Thin fragile hair to shoulder length and beyound?


New Member
My hair is naturally very thin and fragile. So thin that you can see the workings of my brain. :lachen: and yet i have the thickest hair out of all the women in my family.:perplexed
I would like to know if there are any of you with very thin hair who has grown it sucessfully to shoulder length or longer. If so please share your routine and inspire me please. I have tried so many things to get my hair thicker, MTG, castor oil, etc but to no avail. I am presently using Den1 hair detangler and that has helped to detangle my meagre strands brilliantly.
All i need now if to retain the length.

I would be very grateful if someone would come to my rescue.

Thanking you in advance.
My hair is very fine and I've had great success taking Pantothenic Acid (B5). Another member, Nyambura, recommended it to me and said that it's worked for everyone who has tried it. It won't help the hair on your head already but in will thicken up your new growth. My hair has thickened up enough that my stylist has to keep the relaxer on my new growth for a longer period of time in order to get the same results. She has commented on how thick my hair has gotten.
Evie, I know what you’re talking about!!! :lol:

Though my hair is very course, it is not thick per se, just a lot of volume/fullness. In recent years, I noticed my hair was thinning, my mother and sister’s hair too, and just thought it was genetic. But after a routine blood test, I found out that I had iron deficiency anemia. Long story short, my doctor told me I had to take a certain amount of iron supplements each day, and my thinning sections have filled in nicely. I would encourage you to have a blood test at your next physical to see if that could be an issue. Your doctor will advise you about treatments. I also drink more water, eat healthy proteins, take a multi-vit, and exercise more. Great hair definitely comes from the inside! :yep:

Also, I noticed my hair is much thicker when I do not relax my hair. If you relax your hair, you may want to think about going natural. Why? Natural hair creates a more voluminous appearance. If this is not an option, try texlaxing and stretching your relaxers to create more volume at the roots.

Another thing I did when I had thinning and a bald spot after a bad relaxer were pore cleaning treatments at a salon. These can be done at home as well, but can be a bit drying and must be followed up with a good deep, moisturizing conditioner.

I’m sure many others will chime in with advice, but I hope this helps!!!

By the way, my brother-in-law used to call me and my sister “The Thin Twins.” Now, I don’t get those comments anymore!!!!
Thank you Mariaat 40 and Legend for your helpful and informative responses.

Mariaat40, from your photo i cant imagine that your hair was thin. congratulation on your progress . Can i ask what dosage of Pantothenic acid you are taking?

Legend, also congratulation on your progress. was the iron difficiency also the problem your sister had?
I am anemic and recently started taking iron supplements because of excess shedding. The shedding had practically stopped, but i will take your advise and get a blood test so that i can take the correct dosage.

I may have to consider transitioning to natural if that is what it will take to get thicker hair, but when my hair is relaxed it is much easier for me to deal with. Hopefully the pantothenic acid will do the trick as well as the correct dosage of iron.
I have very fine hair. At times my hair thins waay out when i dont take care of it. I noticed that if I totally leave it alone (except for moisturizer) it does thicken up over time. Maybe try putting your hair in conrows or pencil sized individuals...I did this for nine mos (off and on a few years ago) after noticing my hair was thinning. After I took out my braids and did a blunt cut it was the thickest it has ever been. I was also drinking a protein shake at this time.

Also you may want to try carrot juice..I heard that it thickens the hair up too:) HTH!
evie said:
Thank you Mariaat 40 and Legend for your helpful and informative responses.

Mariaat40, from your photo i cant imagine that your hair was thin. congratulation on your progress . Can i ask what dosage of Pantothenic acid you are taking?

Legend, also congratulation on your progress. was the iron difficiency also the problem your sister had?
I am anemic and recently started taking iron supplements because of excess shedding. The shedding had practically stopped, but i will take your advise and get a blood test so that i can take the correct dosage.

I may have to consider transitioning to natural if that is what it will take to get thicker hair, but when my hair is relaxed it is much easier for me to deal with. Hopefully the pantothenic acid will do the trick as well as the correct dosage of iron.

You are welcome!!! My sister also has an iron deficiency...she just doesn't take her iron like she should! I have to take about 65 mg. of iron supplements per day according to my doctor (this is in addition to eating iron-rich foods). Definitely speak to your doctor because iron builds up in your body and can be very toxic if you overdose. The B5, and B-vitamins in general, is also really good! :yep:
Brwnsugababee, thank you. I will add protein to my list, and from all the suggestions i have recieved from all of you, i will put together my hair care regime. Unfortunatey when my hair is corn-rowed my scalp shows through larger than life. but thanks for that suggestion.

Legend, I am only taking around 14mg of iron supplement in addition to that found in my diet and my diet is not very good. so it looks like i will have to consult my doctor as soon as possible.