I wanted, the clips, I used 3 for each track one in the middle and one on each end, a needle and thread.
I maybe a little different than most here lol. I've been hiding my hair under clips for the longest lol to the point where most think it's my real hair :blush:

Due to that thought process, I'm assuming it comes across as very natural. I sleep in mine but take them out every other day to moisturize my hair underneath. I think a lot of people advise against it because of tangles, but on here I think most are like me and wear some type of scarf or bonnet to bed which helps keep a style straight. So far, they've helped my hair I think. At the beginning of this year I was above/around NL with extremely uneven ends and now even though I've had to have plenty of small trims throughout the year to slowly get rid of past damage, I'm SL but with fully healthy ends (for once in my life I actually have that little V shape which I've NEVER had before). The only thing I've really been doing is washing whenever I feel my hair needs it, properly moisturizing, and using my clip ins as a sort of protective style.
Just made my first set of clip ins and wore them yesterday and today. I'll be wearing them this week as a way to wear my growing hair in an "out" style. I've rec'd plenty of compliments on them so far. I plan to make a set of wavy ones as well, as a way to change up my look.