Thinking about braids help please


New Member
This NC heat is about to drive me crazy. No sooner do I get my hair done and within a day it's sweated out. So I'm leaning toward micro braids but I am in need of a relaxer and also my ends need some trimming. My question is should I get all this done prior to the micros which is scheduled for next week. I plan on leaving the braids in the whole summer (3 months). Or does anyone have a solution to beat the heat and still maintain a decent doo? Help???
My 2 cents - get the trim, and skip the relaxer for now. If you get micros make sure your braider doesn't put them in too tight.
I would suggest not doing anything. If you get the relaxer your hair will be weaker. And if you get the trim, you will have blunt ends that stick out of the braid. So wait until after you take them out to do those things.
My motto is "never relax before braids". As far as the trim...I might be tempted to get a "light" one (is it called dusting?) before hand so that when you take them down your ends look halfway decent.
loreal99 said:
I would suggest not doing anything. If you get the relaxer your hair will be weaker. And if you get the trim, you will have blunt ends that stick out of the braid. So wait until after you take them out to do those things.


Your hair will stick out of the braids if you get a trim before hand.
That's not a good look for your hair to be sticking out. :perplexed
This also depends on how far down the micros are braided down too.
Thanks Guys for the insight. I think I'll end up getting the light dusting and hold off on the touch up until aft I come out the braids.
Don't relax, you want to have time (at least 6 weeks) to nurse your hair after a relaxer.

Don't trim, they'll trim off whatever's sticking out and your hair won't be blunt anymore anyway.