Hey, i've began to notice my ends are feelings very fragile and thin after taking down my sew-in once a month and air-drying... My reggie was
Wash-w/keracare 1x
clarify w/pantene
protein-aphogee 2min
condition- ntm mask
dc w/-keracare humecto mixed w/jojoba oil overnight

I was wondering if the brittleness/thinning was due to lack of enough protein.. Is aphogee 2min enough protein to use once a month after takin down a sew in..or should i add an ors replen. pack? making it
ors replen pack
keracare humecto
How are you doing your sew-in? I just started trying sew-in's. What kind of pattern are you putting your braids in?
I am going next week for a professional sew-in to get more idea's on how I can improve on the issues I had while doing it myself.
Also, did you seal the ends before braiding?
Can you post any pics? Sorry for so many questions...
my braids are vertical..medium sized..i havent relaxed since January.So i have about 8 months of new growth..when wet,the ends look really thing,then after blow-drying they thicken up jus a little,but are still fragile and raggedy.
After i wash, I put cantu shea butter on my wet hair,and let it air dry.Before braiding i put profectiv growstrong,hollywoods olive creme and ors olive oil in a jar.
Do you think maybe your ends need trimming? How long have you been doing sew in's? Maybe try some castor oil on the ends? I am new to sew in's so I am no expert, but I was checking out some other Fotki's and I noticed a lot of women keeping their ends trimmed a lot.
I usually cornrow my hair with braiding weave (Kanekalon Jumbo braid) u can find it at the BSS really cheap. I do this before sewing on my usual human hair. Well I use that to protect my real hair while in the sew in. I also make sure my ends are tucked. I see you use aphogee products while I'm in the sew in I fill a spray bottle with half aphogee leave in and half water and I spray that in between my cornrowns and making sure I saturate my tucked ends.
I know some people get good growth with sew ins but I know a lot of people said that their ends got very thin with them. Some people said that the thread can break the strands.
I french braid my hair in a spiral pattern from the egdes into the crown, then braid the rest secure it by sewing the ponytail braid down. then I sew in the weave. I have oil or scurl in an applicator bottles and I use that to moisturize the braids underneath, then at night I baggie. When I take it down I always deep condition clarify, and s&d the ends. I do aphgee protein treatments too, but I balance that out with the moisture. hth
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yes i do have alot of new growth..Im guessing I wont know the true length until I relax.. And should i expect for my hair to feel thin coming out of the braids?
Remember you are looking at two different textures and if your ends are relaxed then it's going to look thinner. Also, it could be the braider is ripping through your hair and causing some breakage. I also have the lady who does my hair use a nylon thread instead of the cotton thread, it slides across your hair instead of causing friction. It's also A LOT easier to remove. I'm also going to try a net the next time I get it done and hopefully that will help with relieving some of the tension on your hair.
One more tip, make sure the braiding hair is kankelon so that it won't rip your strands.
thanx guys.. but whenever Im taking my hair down, nothing really sheds,I dont see any small pieces every where from where the thread could have ripped my hair strands.... Although whenever I comb through it w/ a wide-tooth, about a medium sized portion of hair comes out...Where can i buy nylon thread at?
my braids are vertical..medium sized..i havent relaxed since January.So i have about 8 months of new growth..when wet,the ends look really thin,then after blow-drying they thicken up jus a little,but are still fragile and raggedy.
After i wash, I put cantu shea butter on my wet hair,and let it air dry.Before braiding i put profectiv growstrong,hollywoods olive creme and ors olive oil in a jar.

I think it's the fact that you have so much new growth that's making your ends look thin- even straightened, your natural roots are much thicker than relaxed hair. Are you experiencing any breakage? If not, you should probably wait until you next relaxer to assess your ends. If they still look thin, it may be time for a trim :yep:
No,i just took my sew in down two days ago, I had maybe 5 pieces of hair on my shirt!! i've been using a mn mix,and spraying my scalp/hair with african royal braid spray. After i took all the weave out,I put conditioner and evoo on my hair to ease the detangling. I have no idea why my ends are looking scraggedly. My braider tucks them in between the parts.. Do you guys think it has something to do with not receiving enough protein?? Ive began to thnk the aphogee 2min isnt enough jus for 1x a month...
I forgot that the ng can make your ends look thinner than they are. Dont worry about it until you straighten or get a relaxer. DO NOT RELAX RIGHT AWAY. WAIT AT LEAST A WEEK. I made the mistake of relaxing right after wearing braids and I got lots of breakage.
thanx guys.. but whenever Im taking my hair down, nothing really sheds,I dont see any small pieces every where from where the thread could have ripped my hair strands.... Although whenever I comb through it w/ a wide-tooth, about a medium sized portion of hair comes out...Where can i buy nylon thread at?

I'm sorry but you definitely should see shed hair when you take a weave down. How can your hair be braided up all that time and you not have any shed hair? Hair shedding is perfectly normal. It's part of the normal growth phase. 5 hairs is nothing to worry about. Experts say we're supposed to shed 60-100 hairs per day at a normal rate. If you are seeing excessive shedding then you have a problem.
Are you transitioning? natural hair vs relaxed hair, I think you just have 2 textures going on, and don't be afraid of shed hair, it's good to get it out esp. before you re-braid. I agree with locabouthair, don't relax right away, get a good protein treatment and a good deep moisturizing conditioning treatment 1st max 30 mins each treatment.


this is my new growth (almost a inch) in one month of using my mn mix.

this is a pic of my sew-in

this is a pic of my hair before it broke off

this is a pic a year later
Oooo Autum , please be careful with the keracare hemecto. That is a super super good moisturizer. My aunt(hairdresser) says that it only need to used twice a month. Did I listen to her...NOPE. I end up with hair toooo soft and it broke like crazy.... and then I had to go in get a deep protein condition. HTH
It was some type of professional something she used at the salon but that Aphogee(the one the dries really hard, use once every six weeks) and the other Aphogee 2 min reconstructor(use with washes until you feel your getting stronger) work will work just as good. HTH
I think you've got great advice already.

I also have sew-ins installed sometimes as protective styles. I have had both good growth and in some cases, some set-backs.

My learnings from these experiences are:
- Less is more with the regimen. I wash maybe once everyr two or three weeks. And use a diluted moisturizing shampoo and rinse out with a diluted con eg sauve
- Spray my tracks every other day with a leave in.(light protein and moisture mix)
- Lightly oil scalp if needed. I have a dry scalp

That is all. Sometimes I even do less. And my hair grew better and retained length better when I did less.
I think this is because even when sewn up, your hair has some pressure from the weight of the cornrows and weave hair and thread, so over mushy hair can easilt lead to breakage.
You cannot rinse out so throughly when sewn up so its better to use diluted products less often. Heavy protein if not rinsed out well or any other product if not rinsed out well will cause build up.
IMHO Hair generally does better when left to do its thing.

yea..thats wat i was asking..If aphogee 2min was a good enough protein treatment for my hair or if it was too light??
aphogee protein treatment is a 2 step 1st (follow the directions exactly it says) you do the stinky protein treatment and dry it into your hair for 15-30 mins, until your hair is hard then rinse it out, then apply the balancing moisturizer, and they also have the 2 minute keratin reconstructor, but that's not as intense andt he 2 step, and you can just use the keratin 2 min after you do the 1 step. it's a really good product, I use it whenever my hair needs some protein, just ignore the smell. aphogee 2 step protein direction says the soonest you can do back to back treatment is 6 weeks. when my hair was severely damaged I did it every 2 weeks for a month, then I backed off.
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