Think of getting a relaxer...


New Member
Ok so I have been natural all of my life, and just recently I have been thinking about getting a relaxer. I just want to experience one in my hair. So I have questions for those who were natural and got a relaxer. What relaxer did you use? Did you do it yourself or did you go a salon? How did you feel after you got the relaxer? Which was easier for you to maintain, natural or relaxed? How were the results, did you like it?

To be honest I just want to see how my hair would look with one, my curiosity is really getting to me.
CaramelMiSS said:
To be honest I just want to see how my hair would look with one, my curiosity is really getting to me.

Have you straightened your hair before? That would give you a good idea of how it looks.

I don't think you should do it just to satisfy your curiosity b/c it's permanent, no going back. But if that's what you really want, then do it :)

I'm natural now, after being relaxed, so I can't help you much re: natural to relaxed hair. And I was at the salon for touch-ups when I was relaxed.
I say get a straight weave or a nice Dominican blow-out and think about it. Maybe the curiosity will wear off. I am also biased b/c I've been transitioning for 20 dang months! :lol:
CaramelMiSS said:
Ok so I have been natural all of my life, and just recently I have been thinking about getting a relaxer. I just want to experience one in my hair. So I have questions for those who were natural and got a relaxer. What relaxer did you use? Did you do it yourself or did you go a salon? How did you feel after you got the relaxer? Which was easier for you to maintain, natural or relaxed? How were the results, did you like it?

To be honest I just want to see how my hair would look with one, my curiosity is really getting to me.
When I got my relaxer in 8th grade, it was actually by mistake. It was my first time going to the salon and the beautician thought my parents wanted to put one in my hair so she started doing it but really they had only wanted it washed and straightened. I knew what she was doing all along and made no move to stop her hahaha. BTW, she used Motions. My folks got over it.

I was SO happy when I got my relaxer. It made my hair more manageable and it is much easier to maintain than it was when I was natural and would just get my hair washed and pressed.

However, you look like you have really beautiful if being natural is really easy for you to maintain, I wouldn't get a relaxer just to experience it. Like someone else said, it's permanent.
I feel you I have been tempted myself to do it. Growing up I always wanted one but my mother wouldn’t have it I kinda slacked off since my hair looked the same as my relaxed friends when I jus had it hot combed and it didn’t revert. But I still am kinda curious. Now I jus wanna make it to waistlength for a while natural and once I have had enough of that I really MIGHT consider a relaxer. My sis who has a similar hair type to me relaxed hers she was armpit length and is now ear length :eek: … so I will admit that scares the ish outta me. Not sure cuz since I have been rocking my natural curl I may not want to give it up by the time I make it to waist length.

I would only do it if you’re really ready for the commitment and the possibility of breaking some of your hair off. If you have a relative with hair like yours imagine how their hair looked with a relaxer and that should give you an idea. I think seeing so many beautiful relaxed heads on this site can mess with your judgment at times :lachen:
Do yourself a favor. Get a maxiglide or another flat ioron. Your hair looks like relaxed hair when it is straitened. The relaxed/natural thing has been my thorn in the flesh.:lol: I have hard to relax hait thanx to MTG.;) It's easy for me to do my wash n go. When my relaxed hair was longer, it was easier for me to put it in a ponytail. It's all a matter on how you care for your hair. If you don't like being relaxed, then you'll be stuck transitioning. All your progress will be lost. Been there, done that six times.:ohwell: My hair probably would be APL or longer had I remained natural for 6 years.:rolleyes: I'm starting over again now.:ohwell:
CaramelMiSS said:
Ok so I have been natural all of my life, and just recently I have been thinking about getting a relaxer. I just want to experience one in my hair. So I have questions for those who were natural and got a relaxer. What relaxer did you use? Did you do it yourself or did you go a salon? How did you feel after you got the relaxer? Which was easier for you to maintain, natural or relaxed? How were the results, did you like it?

To be honest I just want to see how my hair would look with one, my curiosity is really getting to me.

Den1 relaxed after being natural most of her life. Maybe you should PM her.
Qetesh said:
I feel you I have been tempted myself to do it. Growing up I always wanted one but my mother wouldn’t have it I kinda slacked off since my hair looked the same as my relaxed friends when I jus had it hot combed and it didn’t revert. But I still am kinda curious. Now I jus wanna make it to waistlength for a while natural and once I have had enough of that I really MIGHT consider a relaxer. My sis who has a similar hair type to me relaxed hers she was armpit length and is now ear length :eek: … so I will admit that scares the ish outta me. Not sure cuz since I have been rocking my natural curl I may not want to give it up by the time I make it to waist length.

I would only do it if you’re really ready for the commitment and the possibility of breaking some of your hair off. If you have a relative with hair like yours imagine how their hair looked with a relaxer and that should give you an idea. I think seeing so many beautiful relaxed heads on this site can mess with your judgment at times :lachen:

How did that happen????? Did someone leave it in too long??
IMO, I would skip the chemicals unless you're seeking to wear your hair straight all the time. For me, relaxers require a lot of work in keeping your hair moisturized and breakage-free, making sure not to overprocess/underprocess, etc., AND maintain growth. If you're doing just fine with natural hair, then you just might want to consider staying where you are, as far as your hair goes. It's gonna look the exact same way if you press/flat iron it.
CaramelMiSS said:
How did that happen????? Did someone leave it in too long??
It happened from a combination of things IMO. I think it was left on too long on her ends which caused them to be brittle. After ward since her ends were frizzy and split she started to HOT CURL it even more…. Which further caused the breakage, she also didn’t deep condition wash her hair. She thought getting a relaxer would mean less work but in her case it’s actually more. Having her hair pressed and that it doesn’t revert easily meant less damage for her than having a relaxer. I think its her fault as well as her stylist, sad thing is she went back every 4 weeks for a while and her hair just got shorter and shorter, she kept on her length a lot better as a natural, she has been transitioning but her hair is still ear length because she is a hot comb hot curl addict. I wish I could help her but I don’t think she wants to put the effort into growing her hair out. L