Thin Ends

Country gal

Well-Known Member
My hair never grows evenly. The back of my hair is always longer than the front. It just grows that way. This girl at my job told me I need to cut my ends because they are thin. When I put my hair in a pony tail the longest part is never full like the top of the pony tail. I wonder how I can get my hair to grow evenly. I have had my hair cut evenly but the back of my hair always outgrows the front. I see some people on the train and they have such nice thick hair. I don't have a lot of hair density. My hair is not super thin but it is not real thick. Does anyone else have this problem with see through ends.
When I did it was because they were split and I didn't know it. The hair, if I looked at it closely would be thick at the base and thin down the shaft. I know now it means it split so far up the shaft that the thinner piece fell off. Regular trims(every 8 to 10 wks) and carrot oil every night has been my saving grace, along with wrapping my hair at night have fixed the problem. I'm at a point where I feel I can stretch the trims because I am babying my ends. HTH
sbaker said:
My hair never grows evenly. The back of my hair is always longer than the front. It just grows that way. This girl at my job told me I need to cut my ends because they are thin. When I put my hair in a pony tail the longest part is never full like the top of the pony tail. I wonder how I can get my hair to grow evenly. I have had my hair cut evenly but the back of my hair always outgrows the front. I see some people on the train and they have such nice thick hair. I don't have a lot of hair density. My hair is not super thin but it is not real thick. Does anyone else have this problem with see through ends.

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The back of my hair grows faster than the sides and top also. Thick hair is nice, but I think thin hair can look nice also as long as your hair looks healthy. Rollersets can also make your hair look thicker.

It's a fact, not everyone has super thick hair. I've seen plenty of non-black women with thinner grades of hair, some with see-through ends. As for your co-worker who told you to get a trim, is her hair perfect? I'd say don't get a trim, unless you want to.
I agree with everything Brownie said. Some people just have thinner (or "finer" if that's a word) hair than others, who have thick, coarser strands. Rollersets do make the hair look thicker. Also you have to be careful not to weigh your hair down with too much oil; that definitely makes it look thinner!!

I also think it helps to keep your hair ends trimmed in a blunt cut.
I had this same problem. People would just tell me that my hair was thin. I know my hair is not very thick, but I think it looked even thinner because I was not getting regular trims. I've noticed since getting the regular trims, it's filling out nicely. It's almost one length now. (from the crown to back) My ends are no longer see through. In between trims....I make sure I keep a light oil on the ends. (I use botanical oil)

I hope this helps
Good luck!
CrownnGlori said:
When I did it was because they were split and I didn't know it. The hair, if I looked at it closely would be thick at the base and thin down the shaft. I know now it means it split so far up the shaft that the thinner piece fell off. Regular trims(every 8 to 10 wks) and carrot oil every night has been my saving grace, along with wrapping my hair at night have fixed the problem. I'm at a point where I feel I can stretch the trims because I am babying my ends. HTH

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This is true!

This is the same thing that I went through. It took about 3 or 4 trims to notice the difference. I was also told me the same thing about the hair shaft splitting.
Yea. I'm not saying 2 inch cuts just regularly trimming. 1/4 inch. If you are talking about just thin ends and not thin hair. As your hair grows you will be trimming the raggedy ends and your thickness at the base will make its way down your lentgh until all you have is the maximum thickness you can get on your on. ;o)
Lindy said:
I agree with everything Brownie said. Some people just have thinner (or "finer" if that's a word) hair than others, who have thick, coarser strands. Rollersets do make the hair look thicker. Also you have to be careful not to weigh your hair down with too much oil; that definitely makes it look thinner!!

I also think it helps to keep your hair ends trimmed in a blunt cut.

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Ditto, some curls, less oil, and a blunt ends do a lot to make hair appear thicker and healthier.

If you're into supplements, some folks on the board (i.e. Tracy, Jade21) advocate Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) for thickening strands. Maybe you should consider giving that a try.
Thanks for your suggestions. I will try Vitamin B-5 for thickness. I don't get my hair trimmed very often. The lady who said my hair was thin suggested I trim it more often. I am getting a touch up next week so I will get a trim then. I think I will start going to my stylist more often except every 8-10 weeks.
In high school, I had the "see through" ends problem. This is when my sister was perming my hair and she would always do my touchups every 6-7 weeks and use super strenght. When she did my relaxers, she would use the teeth of the comb to straigten the new growth and leave the relaxer on for a while. People always told me my hair was thin, and it was. I had bra strap, see through hair.
I had to cut the hair off and start over.

