Thin spot in my hair


Well-Known Member
I have a spot in my hair that just doesn't seem to grow. It's as if I have a permant part in top of my head. It is a slightly wide part about 3 inches. There are thin follicles there.

I am going to start giving myself massages in that spot. Does anyone have any suggestions.? Should I put MTG just in that spot?:confused:
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I would definitely try MTG. Also my stylist recommended ORS Temple Balm for my own thinning hair at temples. Using it in conjunction w/ MTG and only 3 weeks so far, so no real miracles have happened yet. Massage is always a good bet. Good luck with growing out that spot! :)
I have a thin spot in the crown of my head also. I am beginning to make mad progress. I used ORS fertilizer and it started growing in less than a month. Massage it in morning and evening and it will grow. I tried the MTG but I can't handle the smell. I had really good results just by putting a little on my fingertips and massaging it in. If you don't want to try that you can always use the cayenne pepper (oil or capsules emptied into the oils) with lavender, jojoba, rosemary, and sage. Massage that into the scalp and it will stimulate your scalp and the hair will grow in. Hope that helps.
Hi Bees, that sounds like some recipe. How do you make the cayenne pepper mixture? I have a couple of spots that just won't seem to grow. I gave up on them because they didn't show much. Please tell me how to make the mixture. Did it work for you? How often do you use it and how long for results? Sorry for all the questions, just sounds great!
Bees said:
I have a thin spot in the crown of my head also. I am beginning to make mad progress. I used ORS fertilizer and it started growing in less than a month. Massage it in morning and evening and it will grow. I tried the MTG but I can't handle the smell. I had really good results just by putting a little on my fingertips and massaging it in. If you don't want to try that you can always use the cayenne pepper (oil or capsules emptied into the oils) with lavender, jojoba, rosemary, and sage. Massage that into the scalp and it will stimulate your scalp and the hair will grow in. Hope that helps.

Bees, what is ORS fertilizer? Does it stink? I have to give up my MTG :cry: cuz its driving my husband insane and I am trying to find alternatives that work just as good minus the funk!
I read about the cayenne pepper from an old old herb book from the 40's that belonged to my grandmother. The only reason I tried it I figured it must work cuz they did not use a lot of chemicals for anything back then. At first I was using the cayenne capsules and emptying it into a very small bottle. I would empty the capsules onto a piece of paper...fill the bottle ...2oz I think...half full with jojoba oil...the other half I just poured in the rosemary, sage, and lavender...and shake the bottle well...pour a little in the crown of my head and massage really well. Becareful not to get any in your burns like hell! Ask me how I know! :lol: It works...but at the time I was using it I was working 2 jobs and all I could do was tie a rag around my head and fall asleep at nite. My grandma said that the thin spot is probably caused by circulation. So I take that to mean you could probably massage your scalp with anything and it would stimulate your scalp and hair would grow anyway. My problem is...I am just lazy...if I don't stick to my regimen I tend to slack off. But being a member of this board since this summer has kept me more focused and I am having great results and learning so much. Thanx Ladies!
I would not advise you to mix MTG with that darn cayenne. I have promised myself...even tho I have become a limit what products I am throwing in my hair at one time. For the first 3 weeks after getting a touchup I put nothing in my hair but grapeseed oil. It gives my hair everything it needs. The next couple of weeks...I'll start adding mango butter to my ends when I roll it up. I have learned to quit putting everything in my hair all at once.

ORS=Origanic Root Stimulator Fertilizing Temple Balm. I get really good results with this. It has NO odor...not greasy...but you are not supposed to use it 7 days prior to getting a relaxer or 7 days after getting a relaxer. It doesn't take long for the hair to start filling in. You used to could darn near see my head if I turned it a certain way. Now I can barely see it. Sorry I don't have any pictures. I think I'll take all that money I'm spending on products and invest in a digital camera. :D
My hair also thin out around the top of my head. And it stays at two inches. I don't know why. My hairdresser said it happens to her too. And sometimes it spreads down. Everyone has suggestions to help it but I want to know WHY that happens.
Thanks everybody. What is up with the thin crowns???????

MTG definatley stinks. I have it mixed with all kind of essential oils. Tea Tree oil really stinks and I have some in there. Every time I go to my Mom's house, she says I smell your head.:eek:
Bees said:
I have a thin spot in the crown of my head also. I am beginning to make mad progress. I used ORS fertilizer and it started growing in less than a month. Massage it in morning and evening and it will grow. I tried the MTG but I can't handle the smell. I had really good results just by putting a little on my fingertips and massaging it in. If you don't want to try that you can always use the cayenne pepper (oil or capsules emptied into the oils) with lavender, jojoba, rosemary, and sage. Massage that into the scalp and it will stimulate your scalp and the hair will grow in. Hope that helps.

I had a frien years ago who suggested Cayene pepper in Mayonaise (sp?)
for hair growh.
Bees said:
... I would not advise you to mix MTG with that darn cayenne. I have promised myself...even tho I have become a limit what products I am throwing in my hair at one time. For the first 3 weeks after getting a touchup I put nothing in my hair but grapeseed oil. It gives my hair everything it needs. The next couple of weeks...I'll start adding mango butter to my ends when I roll it up. I have learned to quit putting everything in my hair all at once.

ORS=Origanic Root Stimulator Fertilizing Temple Balm. I get really good results with this. It has NO odor...not greasy...but you are not supposed to use it 7 days prior to getting a relaxer or 7 days after getting a relaxer. It doesn't take long for the hair to start filling in. You used to could darn near see my head if I turned it a certain way. Now I can barely see it. Sorry I don't have any pictures. I think I'll take all that money I'm spending on products and invest in a digital camera. :D

I used ORS last week and it dried my hair out. I don't know if I used to much. I used the liquid form not the balm. Maybe I should have used the balm huh?
You probably used too much. The balm is supposedly for women and the oil is for men. I have used both but I prefer the balm cuz I have more control over how much I use. I always use as less as possible to avoid my hair becoming to oily or heavy. Maybe try using a few drops of the oil cuz it's gonna spread anyway once you massage it in. Also make sure you massage it in really well...some say a couple of minutes. Once you use up the oil you might try the'll probably like it better.
Bees said:
You probably used too much. The balm is supposedly for women and the oil is for men. I have used both but I prefer the balm cuz I have more control over how much I use. I always use as less as possible to avoid my hair becoming to oily or heavy. Maybe try using a few drops of the oil cuz it's gonna spread anyway once you massage it in. Also make sure you massage it in really well...some say a couple of minutes. Once you use up the oil you might try the'll probably like it better.

Thank you very much. Will do.