Things I Learned Since Going Natural Remix-Turning Lemons into Lemonade


Well-Known Member
As most of you know, I suffered a major setback in my journey. However, with every adversity there are several lessons learned...

Whether it's that new color you just had to have, relaxers, weaves, heat, or (in my case) choosing the wrong stylist, everyone is one bad decision away from a setback. Yes, even you!!!! I am a new subscriber but I have been lurking and stalking fotkis for years. Every so often I log on and see that an inspiration has either had to make a cut or have suffered hair loss because of one bad decision. Which brings me too:

Almost everyone suffers setbacks. Unless you are extremely lucky you have suffered a setback at some point in your journey. Don't beat up on yourself. It's okay to be upset and angry but eventually realize that hair does grow back. You can now get the snappy new cut you've been wanting, if anything, you should have learned more about hair and haircare(which is always a good thing!)Try not to make the same mistakes again and keep it moving.:yep:

There are some good stylist out there. I know, I know. They seem like an urban legend but there are some good stylists left. I honestly believe the girl who corrected my hair is a good stylist. My hair was a HAM when I came in there. She didn't charge me extra. She didn't attack me or my hair practices. She didn't say a bad word about the previous stylist. She let me face the mirror the entire time. She sisn't get offended when the other stylists asked for tips and offered suggestions. She did not try to convince me that my har would not grow unless I only come to her:rolleyes:.And last but not least she listened to what I wanted. The first stylist was the exact opposite.

Don't sleep on the clear girls(I know this is not PC at all but...)!!While I would never, ever go to a white girl for a relaxer, braids, etc. They are the absolute best at cutting!!! My hair isn't bulky and it's layered and precise. Which brngs me too:

Cut is key. One of the reasons I decided to recut my hair is because a good cut is the foundation to growing beautiful hair. Oh it will still grow with a bad cut but it will still be a bad cut. IMO a long bad cut looks just as bad as a short bad cut. My new hair falls back in place whether it's bumped, straight, wet, curly, etc. It's versitale and I have lots of style options:grin:. And besides, I get to relive those super fun BC days!!!!

Always choose happiness over length!!! The night I got my hair butchered, I literally stayed up all night debating on whether to grow my hair from where it was or to just get a new cut. I literally did not come to a decision until I went to get my money back.

In the past I would have decided to keep my hair SL and I would have been miserable. I would have hated my hair and I would have spent a ton of money hiding my hair until it grew back and spent the entire time mourning my hair BSL hair. I'm sorry, it's a new day, but life is just too short for that foolishness. I have wasted too much of my life worrying about stuff I can't change. I couldn't get those inches back but I could get that fab bob. I may have set myself back a year or so but I have been swanging, smiling and struting ever since I walked out of the second girl's chair!!!!:grin: The cut looks great and I have been getting nothing but compliments!!

HHG Ladies!!!

**I will copy and paste this in my blog as well***
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i just did the big chop(today is my 2 weeks mark) and im starting to realize my hair dont shine when its dry.

i also realize almost any moisturizing deep conditioner will work for me but it hard as heck finding a daily moisturizer.

thanx for this post.