Thin ends...


New Member
How do you get rid of them with out loosing too much lenght? I have about 2 and half inches of thinned ends, but Im too scared too cut my progress off. If i dont cut the ends will my hair only grow thin? WOuld it be okay to grow my hair to my goal, then cut the 2 and half inch thin ends, or will my hair from that point on be thin untill i cut it?
As long as the ends are thin due to shedding/natural growth, and not caused by splits - there is no problem with leaving the thin edges on. Your thin ends are most likely caused by breakage and older hairs having shed - as long as you take good care of your hair as it grows, the 'thicker' hair will continue to grow down, and the thinner ends will just be pushed yeah, you can go two inches past APL, then cut, and have a perfect thick APL - and keep growing from there....

Also - congrats on the pregnancy - and you might want to start mentally prepping yourself for the post-partum shed!

Good luck!
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nappywomyn said:
As long as the ends are thin due to shedding/natural growth, and not caused by splits - there is no problem with leaving the thin edges on. Your thin ends are most likely caused by breakage and older hairs having shed - as long as you take good care of your hair as it grows, the 'thicker' hair will continue to grow down, and the thinner ends will just be pushed yeah, you can go two inches past APL, then cut, and have a perfect thick APL - and keep growing from there....

Also - congrats on the pregnancy - and you might want to start mentally prepping yourself for the post-partum shed!

Good luck!

Great answer, NW! I think you've summed it up! :)