Thinking of cutting it off


Well-Known Member
I have some mystery breakage at the nape I've been growing out for several months now. Breakage is not a common experience for me, and I have no idea what caused it. The breakage is growing, but it's a broader patch than I first realized and I'm not sure if I just noticed it or if more hair is breaking now; that's my concern. The broken part is at shoulder; the rest of my hair is BSL. My daily style is a loose bun in a hair clip.

I'm debating just chopping it to neck length and starting over. I'd thought I'd just let it grow out and catch up since my rollersets don't show it, but I can't wear straight styles because of the unevenness in the back. Now that I'm transitioning and would like to flat iron periodically to smooth the roots, I'm wondering if just cutting it wouldn't be best.

What do ya'll think? Should I be patient and stick it out, or cut it short? I love and vastly prefer my hair long and dislike the thought of cutting it, but... it's just hair, it does grow back and I just want a healthy head of it.
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I'm all for cutting little by little as the shorter parts grow out. Try that first and if you still can't stand the difference then go ahead and cut it even.
try and find the culprit..if you all of a sudden have breakage in the nape then maybe its the way you wear your hair daily or wrap your hair at night that is starting to pull away at the hair. CC also gave good advice about slowly evening the hair out
Right on CC! I am already impress with the trim until its even photos. Personally I would not do a drastic hair cut to SL. Cutting a little until satisfied is best. So therefore there would be no regrets. You have done a good job with your hair thus far. Make sure you figure out the cause of the breakage so that it won't occur again.
CandiceC said:
I'm all for cutting little by little as the shorter parts grow out. Try that first and if you still can't stand the difference then go ahead and cut it even.

Hi Blu. I agree with Candice. I wouldn't want to do a drastic cut. I hate to hear you are going through this. I love your hair!
OMG! I had that same problem. Last year I cut a little cause my hair would grow long but be broke/thin in the middle towards the ends whereas the sides were much longer and thicker and split ends. You only noticed if my hair was down. 4/10/07 I decided to go get a much needed trim(split ends) and the lady that I go to just for cuts,said the ends weren't that bad, but pointed out (your very same problem).
She told me it would take @ least 2 inches to be cut and that I could do what CC suggested or do 2 inches @ once.I was like what heck all @ once,but when she went to cutting and talking(about finding out what I'm doing wrong)and I'm looking in the mirror as shes cutting and I'm like :look: :eek: :eek: I wanted to tell her to shut the heck up cause it look like she was cutting too darn much. But in reality it really was needed cause as she pull the hair up and the hair between her fingers and what was sticking out(uneven/thin hair) was ashame. She also said it was like my hair was growing faster toward the front.This time it was like my hair grew alot, but when straight you could see that hair @ the nape that was sooo short. As she finished and I saw the back I was like:D .
I thought the breakage was from me putting my hair in a ponytail bun all the time but she was like no it wasn't broke like that. I made my decision out of wanting to reach my 1st goal, cause I hardly ever wore my hair down before,but I am loving my choice and will be wearing it down more often during the day and up @ night when I go to work.
Sorry sooo long, but however you go with it, Good Luck!
Blu217 whenever you figure out the cause for the breakage can pls PM me.I will reevaluate what I'm doing and if I figure it out I'll PM you. Maybe were doing some of the same things to cause it. I noticed we both do some type of ponytail bunning(tuck ends under whatevers holding my ponytail) and I also use hair clip and hide ends in clip. That and maybe I'm doing too much light protein conditioners.MnT as leave in and to roller set my hair.
just like the above posters said.. I would just do a little trim trim at a time.. too much of a drastic cut would not be what I would want.
Hey there,

Definitely be patient with it. If you prefer the look of long hair then don't do neck length. Plus, why "punish" the majority of your hair for what's going on with one area. :)

I wonder if the clip (though used loosely) could have something to do with it. Could one area be bearing the lion's share of the grip? I don't know. How about not including that area in the bunning for a bit and letting it hang down in curls or tendrils?

I hope it all works out! I'm sure it will.

Blu217 said:
I have some mystery breakage at the nape I've been growing out for several months now. Breakage is not a common experience for me, and I have no idea what caused it. The breakage is growing, but it's a broader patch than I first realized and I'm not sure if I just noticed it or if more hair is breaking now; that's my concern. The broken part is at shoulder; the rest of my hair is BSL. My daily style is a loose bun in a hair clip.

I'm debating just chopping it to neck length and starting over. I'd thought I'd just let it grow out and catch up since my rollersets don't show it, but I can't wear straight styles because of the unevenness in the back. Now that I'm transitioning and would like to flat iron periodically to smooth the roots, I'm wondering if just cutting it wouldn't be best.

What do ya'll think? Should I be patient and stick it out, or cut it short? I love and vastly prefer my hair long and dislike the thought of cutting it, but... it's just hair, it does grow back and I just want a healthy head of it.

I am having the same problem but I am going to continue nursing it to health and wait until it gets to BSL to cut it. The damaged part gets to BSL.
Hi there,

I think it's a personal choice, but I must say that it would be devastating for me to chop off all my hair. When I was transitioning I simply treated my hair like it was all natural and slowly cut off the ends. It took about two years to get rid of all the relaxed ends and get my hair to grow in thicker. That's my two cents!


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Wow ya'll--thanks! I didn't realize I had so much company for what I thought was a kinda specific little booboo I made somewhere down the line. I feel better just reading thru everyone's responses.

I've decided to follow the advice here and just start trimming up a bit. Thing is, everytime I've asked a stylist to clip my ends they always say the ends look good and don't need it. My ends look like my siggy pic, but it's that broken bit that's giving me fits.

I've been wrapping up a little bun at night by twisting the hair and curling the ends around it till it stays on its own--I think I'll stop doing that. I'm also going to seek out other alternatives to pinning up my hair, like Patient1 suggested. And I'm going to have my hair trimmed maybe an inch, and keep it there until the broken hair catches up--my hair is really getting long, and I see now that instead of a drastic chop, I just need to put my present length on pause so it can all catch up. I'll also start using a protective breakage treatment like Profectiv or maybe that Mizani stuff I've read about here, just on that part.

OK, I feel a lot better now. Really, until I posted here I was thinking I was gonna have to cut it. I'm glad I asked you ladies--so helpful!
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