Think I'm FIRING my hair stylist


Active Member
Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

You ladies are so right about staying away from scissor happy stylist. I went about almost two weeks ago and I wanted her to trim my ends. I'm still slowly cutting away the damaged hair a little at a time. Anyways, while I was there it honestly didn't seem like she cut much. I looked at what was on the floor and around and it didn't look like much. Even after she styled it, I couldn't tell. But once I washed it, I could tell. Not only did she cut lots of it, but it's so uneven. It is longer on one side and my bangs are uneven. My hair is so obviously uneven, that I can't believe she didn't notice. I feel sad because it's like I'm starting all over again. Plus, I liked her. She told me that I needed to come more often than once a month because my hair needed heavy conditioning and I did not have access to the products that she had...

I should've known something was wrong with her when she swore me up and down that my hair was jet black when it is actually off-black with a little brown in it. Plus, she's rough on my head. I think I'm gonna stay away from stylists for awhile. I'm sure the products you ladies use here will work for me. Plus, conditioner washes have helped me so much!

Make sure you have really healthy hair BEFORE going to the salon. If not, then any little mistake they make can cause a major setback for you.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

There's nothing worse than getting more hair cut off the length than expected. Like all that work gone. Just keep looking after your hair as now you know the ends are healthy so its perfect conditions to just look after it from root to tip

I'm sorry this happened and I hate to say too many of us experience this, myself included.

Fiind a stylist from now on you definitely TRUST. That's now the only way I get a trim done.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

Maybe you can join the growing ranks of do-it-yourself-ers on the board. Or if not, maybe there is a lhcf member in your area who could help.
I'm thinking of asking Mochalolita to do my next touch-up, myself.
After seeing how great her hair looks, I'm sure she could handle the job!
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

I know how you feel.... I once had shoulderlength hair only to come out of the salon with an earlength bob. Maybe try doing braidouts for a month or so, so that you won't really notice the length difference then start rollersetting again.

Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

keylargo, I fired my stylist in April. I got a touch up and left minus two inches at least after a trim. I had not allowed her to put scissors in my hair but I felt comfortable with her and allowed her to do it. I used to go every two weeks regularly up until that point. Now I only go to her for a touch up because I am scared to do that myself and I bring all my own prodcuts and leave the salon with my her wet and set in rollers.

Long story short I have never did my hair myself until April and now I am learning and I swear my roller sets are just as good my hair stylists. (I know the pic does not look that great but it was my first try. I will post new ones next time I roller set) You just have to know what is best for your hair and stick to it! Good luck!
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

I remember when I asked my old stylist for a trim and while she was cutting I just saw lots and lots of hair being cut.I expressed my concern to her and she was like "Don't worry..I only cut 3 inches"

Mind u,I only had 7 inches of hair to begin with.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

What is it with stylist and scissors? Its like a deadly weapon in their hands. I dust my own ends but I would like to get a trim soon but I'm afraid to go because I don't trust anyone. I haven't been to a salon in years because of this and the way they handle your hair. I used to think I just had a phobia but now I see that the members of the board have the same problem. When I finally get a trim I'm going when I have a couple of extra inches to spare. Sorry about your hair and yes......FIRE HER!
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

I know how you feel.... I once had shoulderlength hair only to come out of the salon with an earlength bob. Maybe try doing braidouts for a month or so, so that you won't really notice the length difference then start rollersetting again.


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That same thing happened to me. I was so mad I felt like I could spit fire. Come to think of it all my hair mishaps have been because of hair stylists. Whenever I am in control of my hair it thrives but when I have a stylist around somehow all my hard work goes down the drain. And one thing that will make you seriously want to hurt someone is when they cut more than you want them to. especially when they say a little.
You know what I need to leave this thread. I need to repress my memories. God bless you all.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

thanks ladies. it would have been better had she cut my hair evenly. now i have to try to gradually even it up myself. oh well, i'm just gonna keep at it myself for awhile and see how it goes.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

You're spending your hard-earned money. Go to someone who can follow the customers' requests. Ever been to a restaurant where they brought you out a meal that you DID NOT order? (well maybe if they messed up the order
) But most likely not--because you're the one payin', they're gonna bring you what you asked for!

