Things I need to be accountable for.


New Member
As I was basing my scalp in preparation for my relaxer tomorrow, I thought that there were a few things I need to make my hair better.
1. find better bedtime styles to wear, instead of wrapping my hair every night.
2. Make sure I put conditioner in my hair before I even put a comb to it.
3. Make sure moisturize my ends.
4. Make sure my hair is clean during the week, which means a "works" wash, a no poo wash, and rinse with distilled water.
5. Protein wash after relaxer, make sure I condition, condition and deep condition my hair.
6. Make note of what works and what doesn't work for my hair.
7. Make sure I moisturize my roots.
8. Do a better rotation of products.
9. Find a great pre-shampoo oil treatment
10. Buy more essential oils
11. Find a way to make my scalp stop itiching so much.

I think I got everything out, which I needed to do. I think I will post this somewhere on a wall in my house.
This is a great post! I used to wrap my hair everynight but found that it was actually making my hair a lot thinner. Now, I just wrap my hair after I wash it on the weekends to go out. During the week, I do a jojoba oil treatment 3x a week (I oil my hair with pure jojoba oil and sleep with a plastic cap and scarf over it.)

For bedtime styles-I either wear a plastic cap with jojoba oil on it to sleep or sleep with a satin scarf on my head. Underneath, I will take 1 jumbo roller and roll my ends under so that it won't be "wild" underneath. I love doing this because I wear protective styles during the week, so that eliminates me using a comb all the time when all I have to do is pin it up in a bun.

I'm doing my Emergencee treatment now! As soon as I'm done with this post, I'm hoping back in the shower to rinse and follow with Humectress moisturizing conditioner. I just did my touchup 2 days ago and I have to make sure I get my protein treatments in to give it more strength.

I'm officially a PJ now, so I have products to rotate for days! about 4 brands to rotate

All of the other suggestions are great! I'll print it out for myself to keep me in check! Thanks