Now, I do my own relaxers with regular strength every 14-16 weeks and use the back of the comb to smooth my hair. I do my own trims and take care of my own hair. I don't have the see through problem anymore!
sbaker said:
My hair never grows evenly. The back of my hair is always longer than the front. It just grows that way. This girl at my job told me I need to cut my ends because they are thin. When I put my hair in a pony tail the longest part is never full like the top of the pony tail. I wonder how I can get my hair to grow evenly. I have had my hair cut evenly but the back of my hair always outgrows the front. I see some people on the train and they have such nice thick hair. I don't have a lot of hair density. My hair is not super thin but it is not real thick. Does anyone else have this problem with see through ends.

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Do you think maybe the back seems longer because your hair *is* growing evenly? My theory is that our heads are sphere-shaped so unless the hair on top or in front grows considerably faster than the back (i.e., unevenly), the hair in back will usually be the first to reach shoulder/shoulder blade/brastrap length. Until the rest of the hair on other parts of your head start to catch up, the fastest growing part will look thinner...but when the other parts catch up, the added layers will make the back part look thicker.

...I dunno...maybe I'm just babbling.
I have fine hair but the ends are no thinner than the rest. Rollersets give me the most body. I do have a piece of hair on the left side that grows the fastest - - folks talk about a "tail" in the back of their heads. I have one on the left side that almost reaches my collarbone while the rest of my hair is barely shoulder length. I refuse to trim because my ends are healthy.

What you said makes a lot of sense!!
(And it also makes me feel better about the fact that my hair sides are considerable shorter than the back!! I know that it WILL catch up (well, they may actually NEVER catch up, because I would eventually have to cut the back to even it out with the sides...but they WILL grow!! (I just need to be PATIENT!!
lunalight7 said:
I have fine hair but the ends are no thinner than the rest. Rollersets give me the most body. I do have a piece of hair on the left side that grows the fastest - - folks talk about a "tail" in the back of their heads. I have one on the left side that almost reaches my collarbone while the rest of my hair is barely shoulder length. I refuse to trim because my ends are healthy.

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I have almost the exact same thing...the long section for no reason, only its on the right side. Why does this happen anyway?

I have fine hair, and honestly it has taken a long time for me to finally get it to look even all over. I have been taking supplements fairly consistently, and I think it has made a difference as far as uniform thickness, plus just better care techniques overall. I've kept it around shoulder length/below shoulders around a year now. But compared to last year it looks 300 times better, and thicker. It just takes time to see the cumulative effect of your efforts (throughout the whole length, not just the roots).
I also have hair that is fairly thin. I took b-5 for about 8 months and I saw results after 4 months. Even though my hair was still thin the b-5 gave it the appearance of looking much fuller. My hair is which is natural has grown to collarbone in the front and midback. Because it's on the thin side I'm afraid once I get rid of my braid extensions and relax that my new length may not suit my thin look. All my life my hair has reached ear length so the thinness was not so apparent. I think naturally in most people the ends are thinner than the roots it's just more apparent with those whose hair is on the thinner side
Nyambura said:
sbaker said:
My hair never grows evenly. The back of my hair is always longer than the front. It just grows that way. This girl at my job told me I need to cut my ends because they are thin. When I put my hair in a pony tail the longest part is never full like the top of the pony tail. I wonder how I can get my hair to grow evenly. I have had my hair cut evenly but the back of my hair always outgrows the front. I see some people on the train and they have such nice thick hair. I don't have a lot of hair density. My hair is not super thin but it is not real thick. Does anyone else have this problem with see through ends.

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Do you think maybe the back seems longer because your hair *is* growing evenly? My theory is that our heads are sphere-shaped so unless the hair on top or in front grows considerably faster than the back (i.e., unevenly), the hair in back will usually be the first to reach shoulder/shoulder blade/brastrap length. Until the rest of the hair on other parts of your head start to catch up, the fastest growing part will look thinner...but when the other parts catch up, the added layers will make the back part look thicker.

...I dunno...maybe I'm just babbling.

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This makes a lot of sense because if I measure each area of my head from the roots to the end my hair grows the same length all over. If I parted it down the middle and combed down the sides and back it would be layered and no longer "one length". If my hair happened to be all one length this would mean certain areas were longer than the rest like the top. I'm hoping eventually(God-willing)that once my hair reaches beyond midback I can keep trimming to midback to let the top catch up with the rest in hopes of making my hair look thicker.
I have a "tail" too. It grows faster than the rest of my hair for some reason. It's at the back of my head and that's ok with me. I would like to know why this happens too.