That's alright--the girls of LHCF are gonna set these SHS's right or put 'em outta business.
The Healthy Hair Homies don't play dat!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

I once went to a stylist at JC Penny and I got the best trim ever...of course under my own direction. I told her to turn me facing the wall mirror and measure each piece before she cut then tell me how much she was cutting, if I felt ok with it I told her to cut it if not I told her how much to cut. I did this for the entire trim. It took a while longer but I still left there with plenty of hair on my head and satisfied. She was very nice about it, but of course she no longer works there...that's why I haven't been to a stylist in years. I've had a enough bad experiences including one similiar to yours when I went to a salon with 14 inches of hair and came out with hair so short on the crown I couldn't get a hair roller in it and uneven. Customers across from me were staring a me getting my hair cut and I was wondering why....I found out when she turned me around to face the mirror and my crown was spiked. From now on if they don't do as I ask their not getting paid and I will inform them of that before they start.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

What is it with stylist and scissors? Its like a deadly weapon in their hands. I dust my own ends but I would like to get a trim soon but I'm afraid to go because I don't trust anyone. I haven't been to a salon in years...

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I fully agree. I will never go to a stylist for a trim EVER again. I will only go for a retouch. That's it. I do everything else like rollersetting at home. Let's face it, the word "trim" is not in some stylists vocabularies. It seem like when you say, "I would like a trim," they nod their heads then some kind of strange trance takes over.

With the good advice from this board, I have recently dusted my ends and it looks fine and I didn't have to wait in fear that "too much" was going to come off...enough said.

Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

What is it with stylist and scissors? Its like a deadly weapon in their hands.

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I don't get this, either. No matter how clear my instructions were, they always cut off more than I wanted. 1/4" means 1/4"--not 3"!
And they knew I was trying to grow my hair...
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

You're spending your hard-earned money. Go to someone who can follow the customers' requests. Ever been to a restaurant where they brought you out a meal that you DID NOT order? (well maybe if they messed up the order
) But most likely not--because you're the one payin', they're gonna bring you what you asked for!

That's alright--the girls of LHCF are gonna set these SHS's right or put 'em outta business.
The Healthy Hair Homies don't play dat!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Omg you are so right about that. especially the restaurant analogy. I would never go to a restaurant that would insist on putting salt on my food if i specifically requested them not too. or if i tell them i want a certain dish and they try to pressure me into getting something else. what is wrong with some hair stylists. where they feel they can do whatever the hell they want. who is paying whom? if i am paying you you better do what i ask. dag why i am acting all tough now when i get in the chair i always get bullied into doing things i dont want to do. repress relate release, repress relate release.
God bless you all.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

I have a delimma. my best friend owns the salon that I was going to and of course she doesnt want me to stop going. it's not a money issue for her because she would be willing to pay for my visits as long as I continue to go. she just thinks my hair looks so much better when it's professionally done. i have to admit, it does look nice when it's done, but I don't think my hair is a healthy as it could be. She doesn't believe that I can do a better job at growing my hair then a professional can. I don't know what to do.......
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

Bottom line: it's your hair. If your friend owned a skin-care line that continually broke you out in tiny little bumps, would you keep using it to spare and feelings?
Or would you say, "sorry, this doesn't work for me, and I'm not going to keep using it." ?

You could phase it out by refusing to get trims and still going for styling, if that is your wish. But pp. on this board are proof that you don't need a "professional" to grow your hair.
Re: Think I\'m FIRING my hair stylist

Bottom line: it's your hair. If your friend owned a skin-care line that continually broke you out in tiny little bumps, would you keep using it to spare and feelings?
Or would you say, "sorry, this doesn't work for me, and I'm not going to keep using it." ?

You could phase it out by refusing to get trims and still going for styling, if that is your wish. But pp. on this board are proof that you don't need a "professional" to grow your hair.

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